212 -
Quote:Lol, I might just have to Bring Awe, Intra venus is actually only lvl 21 butBring Awe, I like him (he reminds me of fresh spring downy.)
I guess you can bring the venus, but it won't be the same...
sooooo close to 22 she can taste itI almost got there last night but was slowed by
1) testing out dual pistols on test (Schwing!!!!)
2) Crafting a Bunch of recipies, cycling through chars trying to find all my salvage
I KNOW I left some corrosive gas around here somewhere.....
Yes my salvage bins are too full.... -
Sign me Up Mr E!
I will bring either Intra Venus (lvl 24) Mind/Psi Dom. or if she is too low
Dr. Awe (lvl 29 I think) Sonic/Dark Corr. Would love to lvl intra
but Dr. Awe needs level love 2 so your choice. I will try to lvl Intra tonight if she is close or if I can find a PUG. -
Conga Rats!
My First 50 was last year after starting in 2005! :0
BS/Regen currently farming a lvl 50 freakshow mission 5 spawned solo for purps (how many have I got ? Bupkus) BS Rocks the freakshow, 3 stacked parry and watch the wiffageNot that I am an avid farmer, I cant stand doing repetive things I just occasionally drop around 50-100 freaks at the end of the night with him.
My sum total of purps gotten is 1 on my Brute at the same moment he got his 50 in fact I thought it was a thing, ding 50 get a purp recipe.
(Hey Devs, how about it?????) so 2 50's in 4 years, man am I inefficient
Anyway enjoy your 50, Since your on freedom (my Villian server) maybe we'll meet in a co-op zone or pvp some day. Though I do have a tank here as well but he is only 14... PL MEH PLS -
Quote:I would do anything, I enjoy the Wednesday night group a lot, but not the arc that takes you back to lvl 1 ewe!!!! Who wants to go there againI'd be interested in running the Willy Wheeler mission set myself, but anything you want to run is fine with me. There's a lot of content on Villain Side I've not seen cause I've not played on villains very much other than on your last SF run.
My 50 has been wanting to do the Ghost arc again to see if it is possible to get the ghost rifle again. (he used to use it for pulling and used it up). -
Quote:Ah Yes, the hollows, when I first started, much source of frustration, but boy the frost fire mission is still way cool. I still do it occasionally just to slide on the ice rampsBarefoot, and in the snow, when The Hollows took a level 7 to the OTHER SIDE of the map, by the Igneous Bosses, and back when Faultline had faults. When we learned how to sneak around packs of mobs to avoid getting hit (before jump packs, pocket d, base transporter, mission teleporter, and the flight pack were inherent). When you actually took HOVER to fly to the very top of the map, so you could slowly crawl your way to the mission door, and avoid attacks all together.
Ahhhh...good times.
:-DPeople doing the hollows now have NO IDEA what a potential suck fest it was back in the day, when kind high levels were providing teleport services to hapless newbies who could not get to their missions. recall friend was a serious boon for teaming and everybody carried wakies because NO ONE wanted to have to go all the way back to the Atlas hospital then try to make it through the kill zone to the mission at lvl 7 w/ no travel power.
Ahhh good times
But you try to tell the youth these days, and they don't believe you... -
Quote:Good time was had by me, sry I was 2 of those deaths, once cause I got ahead of the group and over aggroed and once cause I got too close to that dang treethis is gonna be real informal (forgot that my screen shots were set to hide UI and such lol.)
Miracle Beam
Chemical Trooper
Dr. Awe
Futari (fat kid)
I forgot that I suck, and died a bunch, I think we had 7-8 total with like 4 being mine, finish time 34:something
Nemesis, you rockz, why I keep confusing you with Cyber-Commnder... Zohan? I dont know lol
Dr. Awe -
Put Looking for farm in your search text and I am sure someone looking to pad will ask you to join an AE farm. You can lvl like mad in AE of course you miss out on some of the important temp powers you can get on the way up.
Personally I need to slow down at the level you are at because it is real easy to out level striga and croatoa and those places have great temp powers particularly for a blasters, defenders and controllers. You have already out leveled the first two arcs on striga I believe. And you are in danger of outleveling the first croatoa arc unless you have already started it. In addition
Striga and croatoa are great for getting two good accolades (Atlas Medallion and geas of the kind ones).
It seems to me that xp comes like mad now, back in the old days when we had to walk uphill to school both ways, and debt actually meant something..... -
Dr. Awe would love to get in on this
lvl 27 Sonic Dark will probably be lvl 28 by next week. -
Hey all, I would like to try out PVPing beyond just hunting for people in a PVP zone, which I have not had too much success at.
I am an admitted noob even though I have a fair amount of PVE experience.
Anyone want to hold my had a bit? I have Villains on Freedom and Heroes on virtue. I have 1 50 on each server and a range of other alts. I would be happy to show up for pickup events with enough notification as long as the timing works out (after 9 EST sometimes later)
Send me a PM
global @porcinepine -
I should be able to bring Dr. Awe who is somwhere around 24-28
Sonic/Dark corruptor. And our base has the computer. Look for me if you have need. I am going to try to be around at 10:30. If you dont need Dr. Awe I would take Intra Venus (mind/psi Dom) lvl 23 I think.
(Man I have WAY to many alts)
Send tell @porcinepine
If no room, no problem. -
Bwaa ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
You didn't notice us upstate new yorkers made a deal with mother nature and sold our snow to you guys in the south. Suckers!!!!
We are having a slow year, only 86 inches so far, we gave it all to you!!!
Bwaa ha ha ha!!! -
Rats, meeting ran late so I did not make it, Hope everyone had a productive run!
Hey Mr. E-Man would love to do this with any number of chars but I may have to give this one a miss I have a 9pm conference call/web meeting and I don't know how long it is going go if the last one is any indication I might be cutting it close.
If I come I will bring Dresdens Revenge a fire/storm corrupter.
so if you see him hangin around Virgil at 10:30 take pity on me and find a spot for me?
If not have a good run! -
Thanks, Intra Venus had a good time, too Bad I only had Assemble the team
to help with transport of the non stealthy
Would love to do this again sometime, I'll keep prowling the boards looking for more. -
I would love to do this TF I have several options for Chars to do it but
one Problem
Wifey is working tonight, so as long as I can get the kids to bed by 9pm
I should be good. But also if the youngest wakes up (which doesnt often happen but can) I have no backup and I hafta take care of buisness.
Anyway, a little TMI but I will try to get online by 9:20 with a lvl appropriate char I have a Brute, 2 Corrupters, and a Dominator that all need this badge.
Look for: Dr. Awe, Lightening Rod, Dresdens revenge, or Intra Venus
I will still show up for a few minutes even if I am late in case you are still waiting.
you can Global message me at @porcinepine and I'll get it when I log in.
Torque -
while, I see you are full and not enough for 2 teams, I'll still show up and see what happens
Im up for this I can bring either
Storm Claud : lvl 50 Elec/Dark Brute
Kananga : lvl 42 Thugs/FF MM
Let me know which you prefer
See you tonight at 10:30!
@porcinepine -
I am in with Storm Claud
lvl 50 Electric melee Dark Armor Brute
This will be my first time doing this TF. -
Quote:Would love to run it but 8:30 is too early for me I need to get the kids in bed before daddy can play that puts my earliest time at around 9:30 EST typically.Cancelled tonight, only had one response.
Looking for a full team, to run Synapse on Friday night. Lvl 26 blaster, Hover Bug. Looking to start at 8:30 pm ET. Please post class and lvl and of course hero name and if you are interested in joining in.
I have been occasionally doing stuff on freedom wednesday nights at 10:30 which works out perfect for me except freedom is my Villian server and all my heros are on virtue. I would love to start up a semi regular Wednesday night 10-10:30 group up to do whatever. Anyone interested can pm me. -
Quote:agreed with spartan here. Compared to certain *ahem* other ncsoft games, gold farming/selling in this game is nothing. Compared to most other online games, it's absolutely tiny. Inf just isn't worth that much in the game, and it's way to easy to get on your own in any amounts you might need it in. Plus, if they're using ae to farm, you barely even have to see them. In any case, it's usually not the farmers that are the problem, it's the annoying sellers, which you can report, and should.
qft! -
Thanks Everybody! had fun got lvls, merits, badge and even a rare piece of salvage!
I can show up with Dr. Awe Sonic/Dark corruptor (not sure what lvl, in 20's)
Will be there looking for ya! -
Wait a Minute if brawl has no endurance cost it might be worth slotting up is that true?
Quote:I will definitely save a few purps and chew when rom comes next time. I was doing fine then blat! dont know what hit me there. And rom went down easy as pie in the previous mission, go figure. I will be looking out for future runs, still want to get this badgeLesson learned for sure. Squishy folks out of AOE range, lobster on Rom and we would have been fine. I thought being a warshade would have made me the most likely to die but it didn't happen, though there was a close call when I was in squid form with the robots.
Really, my only trouble was trying to target my own fluffy in the caves. All that purple everywhere made it hard to tell what was what.
We will get it next time for sure. -