212 -
Not sure who I'll bring, force of nature is too low still any requests?
Might bring Vander or Pro Ppane
Vander will be there, definitely dinging 50 this time.
Vander should hit 50 on this (Woot!) (I hope anyway) if I do does anyone want to help out on the Incarnate arc after?
Sry I missed, first day of school today and I have to say I am a little bummed, all my alts that will never see 50, so many careers cut short, snifff I still want to get Vander at least to 50 before the end, I'll be there next week, I might start transferring some of my virtue toons to freedom too.
I'll be bringing Vander Graph
I might not make this tired from weekend.
I'm Back from vacation and rarin to go! I'll bring Vander Graph
I am getting closer and closer to 50! -
K I have a lvl 14 Stalker hero on my 2nd account that my son started he has Montague, if you can believe it Every other char on both accounts on freedom have the badge! So if you really need it I can run Strong Shadow from @Ras Putin but I prefer to run Darkest Flaime from my main account if you don't need someone with contact.
Anything going on this Wednesday? (June 20th) I am up for running something if Mr E. is Busy, post if interested!
I'll bring Vander Graph, I just respeced him and I want to try his build out even though he has many set holes..... Need SOOOOOO MANY IO's
Hmm I don't get why you prefer maneuvers over Stealth stealth has
a higher base defense and less base endurance drain, plus it is handy to pair with a stealth IO for stealthing missions. which happens a LOT in teams and TF.
and can be handy for grinding radio and/or tips.
Just my .02$ -
Thanks for running just late enough for me to get on w/ vander graph
Had a lot of fun and am Soooooo close to 42, did not have energy to lvl last night though, maybee I'll try to get on an ITF tonight. -
Hmm just don't know who to bring I'll have to check on which badges each has
all three can do this and i will take requests -
Sign me up with Intra Venus She hasnt done this yet and I Finally got her alpha slotted.
I cant decide who to bring, probably tank or brute cause I am pretty sure Yetil did this last session, but if we are defender light I can bring him/it
I'll Bring Intra Venus, she still has not slotted her alpha yet is that a problem?
I am about 15 Vangaurd merits short of getting the grey matter I need to make
the first level alpha. I can see if I can try to get that done before 10:30.
Been looking for a Mothership raid but haven't seen one going on when I have been on. -
Get Better soon Mr. E! Guess I can use the time off Myself
though if anyone see's me on send em a tell if you want to team up!
No chars can find a map to log on I am trying to find out if there is any news
Something is messed up freedom is gray, virtue is yellow but I am queing into it
tried exalted and cant log into characters because cant find a map. hopefully this clears up soon.
Ulysses 721 for this one My other choices already have done this.
I am planning on bringing a Villian but I can bring either. Most likely pick
one of my Toons that needs leveling love like Junious or Fhergus villian side
Or Ulysses 721 Hero side. -
I think I'll bring Vander Graph along for this I think he needs the Caverns Badge and I think Yetil has it will check before so don't be surprised if I switch last min. But that is the likely scenario.
See you then!