Role playing, what role playing??!!




I recommend we begin a campaign against these "non-roleplayers," since they are now challenging our territory. Removal of these individuals would help the Clockwork a great deal, since it would mean less heroes running the streets, albeit most of those removed will be of lesser intelligence.

I recommend if someone challenges your character, don't let them understand what you are tring to accomplish, because by an insult or whine they have already blocked themselves from a much more advanced way of seeing things. I recommend ignoring them or treating them like they are obviously ignorant and out of place.

Then once a sufficient amount of heroes are removed, the Clockwork can easily attack and disable the nuclear power plant at Terra Volta, therefore turning off the shield walls around the zones, and the heroes and Rikti will destroy each other in combat, leaving all the scrap for the Clockwork.

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No, the 5th Column will then come and kill off the Clockwork and take whats left of the city for ourselves.



lol i laugh at his ignorance

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Why did you even reply to his post? I'm shure insulting him is going to change his mind or open it to RPing.

"A wise man is aware of his ignorance"

Everyone is ignorant, no matter how educated.

Go ahead and flame away, feed the trolls. I'm doing my part to keep them full too.




Though recently I've decided to run my solos on Victory, and I've found 1 RPer there. "She" is awesome.

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Trying to get an RP community going over at Victory and we could use some experience. See our RP event post on the Victory Forum. Believe me there is more of you than you thought over there, and many more itching to give it a go.


Don't mess with Texas!



lol it dosent matter how long you play to get to the net level when you rp. Thats why you dont understand you just wanna be the best, i would rather enjoy myself and talk as my character, then when it comes time yea we will fight. You just dont listen and you just want to lvl up. We dont, i like lvlin up but as long as i have fun on the way.

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I agree with you whole-heartedly. The best times I have are when I'm in some kind of team mode working with others and carrying on conversations in character. Not even RPing necessarily, just having fun.


Don't mess with Texas!



Whale finded bunches of peepuls to talk wif on dat Virchoo place. Mosterest of dems is da nice cept fer a few meenieheads.

(( On a side note, it is possible to be a Rper AND a Powergamer. They do not have to mutually exclusive ))

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Too bad your on Virtue Killer Whale, because I have an alt called Shark-Bite that would love to meet you...oh well.


Don't mess with Texas!



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but you could roleplay some one who just shoots and moves on, like a hardcore fighter who just wants to kill, and dosent talk much and dosent get real involved with the other tema members. SO YOU HAVE BEEN ROLE PLAYING THIS ENTIRE TIME AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Actually, that is what one of my characters is like. She is a natural AR/Dev blaster based around a Punisher/Vigilante theme. She is motivated by vengeance and obsessed with her crusade. She NEVER dances. If waiting for other teammates, she will meditate or scout. She is terse and mostly says stuff like, "Enough chit-chat, time to kill some street-scum" and "These punks aren't gonna kill themselves y'know. Well, not fast enough to suit me anyway."

I wonder if people know I'm roleplaying?



Hey Texas Longhorne,it's yo boy, Tha Joka. I've seen you a couple of times in Victory and if I knew you were a RPer I woulda put you on my friends list.

If I recall, you are the one thats always saying "MOOO"and other 'Cow' related stuff on Victory? lol