224 -
"Guys, war crime trials are best left until after the war." Tyger commented. "Unless you want to use manpower keeping him and all others like him locked up, fed and watered, this needs to be shelved for now." Tyger glanced at Britanic. "And I wasn't including myself there. I'm using proportional force to the threat. KO's rather than kills unless needed. Anyhow, what's the battle plan?"
Tyger grunted and decided to ignore Brit's silent order and speak. "Crey ain't [censored] in the zone. It's soddin' Nemesis that's trying to fu... <Glance at Juniper> fudge everything up. They've tried to kill everyone at peace negotiations."
"My duty to serve, Brit, my duty to serve." Tyger replied.
Juniper, having noted down Xander's comments and Brit's reply, put a pair of librarian glasses on to look more Austere and waited for the next batch of comments. -
"Well," Juniper commented, "I'M taking the minutes of the meeting. Like I did last time."
"Another thing she didn't tell me." Tyger muttered.
((Mer'de just told me Juni took the minutes first time around. I didn't mind.)) -
Juniper, the Wild Child of the Militia made her way into her room. "Hello all! Hi Tyger!" She added, adressing her brother. "Didn't know you were invited!"
"Wasn't." He muttered. "S'pose you're safer here than on top of the sodding mothership." He added gruffly.
She poked her tongue out at him and set up her laptop to take the minutes. -
Tygerboy landed, his combat boots creaking as blood flakes fell off them, his crimson and blue armour showing several deep gashes across it's carapace. "Mind if I sit in, Lunk?" He asked. "Dunno if the main Militia bosses are aware of this get-together but thought someone better represent us."
Keeping himself hidden, Tygerboy watched the people below him. Sometimes a secret weapon should remain secret, even from allies. He'd be there when needed.
TO BE CONTINUED. Here.>>> http://uk.boards.cityofheroes.com/showfl...&PHPSESSID=
Tygerboy dropped the barely conscious council trooper as the boy scout arrived. "Dangerous neighbourhood, kid. You shouldn't be wandering down these alleys." He warned, twisting his cape around so he could wipe the blood on his hands onto it.
"You do." The boy replied, challenging the orange-furred teen in crimson.
"Yesh, well. I'm a tough little sod - as people keep telling me." He paused and smiled. "And I ain't alone. Juni! Show yerself!"
The boy looked around as a voice appeared to be coming from thin air behind him. "Yeah, yeah..." The young voice commented, shimmering into view as a...? What was the girl? She had orange fur like Tygerboy but that and the orange stripes on her arms were all she had in common with him. Rats ears, Cheetah spots... "Don't stare." Juniper commented, dragging the boy from his consideration.
"So," Tyger commented, grabbing the clipboard, "what's this? Ah. Juni, you seen this?" Juni, hands clasped behind her back, wandered past, smiling at the boy and peered at the clipboard. "Ah, Mer'de finally got it together? Good." She signed.
"You mean the blue rockhead wrote this? Kinda pains me to sign anything he created but..." Tyger signed and handed the clipboard back to the Scout who stareted to walk away.
"Were you flirting with that boy scout?" He heard Tyger ask Juni.
"No!" Juni replied, a little forcibly.
"Better not have been." Tyger replied. The boy heard him as he crossed to the other side of the street. "Waitaminute... Does that boy go to your school?"
"Well... Ummm..." He couldn't hear them over the traffic. Next signature. Back on the hunt. -
<Open letter from Vigilante Storm to the people of Paragon City. Typed by Wild Child. Printed in several papers. Not the Enquirer.>
Well, it seems we started something, haven't we? Who'da thought that such a simple thing, worded a bit badly, could have led to the rift beginning to form now? It's enough to make you cry that such things can fall apart over one slip of paper. Silly me, I thought we were past all that. You've proved me wrong. I've lived in Paragon City for all my fifteen years. I've been proud of this city, I've been terrified of this city, I've laughed, cried, bled this city. I've been inspired by it and irritated by it. Now, for the first time, I'm ashamed by it. By the people who see nothing past their own intrests. And by the fact that I understand those interests.
Three years ago, skulls decided to burn us out of the tenement we called home. A hero came by. He did them in, helped put out the fire and left. We never saw him again. HE never saw that, although he had saved the building, there was nothing left of our possessions inside. We had to rebuild and no hero wanted to help us there.
Now, I'm the hero and I know that he was probably called away to deal with some other emergency. Paragon's full of them and, although I try to check back in on all of them, it's impossible.
Paragon should respect those who fall. ALL of them. Hero, heroine, Firefighter, Policeman. ALL equal in their courage and commitment to save innocent lives. Paragon CAN spend the money it budgets for 100ft statues on better things. Here's my suggestion. I didn't put it as well as I could have at the press thing yesterday but...
Memorial garden.
An large area of land in, say, Atlas or Galaxy. The main area should contain LIFE SIZE memorial statues to fallen heroes of ALL kinds. One of the walls should also contain the names of EVERYONE who fell in the Rikti invasion. Hero names & Citizen names together for, as someone said, in death we are all united.
I'm sure I'll hear your responses to this.
After all, if a 15 year old can see we gotta strike a balance, why can't you lot? -
((Just so's you know, Britanic and my toon, Vigilante Storm, are planning a compromise petition. See the IC story thread for more details as they work things out.))
Rachel watches from the shadows opposite as Britanic heads out, talking into his Cell-phone. Talking about 'just popping over to KR to get something signed before heading to business.' She smiled and waited until he hung up before pulling her $20 dollar phone out and calling his $500 dollar one. "Seen the petition, Brit?" She asked, keeping her voice down. She was close enough to hear the reply in stereo. "Me too. I've seen the mess we often leave behind in our hurry to deal with the next threat. Until I got the suit, I used to be one of the ones on the street, forgotten by the gods after they'd done the initial saving. Even now, I feel I could do more to help them. I believe in the people of this city as much as many of them believe in me. See ya." She hung up as he replied.
'Already do see you.' He replied. -
Signed. Racel ((Mis-spell intentional)) Vigilante Storm.
Juniper Valdez - 'Wild Child' -
I have three alts in the group. Their responses. First, the 16 year old Tygerboy.
Tyger watched with barely restrained contept as the officer stood back, noting the body armour and the unbuttoned gun holster as he sat in the chair. The detective entered the room and offered him something to drink. Tyger said nothing. The detective fixed himself a drink and commented on the weather. Tyger remained silent, arms crossed, following the detective with his eyes as the man sat. "Not saying anything?" He asked.
"I was ordered to come here." Tyger replied hostility in his voice. "I was ordered to answer your questions. I wasn't ordered to make small talk. So either get to it or we're in for a long, boring, time."
The detective sighed. He liked to make this sort of thing easy...
Are you a licensed hero?
"Yeah. First thing I did when I got here. Don't even need a birth certificate."
Are you a member of the Militia?
"No [censored] Sherlock. Wouldn't be here if I weren't, now. Are the rest of the questions this dumb?"
Are you aware of any vigilanteism within the Militia?
Tyger smiled. "According to your constitution, the only people allowed to enforce the law are the guys in blue like this doughnut chomper behind me. As we all didn't attend doughnut tech... I mean police college, then we must ALL be vigilantes. Wanna arrest Stateman?"
Not at the moment. Are you aware of any criminal activity within the Militia?
"They wouldn't dare."
Do you know the whereabout of Sabrina San?
If you were ordered to apprehend Sabrina San, would you obey?
"No. I'm a soldier, she's in my force. You aren't. She comes to you, that's her baliwick. You come for her, I get involved. I can't stand the skank but that's immaterial. I don't desert my allies and I don't betray them either."
"Right then. I think we're done. Now I need you to have this stuff implanted. Do you have a problem with that?"
"Yes. But I was ordered to take this [censored] you want to implant. But don't get too close to the spikes." Tyger smiled. "Unless you want to be throwing up for 24 hours?"
Next, the 14 going on 30 Rachel, Vigilante Storm.
Rachel arrived at Paragon Police HQ in King's row and camo'ed her armour into the Red leather and denims mode before entering the interview room. The detective inside offered her a seat and she took it as the guard backed to the door. "Welcome... Rachel, isn't it?" He commented.
"Call me Vig." Rachel commented. "Or Storm. I don't know you to have you using my first name."
"Ok... 'Vig'," the adult commented, "I've got some questions for you about the Militia if you feel up to it. Drink?"
"Just water." Rachel commented. She watched as the officer poured some water from the tank into a plastic cup. Rachel tried some. Didn't taste like water she thought and commented on it. "Yeah, never does." The Detective admitted. "Now, onto the questions."
"Fire away."
Are you a licensed hero?
<Rachel flips her security clearance card onto the table.>
OK, that answers that. Are you a member of the Militia?
"Part time?" The detective commented. "Oh, yes, your people in King's Row and your 'alliance'. It's made your area safer. It's the only reason we tolerate it."
"Well, good for you. We make one of the safest areas of the city and you 'tolerate' it. Shows the police here prefer cracking heads to making progress. Never mind. Next question."
Are you aware of any vigilanteism within the Militia? Well, I suppose your name covers that...
"Like hell it does!" Rachel replied hotly, showing the gaps between her teeth as she flashed angry. "I chose this name because I'm honouring the guy who first wore the armour! He died protecting people in the Row from the Rikti! I don't know why he chose the name but it was free and not stupid!"
Okay, Okay... Are you aware of any criminal activity within the Militia?
Nothing major.
Do you know the whereabout of Sabrina San?
Who? Oh, Dragonfly? No. Don't really want to know either.
If you were ordered to apprehend Sabrina San, would you obey?
"No. I don't answer to you. Your people have been nothing but a threat to my people for years, protecting those who have cash and those who have homes and leaving those who don't in the dirt so no, I won't take orders from you. But I won't stop you either. And, as for those tracking devices? You can shove 'em. The lost even THINK I'm spying for you, it ends the alliance and my patch becomes a warzone like the rest of the city. I'm not having that and I don't think you want it either."
{I have left this openended as it is possible the Militia board moderator may be able to argue Rachel into wearing them.]
And, finally, the Militia mascot, 12 year old Juniper, A.K.A. Wild Child.
"Um... Hello?" Siad a voice the Indy Port desk Sergeant couldn't see. No-one seemed to be in front of him but he was certain the voice had come from there. "Down here." Said a voice, slightly stroppily in his opinion. He looked over the counter. A girl was standing there. At least he assumed it was a girl with the orange fur, stripes, spots and bat ears. "Hi!" It said brightly, smiling and showing teeth both blunt and sharp. "I'm here for the Militia interview?"
"Um... Right, right." The officer commented, a little confused. He picked up the intercom and called a detective to the desk. "This..."
"Lady." Juniper interrupted as the officer tried to find the right word. She looked fustrated.
"Right. This... lady is here for the Militia interview."
"Okay," said the detective, with a voice that sounded like a butter knife scraping bread. He put a hand gently onto Juniper's shoulder and escorted her to an interview room. "So," she asked, "What do I call you?"
"How about Juniper?" Juniper replied. "It's my name."
"I see. I'm Detective Lacey.."
"As in..?" Juniper tried to interrupt.
"..yes," the Detective continued, over Juni's interruption, "as in Cagney & Lacey... But I'm not her. No husband."
"Oh." Juniper frowned a bit as she sat on the chair and started swinging her feet. "Ever wanted one?"
"No, I have too much to... Wait a minute! I'M supposed to be questioning you!" She laughed. "You'd make a good cop one day."
Juniper brightened a little. "Really?"
"Possibly. anyway," she added as she searched for the Militia questions. "Ah, found them." She cleared her throat.
. Are you a licensed hero?
"Yup. First thing I did when I got here and found myself alone - in the big city."
2. Are you a member of the Militia?
Juniper shrugged. "They asked, I said yes. And Tyger's in there. He's kinda my older brother."
Are you aware of any vigilanteism within the Militia?
"Only Rach. But that's just her name."
Are you aware of any criminal activity within the Militia?
Juniper giggled. "You think they'd tell me?"
"No," Detective Lacey commented, but you're a bright kid, I think so I'm sure you'd know if there was."
"Oh, right. Well no, I've never seen any vigilantism in the base. Or the group." She added quickly.
Do you know the whereabout of Sabrina San?
Juniper shrugged lightly "Wherever she wants to be, I suppose."
If you were ordered to apprehend Sabrina San, would you obey?
"I obey no-one - just ask Tyger - but I'm not her greatest fan so, if she starts killing police or Civilians then I'll help take her down."
Lacey considered this and entered the details. "Okay," she commented. "Now, we're just going to wire you for sound and... What?" She asked Juniper, who was looking worriedly at the contact lenses. "They don't hurt, honey, we just need to..."
"I can't wear them." Juniper interrupted, sucessfully this time. "The tracker is fine because, when I change shape, that'd just fall off. I don't know what happens to my eyes during the megamorphosising or whatever but it does all go black an' I'm pretty sure I don't want contact lenses in my colon, y'know?"
[Also open for argument.] -
(Dragonfly again.)
I liked this kid. He was funny. Smart. Witty. I left him to the fight. Sat down on a box and slouched. Threw my feet up on a second box and rooted for him. They called him Tygerboy. Aparantly he was some guy from the future. Judging by the way he fights, his future must have been preety grim. This guy fought like an animal, bloodsport like some underground streetfighter. The two of them looked like common thugs in a brawl but with all that speed and blood, they actually resembled a wild tiger fighting a dragon. I was just loving it. Wow, this beats television anyday.
It got bloodier and bloodier but it wasn't my fight. Anyway, I had the best seat in the house. With Manticore's teleportation grid, Tygerboy's life was covered for the most part. My stomach rumbled as the tall guy fell to the floor. I realised I was getting hungry. Just as a nice hot bowl of Chow Main crossed my mind, Tygerboy pulled open a drawer to withdraw a ledger. My mouth opened to ask what its for but he was already gone.
Bit rude I thought, not even a thank you or a see you at headquaters, so I jumped to my feet, dusted off my brand new Militia costume and walked over to the fallen fighter muttering to myself.[/i] About breaking the ice, you're welcome kid, no no really its no big deal. Anytime, you know. I gave the man a hard kick in the stomach before tagging him with an arrest beacon.
I managed to pull myself around a bit. I couldn't feel anything, just a kind of Ow feeling throughout my body. My face was stuck to the floor by my own blood. It still filled half my mouth. I managed to push some out with my tongue and moved my free arm to the PDD. It had an emergency button, I recalled. Slightly larger than the others. I pressed it and passed out again. -
(This bit is by Dragonfly. Thanks, mate.)
You look like you could use a hand. Strong. Confident. Thats how those words left my mouth. The Militia had not only saved my life, but they had given back to me my dignity. I had made an entrance for myself through the side walls and crossed the room, a labyrinth of boxes. I picked up your trail on the PDD. Thought I'd check on the progress of your investigation.
Tygerboy was being held in status by some rather large sculpture of a dragon. It looked beautiful, yet it was so deadly. It looked like something I could have crafted, had I the talent of art. But. I'm no artist. Just a scientist. I'll break you out of this dragon. Figured I owe you one for bringing Devil Wind and the excorcism team.
I have within me the power to destroy a whole planet or even a star with one monstrous strike, so it only seems sensible to hold back a large percentage of my full potential. Soil raced through my veins and formed a stone glove on my right hand. I tapped the sculpture as you would knock on a door and it exploded like a small bomb. Who's the tall guy?
(Back to me.)
"Mine." I replied, before turning back to Emerald Dragon and realising just how bloody CHEESY that reply was. "You said if I beat YOU, not some ice sculpture." I didn't glance down at my leg. I knew it had been holed. Several times probably. I hovered a foot into the air and propelled myself (how, I have no idea) into flight fast at the Tsoo man.
I caught him around the midriff and propelled the pair of us into the boxes beyond before breaking his nose with my forehead.He staggered back, but recovered his composure as I sent a mental command for my leg to heal. He dodged my punch easily and tried a nerve strike to my chest. I barely dodged it and his fingers cracked a rib-bone. That didn't hurt later, that hurt NOW. I brought my outstretched arm's elbow down towards the back of his neck but he twisted and I impacted on his shoulder. Probably hurt myself more than him. He went for a leg sweep and tagged my left foot as my right smacked into his head. We both fell back. What was it about this bloody leg? Achille's leg? I flipped up again as did he. He wasn't using the arm I'd hit earlier. Great. I had done some damage, it seemed. Not enough though. He made to strike again but I was ready for him. I tensed my stomach muscles but managed to catch his extended foot. He switched to an enzu-giri (or whatever it's called where he attempts to use his free foot to kick me in the head) and I took the kick. A few stars and some of my own blood in my eyes was a fair price for breaking his ankle, I figured. he dropped as I fought to stay upright. This was a hurter of a day alright. My vision swum. Great. Three of them to fight. I did what I always did in this case. Smelt for the enemy's blood from his nose and targeted that. (the left one.) I saw my fist connect full on with his face and all three spat a tooth out. I kept it up as much as I could as he kept hitting me. I felt another rib go. Blood arrived in the back of my throat as I gasped for breath and smashed a punch into HIS rigs. I felt a few of them go too. I summoned what remained of my speed and sent it through to my fists. I felt, rather than saw, him fall as I'd temporarily lost my vision in my good eye. I was tracking him now by sound alone as there was too much spilled blood - his and mine - to track him that way.
I didn't even know he'd stayed down. "I will tell you." He gasped, his breath whistling through his missing teeth as I found time to blink. Things began to return to my sight. Heavy red tints though. "In that drawer." He commented. "A ledger. To the next link..." He passed out. I kept my hearing on him as I stumbled over to the table. It could be a trap. But I wasn't feeling like waiting. I didn't think I had the time. I opened the drawer, took the ledger and hit the emergency base teleport on the PDD.
I arrived in the base and collapsed on the floor, bleeding from the mouth.
Continued -
From Tygerboy's personal diary
I found myself sitting on a roof again, this time watching a small shop in Talos where Stage magic items, tricks and minor magical artifacts were sold openly to Joe & Jane Mundy public. I watched as a mother bought her child a small magical knick-knack and found myself needing to remind myself that the Tsoo ran this shop. The chances of them doing anything really sinister here was a minute one - they bought and sold some of those items of power with heroic types - but it was possibly where the book-keeping was done. This place linked what had been going on recently with what had happened in the past.
Somehow my thoughts kept flicking towards getting a present for Juniper but, as I didn't share the chameleon power of my little 'sister', I thought I'd kind of stand out, what with me being all orange & furry. Perhaps, if things went to a stage where I needed to enter the shop, I'd be able to pick her something up before I left. Anyway...
My attention found itself diverted by a small scene down below, in front of the shop. Some young fool of a hero - Young? Older than me! - had gotten himself into trouble. He'd interceded as two heavily tattoed inkers and a teleporter tried to take some suitcase off a businessman. That always confused me. People risked their lives for such things? I knew that not giving in to them was the 'principle' but it was a damn stupid one that could get you killed unless a hero came along and... Had they broken his medi-port thingamygig? It certainly looked like that was the thing lying smashed on the... Bastards were killing him! Screw surveillance!
I dropped from the building ledge, innately hovering some three feet above the ground before dropping and running to superspeed with my right arm outstretched. I clotheslined an inker, almost knocking his head off and almost breaking my arm - never do THAT again - and spun around too fast, crashing into the Tao Magic shop's window. The sorceror was beginning to move as I got back up so I hit him as hard as I could as often as I could until he stayed down. The third inker smashed a blow into the side of my head that made me see stars and little tweetybirds. I'd feel that in a minute. He was going for a second strike. I booted him in the stomach, kneed him in the nose as he doubled over and hit him hard on the back of the head. I glanced at the shopkeeper inside as a police drone wandered around on a sweep. Fool of a cat! The guy hadn't bloody moved during the fight. Now, having seen me looking, he was on the move! I made to enter the shop but a low moan brought me back. It was the fallen idiot. The bloody drone had beamed the criminals to the Zig and left the hero where he was! he needed medical attention. Great. I made a choice. And left him there. A minute later, I returned with smoking feet and a doctor from the medical centre. Conscience sated, I entered the shop. A smell like oriental teas and candles swathed with cinnamon hung in the air but there was little else here so I made my way into the back room. Boxes. Lots and lots of boxes. And someone behind me. I spun around.
He was large, about 6' 7 in height, weighing about two hundred and fifty pounds. His body was sculpted like marble and his eyes sparkled like marble. His hair was tied back in a tight pony-tail and his shoes were immaculate black leather. "Christmas shopping, hero?" He asked lightly.
I shrugged. "It was on my list. Get tea, buy gifts, find out who's behind the kidnapping of children..." Was I trying to joke? Shouldn't I be getting angry by now?
"Ah, so it was YOU in the church two nights ago?" He bowed. "I am Emerald Dragon. Defeat me and I shall tell you all."
"They call me Tygerboy." I replied. "And you're on." I made to attack. He dodged. Quite slippery, I noted as I swung again. This time it caught him. Just. Great. Superhuman reflexes. I hated these guys. He took a second and concentrated. I could feel the cold slidingthrough the room towards his hands and turning frosty. It took about a second for an ice sculpture of a dragon - european rather than Chinese I noted - to form. I wondered why he'd done it as I took the opportunity to close and hit him hard. He flew across the room. I made to follow but was prevented. By a rather large ice dragon that had a hold on my leg with a crushing grip that was increasing in power. Bugger.
Continued... -
The days had been packed for Vigilante for a little while as she dealt with the after-effects of that night's actions. Tyger had somehow saddled her with about thirty kids to return to their loved ones or find pitches for. Using a friendly social worker, She'd managed to get about ten into orphanages or foster homes. Some had protested, of course, and Vigilante had been keeping an eye out for them on the streets. They were the ones she didn't believe could hack the streets but no-one could convince the kids of that. They'd try and escape and she'd have to be there to keep an eye on them. Her visit to Lady Cobra's apartment had brought her no relief today. Her friend was dying and no amount of strings she could pull could prevent that. Last night she'd been involved in an all-out brawl as the Lost moved in on her few protected blocks. She'd fought them back but she hadn't arrived fast enough to stop them beating three of her locals half to death. She'd gotten them to the neutral ground of Doctor Monroe's clinic and he was keeping them in. All of this on top of the Croatoa thing.
This was no life for a fourteen year old girl, she thought and sighed. The armour was hers. It fitted her and belonged to her. As did the responsibility to use it correctly. Mer'de had promised to keep her in the loop and she'd make sure he did so by calling him every now and again with the number she'd cribbed from Lady Cobra's telephone pad this afternoon. Her stomach turned as it always did on the downturn of a hydraulic enhanced jump. Shock absorbers built into her sneakers and armoour took the brunt of the impact as she landed outside Doctor Monroe's office. This was where the enemy had asked to meet her.
Even the lost know the importance of a doctor who will treat them in a place like Paragon City. Doctor Monroe, a mutant himself with above average healing abilities, maintained the shopfront store with the full permission and protection of the lost and the skulss. NO-ONE started a fight here, the doctors office was too important to lose. Trusted lieutenants were usually close by the clinic, on guard with at least a squad of back-up somewhere close. To be called here by the lost..? Something was up.
Rachel sent a thought and her clothes shimmered and altered to the green natural state of her armour without the chameleon field on. She entered and passed by three injured skulls who were glowering at four hellions they were vociferously claiming had attacked their turf. It might have led to bloodshed but for the fact neither party was in a state to fight. And the large Mutate with the Rikti sword between them was a calming influence as well. "Evening, Gunther." Rachel said, greeting the menacing figure. "They in back?" Gunther grunted his reply, which Rachel took as a 'yes' and she crossed to the door. She passed by the door to treatment room one, where she could hear the Doctor at work. He always had one of two 'certified nurses' with him - Former lightweight boxers with their own, limited healing powers - so Rachel knew he was safe. She entered the back room.
The large, muscled and tattoed, figure inside turned. His mouth opened a crack. "Storm." He said, rancid breath curling her nostrils from five feet away and the word sounding as cold as a stone in the arctic.
"Devialor." Rachel replied, violence springing from he tongue. "Breaking the treaty?" She added, glancing around. She had - history - with this creature.
He spread his arms wide. "Neutral ground Child. We won't hurt the Doc. We NEED him." His voice gave her an assurance that he would normally have added 'but we don't need you.' But he didn't. "Got some information for you." He added, blinking once to show the livid red scar on his face that Rachel had given him. He'd chosen not to have it healed as he considered it a reminder of mortality. And it scared others.
"Your people put three of my friends in the clinic one night and expect me to believe you want to give me information the next? You expect a lot."
He held up a hand. "Told ya, girl. You ain't protected girl. But we heard about what you found up in Croatoa an' we ain't standing for that either. Some of them kids was probably mutant. And when I heard the Family was behind it, I cancelled our deal with them."
"Your... deal?"
Devailor smiled. "Who you think put the hit on ya?" He asked. "You're marked, girl." -
Uh, this is a little diversion (set the next day) which explains a bit - or a lot - about Tyger's past and his mood.
Things were progressing fast in the hours following my victory under the church and not a thing involved me. The bosses had started trying to find out from the kids who lived where and who wanted us to contact social services about us. Vigilante had taken about twenty back to King's Row where she said they could stay and get checked by her doctor and there were now only about two dozen kids running around the base. The squad commander had gone to get permission from the minister to raid the Tsoo on Talos. Knowing that guy, we'd get a 'yay' or 'nay' sometime around the weekend. Ms Storm had promised to liase with her contacts to more firmly establish the links between the Croatoan outrage and the Family. She has something against them. I don't know what it is. I knew her for two years in the future and I never asked. Then again, I never really cared. Anyway, Nothing was happening today and, despite treatment to my knee, it was still stiff so I'd graciously accepted Mer'des' command and was taking it easy today.
Which is why I'm currently floating on a Lilo on Silver Lake wearing a pair of swim shorts and sunglasses. It's pretty warm for November and I was sure someone had taken a photo of me earlier. Let them. Maybe a Weather villain is manipulating the weather somewhere, making it warm here and frozen where he is. If that's the case, I'm sure someone else will stop him.
I grew up in war - or rather I didn't. I've been 14 for eight years now. I'd been humanoid for about two of those years before the enemy invaded and had never really been the social type. I'd bonded with people of course, but those were people I could trust because they fought by my side against the same enemy. We didn't fight to halt the enemy either. We fought to KILL the enemy and they fought to kill us. No quarter given or asked. Young fighters replacing old with no-one left to replace them. David had survived the portal trip to the past and so had Juniper (Even though she wasn't supposed to come). but of the others in the team there had been no sign. Jack, who focussed Ice and could create terrifying Ice Golems and slender ice sculptures. His ice horses were his favourite and capable of movement in a way I could never understand. They were almost alive. Rayne the shapeshifter, who could impersonate anyone or anything to near perfection. I never knew if I had seen her real face but she liked the red-haired, freckled, girl face best. So did I. Julianna. Ah, Julianna. I'd promised I wouldn't think about her. A lie to myself, it seemed. She'd been one of the first to reach out to me. Not in any sort of way like that. Even in war, we were too young for anything like that but I can't deny feelings for her. It wasn't the way she could punch a hole in a tank, nor the way she could carry said tank into the stratosphere before dropping it onto their Titan class flyers - saved the entire squad with that one - it was the way her hair moved in the wind. It kind of billowed back but never looked anything other than a glorious amber. She also enjoyed a lot of her work, resulting in a smile born of pure joy. That's worth a lot in perpetual combat. We never lay together. The enemy saw to that on that final assault on the time portal. The bosslady hadn't quite been fast enough with the tornado and they'd gotten off one shot before being slammed into the wall. One shot and the concussion grenade that I recently found out blasted Juniper through after us. I suppose I'm glad. Juniper wasn't a person meant for war despite her designation - Wild Child.
I've gotta get up, off this damn lake. I'm reflecting too much. Anyway, I;ve still got plans for today. Lunch at a pizza parlour that never has to worry about Family advances, (it's run by one) then I'm going to Talos to pick up some herbal tea at a Chinese tea supplier that's definitely NOT run by the Tsoo and a film in King's row that PROBABLY won't attract many Hellions.
Could be fun, this day off. -
<Grins.> Sorry. Always get a bit nervous about my stories.
This is a link to a story written (mostly) by me in my guise of Wildchild and featuring two of my toons, Tygerboy and Vigilante Storm. It's designed to be continued in roleplay in the game and Will be continued in story as well.