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  1. On the subject of the Translators, one of the episodes of Deep Space 9 showed that the translator does not always work and has to 'learn' a new language first.

    On the subject of Avengers a toy company may have made a spoiler...

    http://www.totalfilm.com/news/surpri...r-the-avengers ?
  2. Did she queue up for you to autograph that breast?
  3. *Poink.*

    I have an interest in poinking the thread as I have a request in.
  4. Last night, Keevan did NOT leave early to tell Tarvin Ellie had become a mommy... If he knows, it's probably co-incidence.

    In honour of the new kitty...
  5. Last night, Tarvin turned up. Not in the best of health but able to walk. And fight a bit. This was good as Malta hold a grudge and attacked for some prior reason ((I.E they attacked in major ambush style some 30 minutes after I arrived and caught me completely by surprise)) and, with help from the station security bots and an arriving Richard, they were fought off.

    Nothing much else happened but Ellie may be about to pierce the veil and get through to Toppa.
  6. (In the Steel Sentinel Society section.

    In a city that thinks it has seen everything, it is good to know that some things still surprise. Several diners at the Starfish 'surf'n'turf' restaurant were confronted by a most unexpected sight yesterday evening as the notorious exhibitionist Foxwoman known as Foxienne was seen to be having dinner with a tuxedo wearing Rabbitman known locally as David. Yes, a fox was having a rabbit TO dinner rather than FOR dinner. The restaurant refused to answer questions regarding their patrons, including the one of how Foxienne got into the restaurant against its' dress code. The pair were, allegedly, later seen kissing before going their seperate ways.

    If it is true, we hope 'David' has protection. Or very fast legs.
  7. Last night, Keevan flummoxed Shannas plans to have a go at him for letting Tarvin out of the house by thanking her straight away for convincing Tarvin that the house was the best place for him. He mentioned near 24 hours of non stop pestering. And revealed that Tarvin HAD actually set fire to the bathroom after trying to use a camp gas mini stove when K banned him from the kitchen for setting that on fire with the toaster...
  8. Tonight Tarvin showed up in a wheelchair. The group was happy to see him. Shanna, however, was not so happy to see him OUT OF THE HOUSE and had a go. Thus proving to him that she cares. He went back home, claiming K was making Chicken Kievs and "he'd not killed it first last time. it had such a look on it's face when he inserted the garlic butter..."

    If this is true or not is unclear.
  9. Ready for this evening. Well, I say ready but we are supposed to be out for food this evening. Should be back for 8.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    Sounds pretty Thunderbirds-y.
    More like Jake and the Neverland Autobots IMHO.
  11. Keevan DID like the book - which is why he approved of Mar taking it to Tarvin - but it was the sweet filling in a cr*p sandwich what with the news on T coming first and Wrench coming after.
  12. True He'll find a way to contact her with the address ((Ask your local Longbow or summat)) With T's address and a 'be my guest' note.
  13. It was more that she seemed to be attacking Tarvin for falling into the trap. And this is no ordinary demon. It has the cunning of a Shanna.

    She's welcome to check out the crime scene if she likes. A bombed lift in Perez isn't going to be hard to find.
  14. As seen in the IC thread, I can be a bit mean too. EvilFea and myself had intended that to occur over the next few nights but, with Toppa onto the fact that she was after the trackers, the timing had to be accelerated. Toppa's to blame(!)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PoisonPen View Post
    Five thousand years of actors would beg to differ. From Homer to Shakespeare, people having been getting into the character of iconic and changeless archetypes for literally thousands of years. The characters aren't entirely static within each narrative of course, but with each telling, the character goes back to its iconic roots as a basepoint.
    That's not development or being iconic. That's life on VHS or DVD when you hit rewind. You view the same events over and over again from the same standpoint and get the same reaction. The version of roleplay in game is along the lines of that you experienced in D&D. At the end of the roleplay your characters are ennobled, enriched and have been through many life changing scenarios. If you were to do a second story with them set after that, would you erase their knowledge of the last adventure or continue them on from there?

    RP when stuck in a 'timelocked' rut is more difficult to arrange and maintain than the other sort although yours does have the comfort of having characters resolve their issues in one panel rather than the years it took Captain America and Iron Man.

    The main trouble, I think, is this. If you do go down the 'iconic' route, you will have to limit your exposure to everyone outside your own group as, although your group is time-locked, the rest of the CoX universe won't be and, although only the dumb ones will define you as 'wrong', it will be tricky for everyone to understand your point due to the conflicting inset natures of RP. After all, they'll have met you before and may have insulted you. Then, the day after, you're there talking to them like nothing happened. They won't get why that is.

    Anyhow, I wish you luck.
  16. Tarvin had fun. At mention of the funeral, however, he decided he would not attend. He believes Edison would not want him to.

    The cupcakes and sponge were good though.
  17. Hm. Can't recall why but I think you had it to begin with so, in the case of a draw as it was today, I should think so? Unless FFM is mean and steals it.
  18. For obvious reasons, the news of the day did not go over well. Discussion was had over the reasons for the attack and how to eliminate the threat of the demon b*tch. After the others had left, Tarvin did his best to cheer Mar up slightly and, as he'd promised Alona, he escorted Mar home.
  19. Should we soon expect an A.S.P.C.A. inspector?
  20. Last night was good fun. Except for the dead body.

    Tarvin liked the Chinese food.