



You would think that a virtual environment would allow a shy person to unclench. Nope. Too much like real life (except for the funny clothes and special effects). Kinda sucks for a game where a lot of the fun is based on social interaction. Especially if you are going to be particular with whom you interact (roleplayers).

Still too soon to give up hope.



Don't give up. I'm shy, too, but have found some cool people to hang out with. What server do you play on?



Mostly Champion after 6 EST

My characters are listed in the White Pages thread.



What are you hoping to accomplish, and what's getting in the way? I'm quite the shrinking violet as well, and I always have to keep in mind that, on CoH, nobody knows me. It's quite unlike real life in that a.) nobody can judge you on your appearance, since everyone looks awesome, and b.) you can dodge the "awkward" bullet because you have all the time you need to type what you're going to say. No stammering, no stuttering, no drooling.

And the best part of all is that everyone has something in common -- the desire to kick butt for goodness. I've met some very nice people by just randomly joining teams and pounding on things for a bit. I've also met some mean people, but such is life.

The only downside, really, is that people are so busy busting heads that there isn't much chatting.



Well, here I have all the time in the world. In the game, because you can't tell the difference between typeing a clever message and contemplating ones navel, I feel rushed. Here I don't have so much of a problem. For one thing, I can keep my yap shut until I have something to contribute to an ongoing conversation. In the game there are still at least two different expectations, roleplaying and everybody else. I hate the idea of walking up to someone, playing my role and being dismissed as a total dork. (It may be true, but still...) Just like real life, it is so much easier if someone else starts the conversation. My roleplayer hangout suggestion is not a coincidence.