Chat problems, anyone else?




OK, heres my problem. I hope i explain it right. Chat worked fine before the new issue. I found this error in the test server but thought it was getting fixed, maybe im doing something wrong here.

When i chat with someoen, instead of the chat window filling up with the chat, the geame is automatically pushing up all the types stuff such that you cant see it. The only way to see it is to scroll the bar up.

Now i expanded the chat bar all the wya up and it works, but i dont want a whole chat windows on my one side of my screen
Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong of if this is a bug? Thanks.



There is a bug where chat will move away from the bottom of the window when you use window scaling. This will be fixed in an incremntal patch fairly soon.

"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker



I have same problem...Somone plz help



heh pohsyb and i posted at samtime. Thx for info



thank you pohsyb!! That what I thought. Could never figure out why the chat would jump from the bottom to the top.

When can we expect this patch?

BTW!! I cant believe I got an answer from a Dev, so quick too. Thanks. I knew you guys were the best.



Well, I'm glad it's being fixed... eventually. I bugged this waay back when Test first got Update 2. I'm sorta surprised it was still in for the Live game.

Oh, well, I'll just have to Clear History periodically to reset it for now.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



I cant believe I got an answer from a Dev, so quick too.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am sure the Devs received a new edict along with a fire-extinguisher today: "Get out there and put out those flames!"



I'm more worried about the bottom half of the bottom line of my chat being cut off.



There is a bug where chat will move away from the bottom of the window when you use window scaling. This will be fixed in an incremntal patch fairly soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

i love you :d



make your chat window as long as possible, this should allow you to read the last 2 lines of chat. me thinks. it works for me, at least.



A temporary workaround is to clear the history for that window. The gap at the bottom expands as the history grows larger.

Another bug I've seen with the chat is that if you type a long enough line to approach the end of the chat bar (or edge of the bug window) all the text will jump to the right putting some of the text and your cursor out of sight. Typing one more character will cause all the text to jump back to the left where it should be. When entering a bug report this makes the whole paragraph jump back and forth everytime you near the end of a line.



There is a bug where chat will move away from the bottom of the window when you use window scaling. This will be fixed in an incremntal patch fairly soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

Too bad, this was a known problem during testing and it still went live. Poor work, IMO.



There is a bug where chat will move away from the bottom of the window when you use window scaling. This will be fixed in an incremntal patch fairly soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

Think it's more than that. I re-sized my chat window to something like 80% and the dialogue completely disappeared, didn't just go to the top. When I took it back to 100% it reappeared.



::Charges to 400::



I know I will see you again on another game somewhere - one game can't hold all us crazies forever.

Some people just need to be on the cross at all times for the attention, I guess.