Virtue Players: A Open RP Topic.




"Meet at the train in 5 minutes," Lyle growled, sarcastically as another burst of gun fire burst through the hole, "nothing simpler." Waiting until the gun fire subsided, he glanced quickly into the hole, tossing a web grenade at the first robot that came into view. The sticky substance exploded over the machines sensors.

Lyle jumped down behind the blinded robot, it's body providing protection from the other's weapon. Lyle armed a grenade, shoving it between some metal plates on the machine's back. Then, ramming the barrel of his rifle up against the robot's back, fired a heavy slug round.

The robot stumbled forward from the force of the shot, knocking into it's partner. The grenade exploded, taking out most of the lower extremities of the first robot, and damaging the other. Rising quickly from the floor, Lyle fired one of his remaining grenades, finishing off the damaged machine.

Pausing for a moment to catch his breath, Lyle climbed through the wreckage and headed toward the train.
"I am getting way too old for this job."



OOC: Hey all, wondering if it was too late for me to jump in? I'm sorry if this post is disruptive, I can edit it out later.



The girl watched as Flame tried to reach the others on her comm.
'Boring', she thought. "This way," she said aloud, clammering up to the floor above. She remembered where the others had been when last she had seen them through the ceiling. Maybe if she took Flame there they could get on to something else.

As she continued down the hall she suddenly began to smell something that was uncannily like wet dog.

(OOC - Go for it Immortal. It's been happening through the entire thread.)



Sly grinned when he finally saw Deth. He was a little perturbed that Nathan had beat him to the quick rescue, but considering that this man had targetting systems... and Fox had ... well... wits and magic... he let it slide.

He quickly called up some minions to keep the advancing troops occupied.

However, as soon as Sly saw how badly Deth was hurt he immediately swept her up into his arms, constantly healing her with a steady stream of Oxygen.

"Yes, Nate, we can go, as soon as we find-"

"Hey folks, how are we doing?"

"-the rest of the group..." Sly finished when he heard Flame check in. He concentrated on her signature, and this time beat Nathan to the port, as she appeared in front of them.

"Flame, we are getting out of here." Sly said as he shifted Deth in his arms. He looked down at her briefly and saw she had fallen unconcious.

"What's this, MiLady, do I have to carry you everywhere?"

He kissed her forehead... then looked up at everyone apparantly staring at him...

Nathan seemed... a bit shocked that they were all standing around as the 5th goon squad battled the apparaitions not that far away.

Lobe was just grinning like a Chesire cat... whether it was just because he finally saw Deth again or what, Sly had no idea...

Flame seemed to want to tell him something... but he thought she was a bit embarassed for him and his "display" herself...

Haunt seemed to be looking away whistling... and if not for the fact he knew Eidolon couldn't whistle, he'd think Haunt's dark companion was doing the same.


Then Sly got himself a bit composed, and cocked his head against his shoulder to activate his com.

"Anyone else out there need a port to our location? We are LEAVING."



Lyle clicked the communicator off. Looked like he wouldn't be leaving just yet. Inching around the corner, he looked over at the train. there were a few guards posted, but not that many. He didn't see Ivory yet. Lyle rolled two web grenades towards the guards. The devices exploded, coating two of them in the sticky substance.

The Column soldiers strained against the web, trying to lift their guns, as Lyle moved from behind the corner, taking out their three teammates with two quick bursts of automatic fire. He finished off the last two with a couple slugs and then looked around again for Ivory.



The girl suddenly heard a burst of energy behind her, turning around to find Flame gone. If this bothered her she didn't show it. After all, what did it matter to her. The smell, meanwhile was getting stronger by the second. Then, from around the corner behind her, burst a large wolf like creature, seemingly very upset about something.

Catching her still facing the other way, the thing leaped forward, sinking it's teeth over her collar bone and left shoulder. Lifting her into the air in it's mouth, the creature shook her back and forth like a rag doll, finally flinging her into the wall which broke around her, sounds of her bones mixing with the cracking of the wood.

The creature watched its prey laying on the floor, tensing slightly when it began to move again. The girl pulled herself from the ground, her left arm twisted around and her neck at an odd angle. She stood for a second, her head lulling on her snapped neck as she stared at the wolf-thing.

Then, with the sound of grating stones, she pulled her head up, her neck snapping back into place. Her still skeletal right arm grabbed her left, twisting back to it's original position. Now THIS would be fun, she thought.

Jumping at the creature, she grabbed onto it, pulling herself up by its hair. The wolf monster swiped and clawed at her, trying to get it's jaws on her again. The girl jumped on its back, pulling up her mask once more, and biting down onto the monsters neck. The creature snarled in pain, finally managing to get her ankle in it's mouth. It pulled her off, swinging her around. However, using the momentum of the swing, the girl reached around, grabbing onto the monster's head, pulling off a piece of broken wood from the wall behind them and shoving it into the creature's eye.

Roaring in pain and anger, the thing tossed her away, flailing around blindly. Grabbing a chain that lay on the floor, the girl dashed up behind the monster, throwing the chain around it's neck and slamming into it's back, sending it falling over the edge of the hole she had come through.

As it fell she grabbed the chains other end, leaping up and hooking it through the broken boards of the ceiling. The wolf fell forward, stopping when the chain drew taut. It's back feet still fought to keep balance on the floor, as the rest of it dangled over the hole.

Backing up a little, the girl ran forward, jumping and coming down with all her weight onto the thing's back, pushing it's torso forward, causing the chain to jerk back on it's head, snapping the things neck. It's feet still held it leaning over the hole, but it's arms now dangled limply below it.

The girl crouched on its back for a minute, batting lazily at it's snout, watching it's head jiggle sickeningly against the chain. Finally she jumped back to the floor and continued to walk down the hall, looking for something new to do.



((ooc I thought I should add that I don't speak or understand a lick of german... so if I offend someone with whatever butchering I may have just performed... uh... I have sent you a check in the mail to cove your grievence.))

From the open sliding doors of the train stepped yet another massive robot of cut steal and black armor, chain guns adorned the arms and a red fire glowed behind its lifeless eyes. Turning to Lyle it ran full speed at the man stopping abruptly before Lyle could fire off any ammunition into the golem.

"Izzzzzzzzt really kwiiiiiiyt easy when you get the haaaaa-aaaaang of it." The voice was harsh and electric, faltering on certain sounds. As it turned and rushed once again at full speed twords a column support of the building Lyle could see a rather unsightly knot of exposed wires protruding from the robot's neck and falling over its back, sparks flew dangerously from the mess.

In beffudlement, Lyle watched as the machine pointed its chaingun, at nearly point blank range, to the support column and began to unload its ammo. Concrete and metal flew like ash from the pillar and soon the space was a gaping hole. Lyle noticed a similarly violated Robot at the other end of the makeshift station likewise grinding away at a support column.

"I hope the others are on their way out." Ivory yelled from the train. He was absent of a headset having chosen to not join the group as they first entered the building. "I also hope this train starts cooperating before the building falls in on itself."

As Lyle ran to Ivory he could hear his punching of buttons and broken german being spoken slowly to the train's computer. A massive jumble of wires and a few exposed silicon boards lay on the ground spilling from a panel at the wall. Ivory's rifle was hanging from a coathook: the trigger gaurd serving to keep it on the small hook. Ivory pounded on a console and yelled.

"Vorwärts... gehen um... choo choo?" Ivory turned and shrugged to Lyle as the computer spoke its reply in the calm and somewhat attractive voice of a young female.

"Danke für das reiten der riesigen schaumgummiringschildkröte. Betätigen sie bitte die große rote taste, um das zerbröckelnde gebäude herauszunehmen und zur nächste 5. Spalte geheimen unterseite von betrieben genommen zu werden. Ich sind eine katze, nicht sie streicht mich bitte elfenbein?"

Ivory scratched his head as the building moaned at the loss of its foundation's supports. "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time."



Lyle looked at the array of buttons and levers on the console.
"Well," he said, "one thing I DO know about machines. The large red button usually does something." He reached out and pressed a large red button on the left of the controls.

"Der Notausgang, aktiviert," the voice stated. The train suddenly lurched forward, accelerating as fast as it could. Alarms sounded along the lenth of the cars and the lights switched to red-stained bulbs.

"At least we're moving," Lyle shrugged as the building shook and broke around them.

(OOC - I tried an on-line German dictionary, and that phrase is supposed to mean, "Emergency exit, activated". Who knows if I got it right.)



As Sly held the wounded Deth in his arms, the group about him stared at his somewhat poorly timed display of affection, and 5th Column soldiers converged on them from all parts of the building, the building itself began to shudder and moan. A sudden shift of the hallway they were standing in sent dust billowing and broken pictures (that had somehow remained on the wall), to the floor. Most of the group had to fight to keep their balance.

A group of 5th Column appeared through the dusty haze, looking around wildly as the shift in the building caught them by surprise as well. The two groups stared at eachother for a year-long second, then the floor shifted again. This time cracks appeared all along the ceiling and a deafening tearing of rebar and concrete flooded the air.

Someone mentioned that maybe it was good idea to leave now, which Lobe thought was a very good idea. He didn't like the way The Lady Deth looked and, even though he knew he could handle the 5th Columnists ahead, he didn't want to endanger the nice Lady any more than was necessary. Besides, his friend, Sly Fox didn't look too good either.

Lobe had learned few rules of life - he just didn't have the personality to remember them. One that had stuck, however, was that if there wasn't a door available, make one. So, turning 90 degrees to his left, he shouted, "Follow me! Yup," and proceeded to walk through the walls, one after the other, until he had breached the outer one and dropped to the ground, 1 floor below. Looking back up at the hole he had created, he offered, "Jump. Lobe will catch you, yes I will, yup."



The girl walked aimlessly through the deserted hallways of the building. Suddenly the whole structure began to shake and buckle. Dust and debris fell from the ceiling and walls and floors began to fall in. The girl looked around curiously. Looked like the building was going to collapse.

Good, she thought. 'Now I don't have to bother finding my way out'. Sitting down calmly, she watched as the walls, floors, and ceilings collapsed around her.

The building toppled in on itself, brittle support beams finally giving away to gravity. A cloud of dust billowed out yards from the wreckage. The rumbling lasted for almost 15 minutes until finally subsiding, the dust slowly settling around the mounds of wreckage.

The girl clawed her way through the debris, finally pushing her way into the open air, ignoring the gashes and cuts that littered her body. Looking around at the wood, metal, and occasional 5th Column body laying amidst the destruction, a slight grin crossed her face.
That had been pretty fun. Hopefully this was a sign of things to come.



As Lobe crashed through the outer wall, Nathan started motioning for the group to run through the hero shaped holes leading out of the building.

"Go! Ill take the rear guard" He said, standing between the group and the advancing fifth column. "This wont last very long, but it will hold them back for a minute or two... Ill be right behind you."

Nathan absently wondered if his new sheilding power would work to hold back the advancing regiments but decided it was too late to think it over and just activated his repulsion field, gritting his teeth against the strain of so many bodies pushing to get through it.

"I really cant hold this for long!" He yelled, the strain obvious in his voice. "Get out!"



"Listen, lady, I did everything I could, but--"
"Don't you 'listen, lady' me! The damage done is not repairable!"
Danny Fyre sighs, and scratches the back of his head. He brushes a piece of spiked brown and red hair out of his eyes, and attempts to speak up.
"But, really, it wasn't all that--"
"Don't you talk back to me!"
The stubborn woman, no younger than 60, hits Danny in the shins with her cane once again. He winces, but tries to hide it beneath his black rubber mask.
"I'm very sorry about your purse, ma'am, but I DID catch the crook."
Danny holds up the unconsious form of a Hellion in one gloved hand. The gang member hangs limply from his grip like a rag doll. The woman spits on the ground, and ignores Fyre's statement.
"Look at my purse! Look at it!"
She thrusts the old bag into his face once more, and he instinctively flinches and takes a few steps back. The smell coming from inside is too much to bare. He looks up and sees that she is once again pointing to a small tear in the fabric near the top. It had apparently ripped during Danny's battle with the Hellion, although he is quite sure she did it herself during the 10 minute struggle the two had before the thug finally wrestled it out of her claw-like hands.

Danny rolls his eyes, and is about to speak, when there is a sudden crashing noise just across the street. He looks up just as a large hero smashes through the wall of a building, and jumps to the ground. As he hits the sidewalk, the building begins quivering and shuddering, apparently about to crumble. Danny isn't sure whether he should be worried or thankful for an excuse to get away. He puts on his 'hero' face and straightens up.
"Well, ma'am, I'm quite sorry about the purse. I'd like to aid you in repairing the damage, but it appears that there are people in need just across the street."
The old woman brings her cane back for another crack at his legs, but Danny is already up in the air, flying towards the scene of the disturbance. He drops lightly on the ground next to the large hero, and examines the building once more. Frantic voices, and what sounds like german cursing, emits from the hole in the wall above. Danny raises an eyebrow, and turns to the hero.
"What's going on in there? And more importantly, can I help? And as a follow-up question, does it hurt to break concrete with your body?"



Sly Teleported to the ground holding Deth.

"Come on Nate, we're all down, let's go!" He then called forth a snow storm to slow the troops down so everyone could get away in time.

Sly then turned to the new arrival, and said, "We were ambushed by the 5th column, you can help us get away and out of Baumtown, and I wouldn't know, but with Lobe here, I doubt it."



As the train rumbled down the track, Ivory gave a loud whistle. The two robots turned and ran twords the train, jumping onto the roof of the last car where they sat down like obedient children kicking their legs in and out. Ivory leaned against a console and began flipping through a small book he had found in a compartment full of files and instructions: a german to english dictionary in poor, tattered condition.

"Hey, says here th computer told us it is a cat... and that the red button takes us to the nearest secret base."

Ivory quirked an eyebrow to Lyle before leafing through the pages again at a quickening pace, the train likewise picked up speed.

"No... that can't be right..." Ivory mumbled.



Well, he had escaped a building full of 5th Column, only to end up on a train headed for another building filled with 5th Column. Yes, his renowned luck was still very much intact. Lyle lit a cigar, pondering why it seemed the universe was intent on screwing him over at every turn.



Flame jumped out of the "door" made by Lobe, and landed besides Fox. She expanded her personal force field to cover the whole group, hopefully protecting them from snipers and flying bricks.

"Right....I just saw a rage drugged kid with a skeletal arm, a ton of 5th column persons and a living truck who just decided to make a new hallway in that buildling back there. So besides all the confusing stuff, like being attacked by trolls, then a freak kid, then facists and last but not least being wrapped through various dimensions to find Fox kissing sleeping beauty, would someone mind telling me what the heck is going on?!"



After the heroes had left for Baumtown, Lightning Bug pondered her next move. She didn't have the security clearance to follow them, not to mention she wouldn't have lasted thirty seconds in "Boomtown" anyway.

"Might as well check out this Rebecca Morningstar and see what she knows," she muttered as she headed in the direction of the store her contact told her might provide additional information.

As she entered the store, she was suprised to find who she assumed to be Ms. Morningstar, selling an artifact bearing the same demonic face as the ring she had found, to a Tsoo Enforcer. Knowing she was not only in over her head once again, but without reinforcements, she focused all the electrical force she could muster and blasted the enforcer, rendering him unconscious.

"Meddling freak," shrieked the store clerk as she drew a pistol from under her skirt. "You will not be allowed to interfere with our plans!"

A gust of wind knocked her down and dislodged the firearm from her grasp. Lightning Bug rushed over to her, grabbed her by the collar, her other fist crackling with electrical power. "Ok, not sure what you're connection to the Tsoo is, lady, but you're going to fill me in."

"I will tell you nothing, freak!" declared Rebecca just before she went limp. She no longer had a pulse. Some kind of suicde to avoid questioning had been employed; likely poison of some sort. A search of the body revealed a tell-tale clue however; a 5th column insignia was tatooed on her right shoulderblade. A further search of the store gave details of a plan to keep the heroes of paragon city busy by creating large scale gang wars over drugs and magical artifacts. The purpose of this diversion, however, remained a secret. A final detail grabbed her attention. There were orders made very recently to have a large force ambush and slaughter a number of heroes investigating the gang wars in Baumtown. She realized that the orders had to be referring to her recent aquaintances.

"Security clearance or not, I've got to get in there and warn them," she thought as she sprinted out of the store and towards the Baumtown gate.

Lightning Bug



"Come on Nate, we're all down, let's go!"

Nathan heard Sly Fox's voice over the noise of the fifth column and the steady whine of his repulsion field and nodded, slowly backing towards the hole in the wall a few feet behind him. The strain from holding back so many enemies was almost too much for him and he felt his energy starting to bottom out.

"Too many..." he muttered, clenching his teeth as he moved back towards the wall. "I cant hold them for much longer..."

As he slowly inched backwards, trying to reach the wall, Nathan felt his energy flatline for a second, but that was all the fifth soldiers needed. As his repulsion field collapsed, he swore, turning to run through the Lobe shaped holes to join the group outside. Suddenly, a burst of gunfire knocked him off of his feet, sending him headfirst into the wall.

"...goddamnit!" Nathan swore, struggling to his feet through a hail of bullets, managing to crawl through the first hole before collapsing.



"We were ambushed by the 5th column, you can help us get away and out of Baumtown, and I wouldn't know, but with Lobe here, I doubt it."
The hero's response is all Fyre needs. He jumps into the air, and flies up to the hole in the building to check the situation. He hovers there, squinting as his eyes adjust to the lighting.
"Hello? Anybody in there?"
A sudden burst of gunfire answers his question. He falls from the air, and hits the ground, a small cloud of dust rising from the sidewalk as he lands. The others look at him in surprise. He coughs, and smiles weakly.
"Thank God for kevlar, eh guys?"
He hops back onto his feet, and jets back towards the fight. He lands just inside of the hole, and lets out a huge fireball before even taking aim. Luckily, he hits his targets just where he wanted. Still shocked from the sudden attack, and frantically trying to shake off the fire, the 5th Collumn soldiers are unprepared as Danny runs forward, throwing rings of fire around various foes. He stops short as he comes across someone on the floor. He quickly checks the pulse with one hand as he throws flares out into the crowd of enemies with the other, but it doesn't do enough. The tell-tale sound of a grenade shooting from the barrel of a gun is more than Danny needs.

He grabs the stranger on the ground, and runs full speed back the way he came.
"How do I always get mixed up in these situations twenty minutes after leaving the house?"
Fyre hoists the man onto his shoulder, and dives through the hole while laser beams, flames, and bullets follow. He answers his own question as he hovers down to the ground.
"Oh yeah, I'm a superhero."

Breathing deeply, Danny gently sets down the hero, who appears to still be conscious. He then looks around at the others.
"Talk about a warm welcome. You'd almost think those guys weren't happy to see me."
With that, Danny lets himself slide down the wall of the building, gasping for breath.



Sly smiled at their new arrival...

"Thanks! Now somebody get Nate a health pack and let's get the heck out of Dodge! Lobe, carry Nathan there."

Fox really didn't like leaving anyone behind... Lyle, the girl, even Ivory who seemed more powerful than any of them put together, but no one else had answered his com, and they were all in danger if they remained.

With that, he took off towards the security gate...

Thank the gods she is light... Sly thought as he ran carrying Deth.



As the girl crawled over the wreckage, she suddenly came upon the small ring that the heroes had been looking at before entering the building. It lay on the concrete, presumably dropped by one of them during the escape.

The girl crawled over to it, picking it up to examine it. Extending her index finger, she let the ring drop onto the tip where it hung loosely around the bloodied finger. The voice inside the ring flared into life at being in contact with a living host. It screamed dark things into her mind, promising, lecturing, demanding.

However, the girl just continued to look curiously at the small object. The voice poured all it's dark thoughts into her mind, only to have them swallowed up by the multitude of voices already there; the evil anarchy lost in the sea of utter madness that was the young girl's mind.

Shrugging, she plucked the ring from her finger, tossing it carelessly away. She watched the others from a distance, deciding to follow them for awhile longer. She, along with everyone else, had long ago given up questioning her whims. They seemed to run on rules that only they knew. Though, it probably had something to do with all the trouble the group had attracted so far. And she loved trouble.



"What is it, 'Patch?"

He didn't particularly care for her ever-exasperated tone of voice, but if he wanted to accomplish the tasks he had set out for himself, he would have to simply deal with Sarah Davies. It was almost enough for him to want to go tell her husband to put a leash on his cat, but he wasn't in the mood to watch and perhaps partake in the subsequent theatrics.

"Why didn't you tell me about Baumtown?" he asked. His monotone did not betray anything. He was actually not at all bothered by the lack of info, but getting her irritated was usually a good way to acquire intel. She had a tendency to blurt things out when mad.

"Because I didn't," was her answer, but the bunching of muscles at her jawline told him he already was under her skin.

"Look, if you think I can't hack it, just go ahead and say it--"

"5th Column's getting uppity. Don't know what they've got planned," Davies said. Her eyes didn't leave the newspaper. They never did. He sometimes wondered if her powers somehow resided in that paper. Perhaps information came to her and it was the equivalent of an information black hole.

Only less efficient; she leaked stuff out.

"5th Column's planning something?" he asked.

"Like I said, I don't know. That's what you're here for; to get me information."

He shrugged. "Then I'll get it. All you have to do is ask. No need to get defensive."

Yeah, that scored.

So. First things first. Go check out the 5th Column and see what's going on in Baumtown. To go in there alone would risk suicide, and beings that he did not yet have stealth skills, he would have to use brute force to acquire the information he seeked. Doing so in the rat's nest of mooks would not be the most intelligent of tasks.

Well. Atlas Park's 5th Column... ists... were not usually in-the-know, as being so close to the hive of heroes, giving them sensitive information would be on par with just handing it over to him personally.

However... Steel Canyon was not too far away. He could check that out, perhaps find something, perhaps not. If things got too boring, he could always just go to Perez Park and crack some Skulls (pun intended).

Before he came to this city, he was Jack Larson. Worked for the Counter Terrorist Unit and Central Intelligence's Special Operations Group (SOG). After the Damascus Incident, however, he was simply known by his designation while across seas: Soul Patch.

Pump a round into the chamber. Time to gather intel.



Haunt had been too preoccupied getting out of the building and worrying about those still inside to add any meaningful commentary to the group, but at the arrival of the new hero carrying Nate out of the building and the call for a heal patch, Haunt returned his attention to the party. He slapped a respite patch on the man, and also applied a catch a breath patch below it after looking the hero over, noticing how exhausted he looked. Haunt was glad he'd learned early on in his time spent in Paragon to carry an abundance of the healing devices wherever he went.

He began to move with the rest of the group, popping in and out of view in quick bursts of negative energy. As he teleported along, he absentmindedly grasped his left hand with his right. The ring was gone. He was initially worried, but soon realized that it was pretty much long gone at this point, lost in the wreckage of the building. He was glad, the thing was causing many understated problems with him that he hadn't noticed until freed from the effects.

Eidolon had seemed 'strained' the whole time he wore the relic. The entire time, something seemed to creep at the very ends of his conscience, just beyond the mental borders he could feel Eidolon inhabited, and she seemed to be working overtime to keep this something at bay while the ring was on his finger.

He did notice, however, the change in his teleportation. Normally his travels into the netherworld's warped landscape lasted for barely a second, the time it took for him to take a step. But with the demonic ring on, he'd remained their longer, seeing the twisted plane in more detail. He'd seen several strange things during these extended visits, and decided he'd need to have a talk on the subject with one of the more magical heroes he'd met later.



Heinrich Stuben stood on the loading platform of 5th Column base #5B. He had joined the Column at an early age, but had never risen above the rank of foot soldier. Not that he minded, Stuben wasn't very ambitious. Right now he was in charge of guarding and meeting the incoming and outgoing trains, so when he heard the alarm of an emergency exit arrival, he immediatly pulled a pair of binoculars, and focused on the track ahead.

The train was traveling at tremendous speed, and Stuben wondered worriedly if it should be slowing down yet. Trying to make out what might be wrong, he looked over the train, suddenly making out figures on top of the roof. Two appeared to be people while the other two looked like their standard battle robots.

He watched, puzzled, as the two men jumped onto the backs of the robots, and the machines jumped from the train, sparks flying from their metal feet as they landed and skidded along the concrete.

The switchboard operater called to Stuben, yelling that the train wasn't answering his radio hails. Refocusing on the control room window, Stuben's eyes widened as he made out the top of the trains control console, wires pulled loose and sparking. By now the train was close enough that the rumble from it's speed shook the platform. Stuben turned, feeling like he was moving underwater as he ran the opposite direction, yelling at everyone to get away from the platform. The train plowed forward, it's sabotaged brakes never activating as it plowed into the wall, exploding in a huge ball of flame.



Carrying the new member, Nathan, Lobe followed the others as they made their way back to Boomtown's security gate. A muffled thud caused him to look west. Off in the distance a smallish cloud of smoke slowly rises above some ruined buildings and disipates. "Gee, I wonder what that was?"

The others, apparently missing the mumbled words, keep moving.

Then a forlorn look shadows Lobe's face. "Poor Mr. Brown, yup. Now he has no where to live," he laments, saddened by Mr. Brown's loss.

A single remaining brick from his passage through the afformentioned building's wall, falls from its unstable perch upon Lobe's left shoulder. It lands on the cracked asphalt and dissapears beneath Lobe's left foot. When Lobe lifts his foot, all that remains is a grey dust, which quickly dissipates in the stiff breeze. Lobe doesn't notice.