Rise of the Hellions-Open RP




((ooc: agreed, anyways, master mind, not to pick on you but you've made your character too powerful. it is a roleplaying forum so you can exaggerate things, but not that far...))



((yea that wasnt cool man lol))



((your right, I'll lower my power levels a bit, lol!))



((LOL! thx man ))



Suddenly from outer space beam hit Tick-Tok and made him considerably weaker to about the lv12 point.
"Well darnit!" Tick-Tok said.
He looked at the crowd and cried.
"Please don't hurt me!" He screamed as he curled up into a ball.






((nice save my friend lol))

Al looked around at the small war that was wadged on this small block of Paragon City. So many young heroes have been injured in this battle he thought. Small fights raged on and faint sounds of crunching and rounds of gun fire went off.

"I think this has been resolved. For the time being." Al Papavich stood among the crowd of heroes all talking to each other of there acomplishments on this fight.



Kinjo observed the aftermath of this battle. A few repairs were needed here and there, but nothing major was destroyed. He walked over to Al. "That was some fight, eh?" Then he suddenly realized something, this had all started with the Hellions. Everything, Heinrich, a 5th member, and clockwork. Hell, even the Babbage was here. So many different enemies, all surrounding the mystery of the Hellions. He quickly explained what he had just realized to Al, to see what he thought about it...



"You know that is really strange. Why would they all join together? There had to be a greater and higher goal." Al paced back and forth as he thought. "Well all I know is that this conflict may finnaly be over."



Tick-Tok walked over.
"Well, I'm very weak now!" Tick-Tok said.
He shook a fist at the sky.
"I'll get you soon!" Tick-Tok shouted to noone in particular.