212 -
I think I'll bring Intra venus tonight. That or maybe Fhergus we'll see.
Quote:Back in my day we had to hoard wakies in the hollows cause if you died not only was it a long slog back from ATLAS ffin PARK! you also had a good chance of death trying to get back to the mission door! And then you learned that you never had to do the hollows after all, WHAT!!!! Of Course frostfire is still one of the best missions...People didn't have sprint?
Lazy newbie heroes. Back in my day, we had to Sprint up a snow-packed hill - both directions - to fight the Winter Lord. AND WE WERE HAPPY.
(...and we also got mad XP from the first Winter Lord too. Imagine getting a level for every time you participated in a WL takedown, all the way into the 20s.)
Quote:Yah Eastern time, forgot to mention that (I am upstate NY) I get on late cause the kids don't put themselves to bed, (Yet)Sounds good, but I'm not sure if I'll be there as we'll be going out to eat and maybe watching a movie [dvd, not theater]. If you're talking Eastern time, then I probably won't have a problem with that. Just not sure.
I might be bopping around other toons when I get started so if you come on just send me a global tell and i'll shift over. (I play on virtue too and I have a fire/kin getting close to 50 there)
Quote:I'll be on tonight (friday) sometime after 9:30 Send me a pm I am working Yetil through Strigga right now and would welcome the company. I can see what other puggers we can add to the team to knock out those missions. you should easily be able to ding 25 and I can pop you into Oro after you do cause I already have the badge. @porcinepineI'll be there with Toro. But if we have too many tanks, I might switch to my Arachnos soldier. I'm planning on trying to run Assault and TT:Assault at the same time, and with venom grenade...woot. If I do bring her, I'd like to be on a team where we group all the spiney scrappers, and more HEATs.
But...She's (a) still rogue and (2) only 24. Not sure if double xp weekend will help of make me throw my hands up in disgust at the horrid pugs I'd inevitably be on, leaving the game forever, or a few hours.
Edited to add: And some day, I'd like to be on a team with all khelds, or maybe just all EATs or something. I don't see a reason to make special events for theme teams when we have enough alts between us to pull of nearly anything. -
Im In Dr. Awe if we do multiples I'll bring another.
I'm in this time with Yetil or Vander if we need a tank. Niece went home today
OOps gotta downgrade to alternate, My Neice is arriving this evening and I may not be able to go to the man cave at 10:30
Sign me up! I'll bring somebody, not sure who but probably either Brute, widow or Dominator.
I thought there was a badge for nailing frostfire, I guess not though.
I guess I'll leave my options open then Vander graph has been ignored lately and needs some leveling love.
I think I might bring vander graph to this because he doesnt have this badge and yetil does. lvl 35 el/el tank
Sorry for anyone who wanted to tag along for my mr Yi mission. I hung hard going into faultline and could not find you guys when I got back on.
Happening too much, time for me to rebuild my system -
I'll bring Yetil per usual lvl 22 ice/ice Def
Quote:By M-BToday is officially my account's expiration. Before I left, I wanted to make it a point to get my 3 main toons to the 1200 badge mark, and I'm happy to report that I have succeeded:
I want to thank everybody for your support and kind words. The Horde means a lot to me, and I have recently altered my forum signature and avatar to include "forever" on them. I'm horrible at "goodbye" messages, but since I plan on popping in for free weekends and/or events, it shouldn't really be goodbye. We've already had many discussions about my departure for weeks now, so all that's left that I can really say at this point is that you will all truly be missed, and I wish you luck. I hope you all accomplish your goals and enjoy your time here. I certainly did, thanks to all of you.
See you soon!
XBox Live: StarGoyleI feel like I was just getting to know ya, sniff when you come back even if briefly send me a tell and I am there
us Bostonians need to stick together even though I am transplanted to NY
I use skype frequently, I would love to voice cause my typing stinks!
Next horde event? -
I guess I'll bring Dr. Awe he needs both the badge and the shards/dna sample.
One suggestion for mission 4 I did this once where we left the pylons up while
killing mitos, worked well, supposedly they keep the hamidon out of the fight
while you take down the mitos. Just my .02$ -
I will bring my tank Vander Graph (elec/elec) as he is in lvl range and could use the extra merits.
I'll bring either storm claud or kananga Dr.Awe has done this baby 3 times
this week already. Most likely Kananga as he needs some shard lovin. -
Last night (4/7/11) Dr. Awe my Sonic/Dark Corr dinged 50 on an ITF then
proceeded to unlock his alpha now on to 50+1 -
Woot! Dr. Awe dinged 50 last night and unlocked his alpha so I am definitely bringing him. I Just did a recpec aimed toward defense and it looks like he is working well, quite survivable though I still need many much luck of the gamblers to finish my build
My Fearsome stare does -22% chance to hit though
I have a brute still in praetoria (Resistance) lvl 14 I think so if you bring someone up send me a pm and I'll team up with you I havent logged on to him for quite a while so I am probably due too. I find the lack of SG base access to be a PITA
in praetoria
I cant remember character name exactly right now. -
I'll bring something depending on need, I have at least 3 tunes can do this. Possibly even my tank can do it.
If I get Dr. Awe to 50 by then then I'll definitely bring him he is sitting at 49.4
one more evening and I should be there.
Torque -
Quote:Woot! I am down with that, don't like the speed runs particularly withFrom my post:
This is going to be a non-speed run pretty much clearing the majority of the mobs as we go
So, if you are looking for a speed run - I'm not your man either.
my squishy brute or my squishies in general. Should we go for a master run? -
Quote:Yeah sry I was late, thanks for waiting for me glad to finally be 47 so I can slot my lvl 50 Lockdown setSeven deaths, fifty-five minutes and forty four seconds!
Congrats/thanks to Nasiria, Evilex, Hatake Yukiko, Ragypt, Rex Obscura, Mute Merc, and Dr. Awe!(as soon as I can find the salvage.....)
Dr. Awe -
Storm Claud could really use the shards so I am on for this...
I'll bring Storm Claud. But if we need debuffing I can bring Dr Awe.