504 -
..did someone say they needed TA drawn in a tutu?
Heheh, this constant lurker looks forward to seeing your progress on this massive (or set o'mini-massive) images, LJ.
Strikeforce Name: The 5th Column Overthrow (SF/TF)
Contact: Mender Lazarus
Merits Awarded: You received 6 reward merits. (+0)
Strikeforce Name: The Spider Weaves His Web SF
Contact: Mender Tesseract
Merits Awarded: You received 4 reward merits. (-1) -
She's a good friend, and a fabulous artist to boot. I love how she works with markers. Awesome piece.
Ahh I understand what you're talking about now. I haven't bothered with any of the specialty pens or tips yet, tho' I've considered picking up the Airbrush pen a few times.
I'd a friend with one of those really basic 'on/off' pressure level tablets. I honestly don't know how he could stand it. I think they're not made for art as much as editing. -
OH and something that took me forever to finally find an answer to....in order to have the brush 'rotate' in your hand and on the tablet...it requires a special pen tool. The standard one won't do it. (Don't know why that little fact was so hard to find, but I tried searching options on all programs I have for months before finally coming across it).
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In this I believe you are talking about pen tilt, and at least with Wacoms it's not the pen that enables you to have directionality (such as with airbrush spray) it's the tablet. Graphires couldn't do it, I imagine Bamboos do not either.
Otherwise, I'm not sure what you're talking about.
And more levels of sensitivity mean the tablet is more responsive to how firm or light the pressure of your strokes. It's not necessarily something you'll notice if you've never had a tablet before, so starting off with 'just' 512 shouldn't be a problem. -
Tablets for digital work? Absolutely worth it. I've used several, they've all be Wacom brand. 9x12 Intuos, 4x5 Graphire, 6x8 Intuos3. Wacom makes the best; you're sure of a solid product if you go with Intuos; Bamboo has been getting better, but I think is still not up to the quality standard Graphire was.
If you can find a 4x5 Graphire on amazon or ebay that is NOT Bluetooth enabled I suggest starting there.
As an artist you generally don't want a very large tablet; anything over 6x8 (or 6x11 works well for widescreen) and you tend to over-exert yourself in the arm movements while drawing, making it more difficult to get smooth lines and strokes. I can speak to this from experience; my 9x12 was a great tablet but such a hamper because of its size. When I switched to a 4x5 I moved about three times faster because I didn't have to make those gigantic strokes anymore. Mostly you focus on wrist and hand movements, rather than broad arm movements. (The really big tablets are more suited toward multi-screen video-processing environments.)
As for the concern of tablet size VS monitor size, your tablet compensates for that to work proportionally with your screen. You can even set it up to use only a portion of your screen or your tablet if your surface area is uncomfortably large. Like LJ said, it is actually much better to start with the small models then move up if need be. I went the other way around and it hampered my speed and precision for a long time.
If you can't afford a Wacom, I recommend Aiptek. I've two friends that have been using Aipteks for years; they're not as good as Wacom but they are solid and considerably less expensive.
Keep in mind that the tablet sizes are the drawing area, and all of them have a couple inches around that. So a 6x8 table has a surface area around 9x13. And there's nothing you can do to get the 9x12 tablet to fit in a backpack.
And actually LJ, Wacom Intuos has always be 1024 levels of sensitivity. The newer models have different button features and adjusted layouts. (Intuos (1) had just a removable pressure strip at the top of the tablet's drawing area, while Intuos3 has 4 buttons and a slider on each side, which I much prefer.) The tablet tech and pens got better, too. And yeah, if I had enough for a 12x19 I would just get the Cintiq as well.
Oh, chances are when you first start working with the tablet things will be awkward and slow. Don't worry, that's natural and things will smooth out for you as you get a feel for what you're doing. -
I totally cracked up. Awesome commercial!
Ooh, really like the composition on that cover.
QR typically stands for Quick Recovery.
Apologies if this has already been posted.
Day Jobs
Server: Triumph (tho' I assume it's the same on all)
Zone: Sharkhead Isle
Character name: I can has ninja?
Time: n/a
Location: Super Group base portal (behind the hospital)
Mission: n/a
Mission Contact: n/a
Bug Description: This location, though it shows an appropriate icon, does not appear to be rewarding time toward the Monitor Duty badge. I had no progress bar for Monitor Duty badge despite parking at this location directly by the portal for almost 20 days. -
Thanks, everyone!
Actually lately I have been frequenting the forums, I just find myself in role of lurker more than anything else. ;] -
I apologize if this was covered elsewhere; I did search and found no other word elsewhere, however. I do believe this is a bug, and will be saddened if it is not.
Smoke Grenade for Night Widows, IO sets
Server: all
Bug Description: SoA Night Widow's Smoke Grenade does not take Accurate To-hit Debuff sets.
It does take To-hit Debuff sets, and Accuracy enhancements, and it is NOT an autohit power in PvE (or PvP to my knowledge). I hope this is just a bug/oversight with the power, and not working as intended. -
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Hyperion Tekk
Global Contact: @Liz
Level of Classification: 50 Defender
Origin: Technology
Super Rank & Super Group: Expert of the Experts of Justice
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Lord Volf Alteron
Global Contact: @Liz
Level of Classification: 50 Mastermind
Origin: Science!
Super Rank & Super Group: Overlord of The Chaos Crew
(So... conceptually my controller should be on a major Rikti event, but you know... I figured I would stick with a signature. :P) Also... woo, here we go. *waits for more information* -
Unfortunately it's a reality of the trade and can work both ways, as many have found out.
I really like the suggestion made by SlickRiptide. Otherwise call it a wash, and don't be afraid to ask for everything up front from now on. Really, this is part of your lively hood.
I've found its easier to get burned when setting up for a split payment, but to me, anything under (wait we can't put numbers um....) 'the general cost of a simple one-character transaction' is an all-upfront deal. -
Hahahaha, so true and just great.
Just here to say I've been on both sides of the Jack coin.
I have been with several groups in Talos busting Eochai's rump almost 30 times with no sign of Jack.
I have been on a group in Sharkhead where, in the space of less than an hour, Jack spawned 4 times.
That said, I am absolutely all-for a streakbreaker code for Jack.
I am also for adding in the 'ambush code' to door spawns so that griefers find themsevles overwhelmed with their just due, having been on Triumph the first night and being driven to the RWZ to ToT instead because of the sheer amount of immaturity and uncaring twits.
As for not receiving Tier 3 Inspires from doors... wel the handful of times I have ToT'ed this year was in groups, and inspires were dropping so fast from doors and enemies I had no trouble swallowing or combining a few while fighting that (for me) Tier 3s would just be 'taking up space' in my tray (I would like to store them in a base) while I chomped thru the 1s and 2s. So really I have no problem with the change.
I am, however, sorry that there is indeed a bug with Spirits that won't be fixed this year.
But! The Zombolocalypses? Holy cow they are AWESOME. I love 'em. Thanks SO much for bringing this event to us.
Braaaaaiiiinnssss.... -
If I may borrow a phrase from Kelci... 'Holy poopsticks!' One heckuf a piece.
wow, the ending sketches were different than I expected, seen to many tentacle hentai to not expect that,
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Not sure why, but based on this comment I pictured her gnawing her way through the tentacles.
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Heheh me too. -
Hey all, thanks for the kind words. :]
Here are a few more I've started. They each represent about 20mins or so, mostly sketch and blocking in. I like using two contrasting colours to get them started. This is usually the 'hardest' part for me, as I'm best at fleshing things out during the meat of the painting.
I was going for a bit more expression this time.
Chibi Huntington
Parallel Illusion
Demonseed -
Again... I'm not dead!
So lately, when I have free time I've been doing portraits of my assorted City toons ... mostly for LiveJournal icons. :รพ
They've all been done in PhotoshopCS, and are really nice practice in straight-out painting with the plain brushes, no lines. They're also great to use as warm-up pieces as I like to do them quickly.
Subliminal Zeus
Burning Skies
Rogue Tekk
Big Sky
Summer's Son
So... there ya go. -
On that note, can anyone tell me why Rob Liefield is so hated? Is it because of his inventive anatomy style? I'm not a big fan, but he does have a distinct style...
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Is "inventive anatomy style" a way of saying, "he can't draw bodies for [censored]"?
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If you do a yahoo search for Rob Liefeld, one of the links will be for a site called Progressive Boink, which gives a rather lengthy and mildly amusing tirade on why he doesn't like Liefeld. I'd link to it, but it's full of profanity and I don't want to be modsmacked.
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I'm not even going to draw the other hand. No one will notice.
How many teeth are in a mouth? Like, a billion? I'll draw a billion.