Guide to inspirations




Guide to inspirations

The number one most important thing to know about inspirations is:

Always keep a slot open!

If you get filled up with inspirations you can’t get new ones, that’s just a big waste! Obviously you should keep most of your inspirations in reserve for that hard fight, or that evil boss. You have to keep one slot open though, you just get too many from fighting. When all your slots are used up, use an inspiration, even if you really don’t need it. It will help you mow through minions even faster, if your lucky you’ll have several buffs on, be full health and full endurance after killing a dozen minions in record time, and still have all your boss killing inspirations saved up!

Now on to each individual inspiration:

awaken: most over rated inspiration. I just delete these as soon as I get them, why waste a space on them? Its so easy to just run back from the hospital. Its not like you get much chance to use them anyway, especially if you don’t die.

Discipline: Nice when you fight someone that can crowd control. These are pretty rare though. I use these as soon as I get them just to get rid of them. If I really need one, I will just run to a contact and buy one, no sense in saving them.

Respite and catch a breath: both pretty handy, sometimes you just need a little more hp or end to win a fight. I like to keep about half of my tray with these.

Luck: sometimes a little better defense helps. I usually keep one or two of these. I would think tankers should keep more though, these would probably help them out the most on hard fights. If your defense isn’t all that great to begin with though, these probably wont help you a lot

Insight: Its always great to be able to hit. Less misses equals less wasted endurance, more damage done, all around great inspiration to have. I always keep at least one of these on me, usually one or two makes me hit anything.

Enrage: If you’re a damage class, these are your best friend. Its nice to load up on these and burn a boss down to the ground before it can get more than a couple hits in on you. Remember, the faster you can kill the guy, the less time your getting beat on. If you don’t have much damage to begin with, these won’t be as helpful to you.



And the number two thing:
Buffs from Inspirations stack!

So, for those really big fights, use more than one of the same type to get the really big bonuses.

On Awaken: they do come in handy, especially when you are doing missions in Hazard Zones (no hospital in the zone). Remember that Mobs always go back to where they spawned, so if you get nuked there, it typically won't be safe to use an awaken. So always run when you get low. If the worst happens, the mobs won't end up standing over your unconscious body.



Guide to inspirations

The number one most important thing to know about inspirations is:

Always keep a slot open!

If you get filled up with inspirations you can’t get new ones, that’s just a big waste! Obviously you should keep most of your inspirations in reserve for that hard fight, or that evil boss. You have to keep one slot open though, you just get too many from fighting. When all your slots are used up, use an inspiration, even if you really don’t need it. It will help you mow through minions even faster, if your lucky you’ll have several buffs on, be full health and full endurance after killing a dozen minions in record time, and still have all your boss killing inspirations saved up!

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it amazes me how many veteran players run around full of inspirations - makes me insane when they are low on end, health or something and I try to pass em an insp and they are full..arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh hhh.

Me, I am too greedy for a free bonus, so I always pop my least needed insp - in a good mish, I have gone through 10-20 insp and left with as many as I started, and got all the acc/dam/def etc bonuses along the way.



You do realize that you just necro'd a post that hadn't been replied to in 26 months, right?

But yeah, I agree, there are way too many times that I drag my Respites over to teammates that desperately need them only to find out they have a full inventory. Very frustrating for teammates to die when inspirations are right there to be used.

Troller-50(Earth/Rad) Fender-50(Rad/Rad) Scrap-50(Dark/Dark) Tank-40(Stone/Stone) Blaster-25(NRG/NRG) WS-32

Corruptor-40(AR/Rad) Stalker-40(MA/Regen) Brute-32(DM/EA) MM-30(Ninja/DM) Dom-26(Ice/Fire)



Heh, I was wondering why "Disciplines" were listed.

I used to have some of them on my tanker, til we lost all our inspirations in a bug (=>_<=). I got my Presents back, as well as Ambrosia, but lost all my Disciplines.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls