Rise of the Hellions-Open RP




Anomalos dropped to the ground, off the building he had been standing upon. The Hellions had started, for whatever reason, a full-scale rebellion, and no one knew the cause. Hero Corps was in a fit, and had dispatched every hero who could be spared. Anomalos was one such hero, to his dismay, he had planned on taking a vacation this week. "Oh well," he muttered to himself, "at least I wasn't RECALLED from vacation like that one guy." It didn't take him long to spot a Hellion group, as hunndred were roaming Steel Canyon alone.Black Spade-tipped tail twictching behind him, the hooded, masked hero sprang into action and launched himself at a group of 6 of the vacation-stealers. He dropped the first two with a sereies of dark-powered punches, then dropped three m ore in short sucsession. The sixth ran, though not far as Anomalos just gave one great bound and caught up with him. Satisfied with his work, Anomalos rushed off, looking for more.

((The way I'm planning it, this shoud culminate with an AV of my design, so help me out! ))



Sitting atop a building Al Papavich soothed his body and mind in meditation, as it was iturpted with a phone call. "Im here." He awnserd. The call was about a all out attack by the Hellions. "Shame, i could have used the rest, oh well." With that he leapt from the building to lower apartment structures.

Scanning the near by area he noticed a masked hero tossing the satanic thugs left and right. As atleast ten more hellions were coming. "Thats my mark. FOR HONOR AND GLORY!!" Al leaped twords the hero and drew his katana. He hit the ground just ahead of Anomalos.

Many hellions then pulled out weapons homemade and bought. Al's sword out in front of him. three thugs charged. He focused his hightened sences. Ducking and dodgeing attacks. With a swift strike he cut one down from above the thugs ribs to the side of the mans kidney. With the flow he cleaned his blade as it whipped through the air and hit the next hellion victims eyes. The thug dropped his weapon, and covered his eyes in pain. Al Papavich jabbed with the katana. The katana plunged the hellions stomach Al twisted the blade then swung around as the sword left the wound. The last hellion of the three that chrged watched in terror, then braced himself for death or glory. "Ah, better." Al said. The hellion had a sword himself not a katana, but good enough to fight with. They met sword for sword. Swinging and parrying each others attacks. Al jumped forward landing on his hands fliping forward he threw his legs to kick the thug he hit the arm brandishing the sword, it jolted up and he was launched backward. Al Papavich landed back on his feet. Then ran to the hellion and jammed his sword into the stunned man. The remaining hellions all prepared for the fight as more ran by and heroes were fighting every where around the city.

Al Papavich cleaned the blade of the katana on his black robe, and cracked his neck. "Hey." he said to the hero behind him "The names Al, Al Papavich you ready to fight?" as he positioned his sword to the ready...



Anomalos turned to face the katana-wielding hero, "Hell yeah, I'm ready, um, no pun intentended," he said as he dropped four more of the thugs rapidly. "The names Anomalos, good to meet you. Hey, can you help me out? I'm recieving a distress call from Blyde Square." Al agreed to aid the masked hero, and they rushed off. When they arrived, they recieved quite a shock, there were hunndreds of the Hellions, all, for whatever reason, trying to batter down the statue in the middle of the Square. Naturally, this attracted some attention, and there were about 50 hereos arriving right then, but Anomalos wondered if that would be enough, these Hellions looked deadlier, thier weapons were finely made and most of them had shotguns. Then. Anomalos noticed something even more strange, standing atop the highest point of the statue, the hand raised in an eternal salute, was a Raserai Ubermenschen Oberst, giving the Hellions orders with a commanding authority. Why the hell is there a 5th presence here?, Anomalos asked himself. Deciding it didn't matter, he turned to Al, "you orgainize the heroes here into a passable force, I'm taking out thier leader." Al Papavich nodded in consent, and Anomalos bounded up to meet the Oberst. The Oberst, whose name was Heinrich, pulled the Uzi from his back and launched several rounds at the approaching hero. Anomalos was able to dodge almost all of the shots, and the ones that did hit healed almost instantly. Angered, Heinrich launched himslef at the masked hero, Anomalos dodging and hitting on the back. Heinrich staggered, then gave Anomalos a hard kick, under normal circumstances this wouldn't have mattered, but the Ubermenschens were STRONG. Anomalos was knocked back a good 50 feet, enough to remove him from the statue, ans then he was falling......falling.....and then, all was darkness.



((Wierd, didn't list that last post))



Al Papavich hoped that the heroes would listen to someone to organize an attack. "Alright, we need to split up into groups of atleast 8 then lowly and forcefully take out as many hellions as possible. So they broke apart and the war began. Every where thugs dropped only few heroes faltered in hte fight. Al would go alone, he is better alone. For he knew night was beginning to fall, and he is one with nature and the night...



Lord Kinjo saw the hero fall from the top of the statue. He wasn't fast enough to save him. The hero hit the ground hard and Kinjo thought to himself that there was no way he survived. Kinjo leapt from the ground and landed on top of the statue. Heinrich turned, and fired his uzi. Kinjo easily dodged the oncoming bullets and fired a bolt of energy from his hand. The blast hit Heinrich in the chest and he stumbled back. Kinjo was shocked it didn't go right through him, but pushed that thought aside. He lunged forward, grabbing the back of Heinrichs head and slammed it down hard on his knee. Heinrichs mask cracked and he fell to one knee. Then, with amazing speed, he jumped up and kicked Kinjo square in the chest. Kinjo flew back catching the edge of the statue. He pulled himself up and launched a blast of energy but missed. Heinrich laughed, and then leapt forward, tackling Kinjo. They both flew over the edge and, like the hero he saw, Kinjo was now too falling toward the ground...



Anomalos, with his amazing healing factor, recovered from his fall in the space of about ten minutes, upon his awake, the battle still raged. He stretched to work the kinks out of his neck, then ordered a nearby group of 10 heroes, most ranged fighters, to attck Heinrich when he himself did so. They nodded, and Anomalos sprang. His first few punches were futile, as Heinrich dodged them, but then the other heroes attacked, and Heinrich dropped like a $100 bill in Vegas ((What can I say? Anomalos likes his cliches)). At the fall of the Nazi, the Hellions were distracted for a few seconds, which was all that was required for the Heros to unit in one giant group and destroy the remaining thugs. "Well, at least all this is over with." One hero said, a novice, judging by his curiosity of the Ubermenschen. "No," Anomalos rejoined, "Heinirch is probably only the tip of the iceberg, whjy would a lone 5th Column recruit be leading Hellions? No, this is a lot bigger than just this event."



Lord Kinjo was amazed he survived the fall. He had landed on top of Heinrich, who didn't look like he was getting up anytime soon. Tons of heroes had swarmed the area, and the Hellions were quickly wiped out. Kinjo walked over to Anamalos and Al Papavich. "The names Kinjo." He looked to Anamalos, "That was a nasty fall, you alright?"



Vergence paused for a moment, sweeping the general vicinity for any remaining Hellions. His Portal Corp designed robotic eyes scanned the dead and unconscious gang members, searching for any signs of movement. Suddenly, he sensed a vibration in the ground. Something was coming. Something big...

He prepared for action, going into one of his 50 programmed Martial Arts stances, Jujitsu this time, facing the source of the vibration. Suddenly, charging full-force up the street toward the position of the still recooperating and wounded heroes, came...



Just as Anomalos was turning to Kinjo to acknowlodge that he was indeed fine, he saw the same thing Vengence had, it was his fellow hero Mr. Eccentric, piloting, for no apparent reason, an enormous cherrypicker. "Hey man, I was coming to help out." Aonomalos shook his head in amazement, "Well, you're a little late, but, out of pure curiosity, what's with the cherrypicker? You can fly!" Mr. John Eccentric replied, "Well, there was this guy down at Hero Corps who didn't want it and it was free and these things don't come cheap and you never knoe when you might need a cherry picker!" Anomalos sighed, "Whatever, we all neeed to go to City Hall to report the happenings here." "Want a ride," John asked, motioning to the basket of the cherrypicker, which was large enough to carry 200 people without them being cramped. "Um, sure," Anomalos said as they all loaded into the device, "some of us are in no condition to travel."



Tick-Tok had watched from the roof at the group in the
cherry-picker. He moved like a shadow in his black cloak. He dived into a freefall and hit the ground standing, shockwaves and ground cracking results had halted the cherry-picker. He lifted his head his eyes glowing a dangerous light-green. He lifted one hand and sent a powerful shock towards the
cherry-picker. That blew out the engine of the vehicle and caused the heroes a distraction.
"You should not be part of this, they are coming soon" Tick-Tok said as he sent one last blast and hitting some of the heroes and knocking them out cold.
((Tick-Tok is a robot, so remember that! hint: clockwork.))



Before the cherry picker arrived Al Papavich had gone to the top of a building near the battlefield. He meditated as the cherry picker was attacked, he wasent sure what to make of the robot. He shut out the world and chanted for those he vanquished.

When he came to which was only a few moments later, heroes were on the ground unconsious. Al drew his sword and made his way to the grond to inspect what had happened. Over atleast 200 heroes were either in hte picker or on the ground surrounding it. He was amazed at the site of the chaos. The streets were empty and lonesome. The moon was high in the sky now. Al heard shouting as he truned more hellions were on there way. They were not alone, other beings followed, that looked inhuman. Al Papavich took to the darkness and waited for an ambush on unsuspecting villians.



Anomalos was among the few who did not fall unconcious at the attack of the robot. Looking around, he saw Al Papavich dart into a corner nearby, then noticed the approaching hoard, "Scatter behind the buildings," he said as loudly as possible without the Hellions and Clockwork over-hearing, "when I give the word, ambush them!" With that he darted over to Al and said, "Ready?"



Tick-Tok watched the heroes hide and decided to save them the trouble. He gathered almost all his energy and it erupted into a blast hitting all the hellions and knocking them out. Before he was done he wove a thread of electricity and sent it over the hellions, making sure that they wouldn't escape.
"As I said once, Leave now!" Tick-Tok shouted into the blackness. He once again left blending into the shadows.
((Tick-Tok isn't a clockwork! he used to be a clockwork, now he works for nobody. He is neither a hero or a villian, he is just a powerful force!))



Lord Kinjo smirked as he saw the power that was Tik-Tok. This robot was quite powerful. His face suddenly went blank as he saw that the threat was not over. The Clockwork that were following the Hellions had swarmed the heroes and open war began. Bolts of electricity flew everywhere and powers went off. Kinjo leapt into action. He jumped into the middle of a large group of Clockwork and unleashed a Nova blast. The Clockwork were instantly destroyed. The ground suddenly began to shake. Kinjo turned to face this new threat. "What the hell is it doing here!?!". He readied himself for...Babbage.



Vergence found himself robotic face to robotic face with the Babbage. If he'd had emotions, he might have felt fear. Thankfully, Vergence knew only what he was programmed, and he was programmed for battle.

Vergence launched himself into the air toward the giant statue in the center of Blyde Square, bounced off the center of the statue's chest, and kicked off hard, propelling himself directly at the massive clockwork beast. His depleted uranium armored leg extended before him, he struck the Babbage full force in the chest, knocking the lumbering robot off its feet.

Vergence landed on his feet, all calculations in his positronic net arriving at the certainty that the massive Babbage should be incapacitated. Seemingly in spite of this assessment, the Babbage began to rise to its feet... and it almost looked angry...



Al Papavich began to climb the building without gaining any extra attention, he turned back to see the hero bellow him, Al took no heed to it and continued on. When he reached the top scattered metal parts were everywhere as the fray continued. He watched as babbage rose to its feet.

Al Papavich walked to the other side of the roof top and got a running start and leapt to babbage, with his sword in hand he drove it into its body tearing the metal open as he slid down the body. "Not sure what good that did cause babbage went on with its rampage, as Al hacked away at wires at its feet.

A small group of clockwork came tword Al as he backed away evading clockwork shocks. He was in a ally way as he decapetated several clocks, then swiftly split one in half. the three that remained flew away. "hmmm they looked fearful... but robots dont have feelings."

Now Al Papavich waited for his time to jump back inot the fight as each sides numbers dwindled.



Gahu suddenly opened his glowing eyes ony to see a pair of eyes, big and red, staring strat his face. "You shall not resist me Gahu, you know you shall fall!" suddenly the darkness faded and he saw a large group of hellions laying on the ground, dead. "What happend?" Gahu asked himself.



Kinjo launched a sniper blast at Babbage, and it hit him in the chest. Babbage stumbled back and turned to Kinjo, running at him with amazing speed. Kinjo jumped from the ground over Babbages oncoming fist. He landed on its shoulder, and fired a powerful blast of energy into its "temple". Babbage fell over and did not move. Kinjo jumped off of him and walked over to the other heroes. They all thought it was destroyed, they were wrong. It rose to its feet and prepared a large ball of electricity that could kill everyone...



The ground began to tremble as the Babbage gathered it’s power for the blast. Waves of heat and light washed over the nearby heroes as the ball of pure electrical power was formed. In a moment that seemed to take forever the mighty robot took aim at the heroes, it’s eyes locked upon it’s prey.

A large slab of rock suddenly flew into view from behind the heroes, striking the Babbage in the head and sending it falling backwards into the ground. At the same moment the blast launched, but instead of striking the heroes it shot into the air, arcing through the sky before erupting in a brilliant explosion that illuminated the entire block.

“The target is still active!”

The robotic voice echoed across the battlefield. In the distance Calash stood there, his robotic arm extended out with a clockwork cog caught in his grasp. His fingers slowly bent the metal as the helpless robot tried to electrocute the Cyborg. In moments the fradgle body stopped moving. Soon after the lifeless metal carcus was sent flying into a nearby group that was approaching, causing them to fall like bowling pins.

“Energy build up detected. It is getting back up.”

Movement from the metal giant confirmed that the Babbage was about to return to it’s feet.



Tick-Tok set down in the middle of the choas.
"Why do you disobey me?" Tick-Tok said.
He walk over to Kinjo and picked him up by his neck.



Al stepped out of the alley to see the events of chaos, Calash in the distance, Tick-Tok grasping Kinjo... Babbage rising to its feet. Al focused his mind and body then sprinted forward.

With a hefty leap Al took to the air, he drew his katana with a swift movement, he approached Babbage's feet. Al hit the ground ready to swing. "For honor and glory..." Al muttered as his katana stung babbage, he began to hack away at his feet, oil and sparks shot from the huge robots foot and leg. Just as it got to its feet it toopled on its side crushing many smaller clock work below it. Al Papavich watched as it landed with a crash. He stood steady and silently, with a swift swing of his sword the blade was whipped clean of the oil.

He raised the blade then sheathed it. "Alright everyone lets finish it!" He shouted and raised his fist to the air.

Babbage tryed to focus on any single target but the constant damage to his circuts from falling continuosly screwedwith his computing. This could be the chance they needed.



Kinjo was being suffocated by Tik-Tok. This robot was quite powerful, but Kinjo suspected it had made made its first mistake, underestimating him. Electricity slowly poured out of Tik-Toks hand wrapping Kinjo and burning him. Kinjo looked as if he was going to pass out but stared right into the robots eyes. Kinjos eyes burst with red energy and he quickly broke free of Tik-Toks grasp. He sidekicked Tik-Tok in the chest and the robot flipped back a few feet. "Don't ever touch me again!" Kinjo surrounded his body in red energy and looked as if he was going to strike Tik-Tok, but turned and launched himself at Babbage. He landed on Babbages chest and used a Bonesmasher on its power core. Babbage smacked Kinjo away and he landed a few feet back. Then the heroes swarmed it. It was the final attempt to bring it down...



Tick-Tok stood up, he got caught off guard.
It wouldn't happen again.
"Try this!" Tick-Tok said as he threw a bolt of lightning at Babbage. The mechanical being blew up and was now junk on the ground.
"Now it's all of your turns" Tick-Tok laughed as he jumped onto Babbage's reckage and started storing a electrical blast.



Calash turns and with a mighty leap he leaves the battle.

(ooc: Sorry, but having what should be an epic battle ended with one over powered attack really is not fun for me. Good Luck)