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  1. sarhfire

    archery build

    i have tryed making a archery/device but i dont feel so much fun about device , but i've been playing with a friend using energy manipulation and it looks pretty good , with build up+aim he gave 156 with blazing and 140 with a energy hit in lvl 15 ,

    so i wanted to make a archery/energy manipulation but im not sure what to go for , should i take snap shot ? what travel power ? should i go for hasten ?,
    im aiming to be good all around
    i have tought about sj for travel becuase in pvp i have seen another archery use it and it was pretty good to jump around those melee brutes and shoot'em down . .

    im a noob so i really need help
  2. sarhfire


    accident , dont know what happened sry
  3. could someone make a build ? . i want him to be good all round but aim at pvp'ing
  4. sarhfire


    yeah he just said ice patch ?
  5. sarhfire


    will somebody please make a build for a blaster with archery/device .. showing what lvl to take powers how to slot them . .