Post your /bind's here




A handy thread on the old beta board to complement the Unofficial Guide was one with a similar title to this. I didn't archive it, so I figured I'd start a new one.

When posting your binds, leave off the ones that are part of the defaults so as to avoid too much clutter.

I'll start it off with the ones that I use on my scrapper:

add "target_enemy_near"
decimal "follow"
numlock "powexec_abort"
divide "powexec_auto Barb Swipe"
multiply "target_enemy_prev"
subtract "target_enemy_next"
numpad1 "powexec_slot 1"
numpad2 "powexec_slot 2"
numpad3 "powexec_slot 3"
numpad4 "powexec_slot 4"
numpad5 "powexec_slot 5"
numpad6 "powexec_slot 6"
numpad7 "powexec_slot 7"
numpad8 "powexec_slot 8"
numpad9 "powexec_slot 9"
numpad0 "powexec_slot 10"
lalt+numpad1 "powexec_altslot 1"
lalt+numpad2 "powexec_altslot 2"
lalt+numpad3 "powexec_altslot 3"
lalt+numpad4 "powexec_altslot 4"
lalt+numpad5 "powexec_altslot 5"
lalt+numpad6 "powexec_altslot 6"
lalt+numpad7 "powexec_altslot 7"
lalt+numpad8 "powexec_altslot 8"
lalt+numpad9 "powexec_altslot 9"
lalt+numpad0 "powexec_altslot 10"
insert "tell $name, ACC$$inspexec_name insight"
delete "tell $name, HP$$inspexec_name respite$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name resurgence"
home "tell $name, DAM$$inspexec_name enrage$$inspexec_name focused rage$$inspexec_name righteous rage"
end "tell $name, END$$inspexec_name catch a breath$$inspexec_name take a breather"
pageup "tell $name, DEF$$inspexec_name luck"
pagedown "tell $name, DISCIPLINE$$inspexec_name discipline"
pause "camreset"
lshift+lbutton "powexec_name teleport"



Why are you sending tells to youself? Do you talk to yourself often? Do you respond?



It's for feedback. That way I know for sure that I hit the right button without looking for the buff.



Grotus. Thankyou I could not get my binds to work on the numpad, but it looks as if that is sorted now.

so far I have:

"emote Crime does not pay$$powexec_name Shadow Maul"
"emote Justice is swift$$powexec_name Smite"
"emote Sweet sweet Justice$$powexec_name Shadow Punch"

"emote bow$$emote Thank you for inviting me"

Still working out the nuances of the character, but that is part of the fun.



To Ninja_Teletubbi
Yes, but where did you bind them? Part of the reason to do a thread like this is to be exposed to alternate setups that might be easier to use.

One thing you might watch out for with that setup is spamminess. It might get old for both you and your teammates to see those emotes every time you attack. One way around that is to have the primary key bound to the plain attack, and the attack + emote bound to lshift+<key> (or rshift,lalt,lctrl, etc). That way you can throw it in every once in a while without annoying anyone.



As a healer I found that binding my Healing Aura and Heal Other were much more effective on my mouse (I have two side buttons.) this is the first game I think I want a mouse with even more buttons for. The following is allthe binds i have set, not including my canned massages on my numberpad.
(example: /bind numpad1 "team Reform on me." for a highly tactical team these help.)

/bind enter "beginchat <colour blue><bgcolor black><border blue>"

/bind button4 "powexec_name Heal Other"

/bind button5 "powexec_name Healing Aura"

/bind z "team Teleporting $target to my location.$$powexec_name Recall Friend"



/bind mbutton "powexec_slot 9"

I have hover in slot 9. This way I can easily hit it at the apex of a jump or if I fall off something. No sweat. I'll also be binding flight to F once I get it.



Originally posted by Arzen535
/bind mbutton "powexec_slot 9"
I have hover in slot 9.

[/ QUOTE ]
Why wouldn't you just /bind mbutton "powexec_name Hover"? That way you could repurpose slot 9 for some other power, while still having ready access to Hover.



Now that I have seen what the numpad syntax is they will go there (originally they were 2, 3, 4 the "thanks" is bound to Y), yes after a while it does get somewhat annoying, but I just think up new catchphrases. I only tend to use 4 attacks, so with the numpad I could just do a multiple bind with different options.



Here is what I use for hover, up will always turn hover on no matter what state it starts in and dwn will turn it off no matter what state it was in. This is good for when you get knocked out of the sky.

/macro up "powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Hover"

/macro dwn "powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name abort"



numpad4 "g Mesmerizing $target - please refrain from waking them.$$powexec_name Mesmerize"

numpad5 "g Hold back on the AoE, casting group mez.$$powexec_name Mass Hypnosis"

numpad6 "g Dominating the mind of $target - now's our chance to attack!$$powexec_name Dominate"

numpad7 "em newspaper$$l Wonder if there's an article on $archetype living in today's Paragon Gazette?"



insert "tell $name, ACC$$inspexec_name insight"
delete "tell $name, HP$$inspexec_name respite$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name resurgence"
home "tell $name, DAM$$inspexec_name enrage$$inspexec_name focused rage$$inspexec_name righteous rage"
end "tell $name, END$$inspexec_name catch a breath$$inspexec_name take a breather"

[/ QUOTE ]

Does this mean you are attempting multiple inspiration execs when you use something like "Home"?

My only bind so far is:

enter "<bgcolor lightblue><color blue><border blue>"



delete "tell $name, HP$$inspexec_name respite$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name resurgence"
home "tell $name, DAM$$inspexec_name enrage$$inspexec_name focused rage$$inspexec_name righteous rage"
end "tell $name, END$$inspexec_name catch a breath$$inspexec_name take a breather"

[/ QUOTE ]
Does this mean you are attempting multiple inspiration execs when you use something like "Home"?

[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly, what ends up happening is that only one inspiration gets used, whichever one comes last in the bind. I've got mine ordered so that the big ones get used first.
I would have it set up this way for all the inspiration types, but I don't know the names of all the higher level inspirations.



For all you Hover/Fly fans out there, here is a nice toggle bind I came up with. (Note: you should have experience with toggle binds before using this)

First, you simply need to load Hover1.txt manually either in by placing it in your default bindings or loading it one time.

What it does is toggle between 3 states of hover:
Pressing "F" the first time will:
1) first launch your character into the air via Jump
2) then hit hover at its highest point
3) Keep moving you up to get out of range of the bad guys

Pressing "F" a second time will:
1) Stop the upward movement, retaining the hover status

Pressing "F" a third time will:
3) Drop you to the ground like a stone!

Pressing "F" a fourth time is actually the same as pressing the first time.

Pressing SHIFT+F during any state toggles you between Hover and Fly mode (with indicator text!)

Pressing "K" will tell you what status you are in at any given time.

Pressing SHIFT+T will reset the toggle. This is important because sometimes the toggle can get out of sync due to critters
which knock you out of the air.

Here are the binds!!
BTW I have mine placed in c:\coh\binds, but feel free to modify the path or letters at your whim.


f "powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Hover$$++up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Hover2.txt"
lshift+f "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Fly Mode!$$bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\fly1.txt"
k "Tell $name,<color red><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Hover1 - Stationary On Ground"
lshift+t "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Reset Hover/Fly Toggle$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_abort$$-up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Hover1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


f "-up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Hover3.txt"
lshift+f "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Fly Mode!$$powexec_name Fly$$bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\fly2.txt"
k "Tell $name,<color red><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Hover2.txt - Hovering, Moving Up"
lshift+t "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Reset Hover/Fly Toggle$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_abort$$-up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Hover1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


f "powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Hover1.txt"
lshift+f "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Fly Mode!$$powexec_name Fly$$bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\fly3.txt"
k "Tell $name,<color red><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Hover3 - Hovering, Stationary"
lshift+t "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Reset Hover/Fly Toggle$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_abort$$-up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Hover1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


f "powexec_name Fly$$++up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\fly2.txt"
lshift+f "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Hover Mode!$$bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\Hover1.txt"
k "Tell $name,<color red><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Fly1.txt - Stationary On Ground"
lshift+t "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Reset Hover/Fly Toggle$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_abort$$-up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Hover1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


f "-up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\fly3.txt"
lshift+f "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Hover Mode!$$powexec_name Hover$$Bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\hover2.txt"
k "Tell $name,<color red><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Fly2.txt - Flying, Moving Up"
lshift+t "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Reset Hover/Fly Toggle$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_abort$$-up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Hover1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


f "Powexec_name Fly$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\fly1.txt"
lshift+f "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Hover Mode!$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\hover3.txt"
k "Tell $name,<color red><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Fly3.txt - Flying, Stationary"
lshift+t "Tell $name,<color blue><bgcolor yellow><scale 1.25>Reset Hover/Fly Toggle$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_abort$$-up$$bind_load_file c:\COH\Binds\Hover1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

Disclaimer: I'm not at my gaming PC so I took these from a backup I had, however there is a chance the backup is a bit outdated, if anyone sees an error please let me know and I'll fix it asap.



Very nice Meraxes, I haven't had anyone with fly yet, but would adding something for ++down come in handy (so you can drop to the ground unlike a stone)?

I especially like the status indication button, very handy.



Very cool thread



/bind b powexec_name Brawl
/bind h powexec_name Hover
/bind s powexec_name Sprint
/bind button4 powexec_name Hover
/bind button5 powexec_name Fly

those are all for now, as im used to using 1-0 as hotkeys so no need to hotkey all my other powers. just ones i don't use all the time, but enough to merit its own special button



Dyschord says
/bind s powexec_name Sprint

[/ QUOTE ]
Ack! How do you move backwards?

[edit]corrected spelling of name



well, the first thing i do when entering the tutorial, is set wsad to the arrows... i think its retarded to not use the arrow keys when that's their sole purpose! to direct you...

r = reply,
t = tell
tab = cycle enemy
` = disable UI
numlock = autorun

^ those also get set right after character creation



Here's a handy little bind that I have for all my characters. I always use autorun and jump on my mouse (button 4 and 5) for long distance, mouse-only movement. I liked the way that autorun stopped when you hit the "backwards" key ("S" by default) and I wanted to have that functionality for my forward key as well.

It turns out that ALL movement commands have a built-in on/off argument. You can use this in a bind to stop autorun using autorun 0. I set my "forward" key ("W" by default) to not only move forward, but to shut off autorun as well:

/bind w "+forward$$autorun 0"

Note: Using a switched movement command like up 1 is functionally similar to using ++up except that you KNOW that up 1 will definitely turn on upwards movement and not just toggle it. Weird things can happen to toggle binds when you are actually jumping at the time you activate your ++up command so I'd recommend using up 1 instead of ++up in Meraxes' toggle binds for Hover/Fly above.
__________________________________________________ ___________

Since we're on the subject of Flight as well, here's a nifty little keybind that someone else developed that I really like having when I'm on a flying character:

/bind f "powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover"

What it does is turn off your Sprint whenever you hit it (to save Endurance while Flying/Hovering) and then toggles between Fly and Hover. If both are off, Hover will come on first. This is REALLY handy in a fight if you are Hovering and need to gain some distance. One key will switch you to Fly to gain distance and then the same key will switch you back to Hover.

I made this next one to go along with the previous one:

/bind lshift+f "powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Sprint"

Since the first one ("F") ALWAYS turns off Sprint, the second one ("lshift+F") will always activate it if you use these together. When I'm done with a fight where I was hovering/flying I'll just hit LShift+F to land and start Sprinting again.
__________________________________________________ _____________

After you use these for a while, you'll notice that using a string of multiple powexec_name commands will only work to shut OFF toggle powers, except the last TWO. The last two will be toggled on or off depending on which one is currently on. If neither of the last two are on, the LAST one will be turned on. ANY powexec_name commands you use in the first spots (as long as they are not the last two spots as well) will only work to turn those powers OFF if they are a toggle-type power.