put "<roleplayer>" as the first line of your bio..




since there seems to be a lot of grief about this, I highly recommend that RP-players (esp ones not on virtue) put the word "&lt;roleplayer&gt;" in the beginning of their bio. Since most roleplayers I know obsessively read the bio's of other heroes, it's a nice unobtrusive way to announce your presence to each other.



Yeah, but that wouldn't really work for people who want an in-character profile. I think that if you have a detailed bio with plenty of backstory, then people will usually assume you're a roleplayer before anything else.



I useually put "((Warning: Roleplayer" at the end of my bio. Just, ya know, to warn the 1337 p0\/\/3r g4|\/|3rz



I put it there as the only thing...



Done and done.

All my characters on Virtue have [Roleplayer] as the first line of their bio, followed by my characters description on the next and subsequent lines.

So, until Cryptic puts in either an RP dedicated server, or some type of RP flag that's attached to your characters name title, this I find is the best way to identify yourself from the l334 pow3r gam3r fanboyz out there, who do nothing more than XP grind away, day in, day out.



as a Role Player, I generally have a problem with the bio thing. People generally use the information in the bio to "know" you. Thats bad in my humble opinion. I like to slowly reveal the information about the characters through Role Play, similar to how you slowly learn information on the various enemy groups as you gain missions. So the more you play with my characters the more you learn of them and how they respond to various actions. Then again, thats just me.

Pinnacle Player,
Iona Davidson
The Legendary Death Lily
Minako Yashida




Well CM, I look at this way:

Part of the backstory of Paragon City is that there is a "Hero Registry" where heroes are required to sign up. Since all heroes are registered, and have varying levels of security clearance, it seems reasonable that they will have a file on said hero. So my bio information is essentially what you would find in each characters dossier, which is accessible at City Hall.

Of course I rarely run into roleplayers in game so it's mostly a wasted effort, but there you are.



Well i love this, but the Character Description isnt a Histroyt of your life. I think that the Description should say a short thing about you so that other players know how you are, this can be in roleplay though But dont forget that people read this on the Info thing, there isnt that much room. its a small window.

However, if the devs could make a Character History thing in Atlas park City Hall it would be great, you would go there talk to a City representative(?) and either Update your story or read others by typing in their name. in real life you cant right click on someone and read their life story, however if you were a hero you could go to the police station and read their file.

Btw. i dont allways roleplay, cause its not easy, as none of my characters are typical heroes :P but I do roleplay alot (now i mean overdose ) with 'Shape Changer'