Statesman: Paragon City Penal Code question.




One of my characters I'm creating lots of bind/emots etc. For my "battlecry" I'm basically doing a "Attention $target, under section .... of the Paragon City Penal code I'm placing you under arrest..."

So my question is what's the "correct" section. I know it doesn't really matter but I'm having fun running around telling the villains that I'm going to arrest them and just ant to get it right Not that I think you have a real penal code written up (do you? ) but just want to ask.

If any other hero knows feel free to answer..



They probably don't have one written up yet, but I am sure if you write up something and post it here, some people will use it soimply because it is easier than thinking up their own, and also it allows for RP continuity for more people.



Well... most cities use very similar penal codes. Soooo... you could either try and locate a cities penal code and quote the section/subsection. The trick is... what crime?!? For each penal code is for a specific crime. Sooo... loitering(which is what most of the beginning criminals are doing ) while murder would be a totally different code. OR... you could design your own penal code... for a violation of the paranormal act... or something similar.
Anyway... thought that might help.



Well, according to the Paragon Times 'newspaper' (see the stories on the main CoH website frontpage), Paragon City is located in Rhode Island, USA. Therefore, the major penal codes of the city would (for felony crimes) be either State Code or Federal Code.

Fire up your search engine, and look up "Rhode Island State Code Criminal" and you should find PLENTY of material to use.

For example: In Rhode Island, Felony Assault is Section 11-5-2 of the State Code. (title 11, chapter 5, section 2)

Robbery is Section 11-39-1. Commision of assault in conjuction with robbery, places the penalties under section 11-5-1.

For Vahziloks, ALL can be usually arrested under Section 11-20-1 (Disinterment of a body) & 11-20-1.1 (Mutilation of dead human bodies)

Vandalism falls under Chapter 11-44, mostly section 11-44-12, 11-44-12.1, 11-44-13, 11-44-14, 11-44-29, & 11-44-31 (depending on WHAT is being vandalized.)

So, use those internet connections!

CuppaJo: **waves wand - you are mesmerized by the shiney bouncing Positron**

HypnotizerZero, Psyche-Delia, Twilight Samurai, Burning Rubber, Ignitrode & more...on Virtue.

AMD x2 4600+/7950GTKO/2Gb PC6400/Win2kPro



Oh, and for those wanting to look up more, this info was obtained from Rhode Island Title 11 - Criminal Offenses

CuppaJo: **waves wand - you are mesmerized by the shiney bouncing Positron**

HypnotizerZero, Psyche-Delia, Twilight Samurai, Burning Rubber, Ignitrode & more...on Virtue.

AMD x2 4600+/7950GTKO/2Gb PC6400/Win2kPro



Good info there thanks.. I was thinking more of a code that "authorized" the use of "super powers" to arrest offenders. Not really the specific violations. I'd figured there have to be one no? Don't know enough about penal codes to know if this would be true or not.

But again thanks for the help