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  1. Trying to decide what to pair with ba Going to roll a minotuar. One of my fav. D@D toons. Want a guy that can handle all content if possible dont have to do most damage just looking for a brute force guy. Thx for any info have a great day
  2. Thx for the quick advice. Good to see help out there. I made a elec/km tank so far he is doing good, like the way it looks. Well lets hope the ride to 50 is a good 1 .
  3. Hi there, trying to make a tank that can do ok on SO cant afford IO. Was thinking DA,ELEC or FA. As the set i was going to use. Mainly for 2 reasons.They got dam shields and the main reason they can handle end drain. I hate when the blue bar goes empty from sappers and everything else. was just wondering if they are ok with so until i can io up. Was thinking of taking Km to go with it never played it. Going to solo alot . Why i took damage shield powers to help out. thx for any help and have a great day.
  4. what can you skip. From fire thinking flares and snipe and maybe aim . Was thinking of taking all traps for fun but didnt want to totaly gimp toon. Any posted builds will be helpful . TY
  5. Was wondering how good a fire/trap set is for solo and teams I guess mainly solo. Since finding teams is next to impossible. Was playing a fire blaster but soloing can be hard at times. I do like traps got a nin/trap i like alot that 32 and climbing. Thx for any info
  6. Hello all, Pretty new to dom. Been playing a mind/fire and I have to say pretty safe solo. Then I thought I try a fire/fire came up with a theme I wanted to try. Was wandering how safe is a f/f solo and in teams and what powers from the first line are skipable. Thx for any info , have a great day.
  7. Hi, was wandering what goes best with traps and i wonder if it is and ok set. TY.