180 -
Quote:Nous prévoyons un prolongement de cette mise à jour d'environ une heure. Les serveurs devraient par conséquent redevenir disponibles vers 18 H 00, heure de France. Nous vous tiendrons informés de cette évolution. Merci de votre compréhension.
it basically says "we foresee a prolonging of the update by one hour. the servers should be available by 6 pm (GMT +1) french time. we will keep you informed as it progresses. thank you for your understanding."
brought to you by ridiculous girl translation services (TM) -
thanks for the review. i am getting burnt out of MA and everything, so i have been taking a break and will be taking a long holiday in a few weeks. if i15 comes out before my holiday back in the states i will address your concerns with secret shame. oh and you were right about the librarian, she did have a build up. i took it out, but i am kind of wondering if it was necessary since she is a LT. but it was not supposed to be set on hard, not sure how it got there. but anyways... thank you again for the review. it is greatly appreciated.
thank you, PW, that is probably the most useful review i have recieved. i need to make some revisions, and might be able to address some of your concerns. i am a little burnt out of MA and reviewing, so i may return to it all after the summer and my return trip back to the states. when i do a revision your advice will be my most useful guide. thank you.
while it is lower on my appreciation list of my two posted arcs you might be interested in my welcome to donut world arc for creative contacts. it will not be appearant at first, but you will understand. the cumtoms have been reworked and the maps have been moved around. so i will need any feedback you can give me.
but then again, my favorite arc, hero therapy, also has what i feel is a fairly different approach with the contact since he is not only a contact, but an active though passive participant too.
i guess what i am saying is take you pick... the links and info are posted in my signature.
RG -
ok LJ, i am not sure whether you reviewed my arc or not. i reviewed the return of the revenge and i played the rise of drakule ages ago. but my memory is bad. if you have, then post me link to remind me in my early senility. but i am always willing to run your fighting freedom one and review it if you so wish. the hero therapy arc has been upgraded a bit since the last time you may have or may not have played it. i took out some of the customs and added a load of new content. give it a whirl and let me know. the link is below.
one word of warning... do not play with a fire blaster, they are especially weak with one boss. hopefully i will be able to correct this with i15...
hero therapy (TM) 119228 -
thank you for playing my arc. truthfully this was not intended to be a humor arc, and i really still do not consider it one. i know it has huporous elements to it and that is why i submitted it to you. it just ended up humorous, more by accident than by design. that is probably why there is more humor in the last mission, because i packed it with so much stuff because it was the final mission.
the maps are a bit funny. they are all unique, obviously, but chosen for theme more rather than size. if i could have found a map that was more library-like but bigger i would have used it. the burning map used to be an outdoors map until they removed it unexpectedly. it took a couple of reviews, including venture's, before i realized that they were playing entirely the wrong map. they were all picked for their dreamlike qualities. i would love some ideas on map alternatives if you have any suggestions, because they do feel a bit crowded.
The last boss is over the top and almost ruined the last great mission.
[/ QUOTE ]
based on past feedback and experience i will hazard a guess that you ran with a scrapper? just curious. it actually used to be much worse, because there used to be bosses with confuse. so i removed those and toned the av down to hard/standard.
but anyways... thank you for the play and your feed back.
RG -
Well, it could well be play style.
[/ QUOTE ]
actually i think a lot of the problem was that he was in his 'britney spears" level 36 phase... -
i ran this mission arc again with obvious girl, my level 36 MA/SR scrapper, on heroic.
mission 1
there is no patrol and therefore no more dialogue than 3 lines from the boss. i do not even think there was an unaware dialogue, other than "too late hero!"
mission 2
ok now i see in the opening pop up that this is a villain recruiting hotspot.
on the hostage rescue there is no dialogue except what BA says upon rescue.
why are there freaks?
the snakes are still -2 or 3 than the rest of the crowd. this is a bug...
nemesis is spelled wrong in junkyard dog's repartee...
there are three patrols with dialogue... one has more than one comment.
mission 3
BA has two lines... her captors do not say anything...
ok your judicators are set on at least hard. therefore they have not only build up butshatter combined with jawbreaker . it is not hard two hit almost anyone...
the only other dialogue in this mission was from SBB...
mission 4
only the bosses have 4 lines apiece.
ok, i did as you asked. i normally would never do this, but you seemed to want me to see how wrong i was. i am afraid my opinion, and almost all that i said before, remains the same. i will probably never indulge anyone that way again. it puts me in a bad position. it is a difficult position to do a QPQ review. if the person that you are reviewing does not like how you reviewed them, they may seek to give you a bad review in return. someone that you ask, just reviewing your arc, is not put directly in such a situation. though anything but glowing reviews are not helpful either. so i shoot for honest. my own honest opinion. i try to be as positive as possible, but when some thing does not work with me i am honest as to why it does not work with me. i always try to find the good points first before i point out the problems. but if i go back then i am focusing on all the bad points, the ones that i criticized to look at them again. if i find them still problematic after your explanations it only forces me to get more negative than my original feedback. this is not helpful to both parties. but since you asked and i indulged, here is what i think...
you asked me to play a different toon on a different setting. i did. the problem is that if you play it on heroic you cannot see what the authors original intentions were with powers. bosses become LTs, elite bosses become bosses, etc... so yes, things were much easier when i played through with heroic, but it was missing the original feel. but since i went through looking harder at some things, i did notice a couple more things... you LTs are mace/shield set on at least hard. with build up i got 2 shotted at least twice by them, alone. your other bosses were no problem at all. as bosses they went down fast to my scrapper, but i was only on heroic. i am not going to play a third time just to see how they would play out on rugged or something. i got a good feel for them. the difference in play is due to differences in ATs. it was much faster for my scapper, but with my blaster i did not have too many problems though it was much slower.
i saw no difference in dialogue. i thought it might have been exactly what you said about the cloaking suppressing dialogue, though i had never heard of the bug before. but running through it again i saw no difference in the amount. i even counted it. there is very little dialogue in general. i still think you you sacrificed dialogue for more toons. i tried to look, but forgot until too late, but how many costumes does BA have? 3? or am i mistaken and there are only two? you did explain who the league of injustice are, but there is no real explanation as to who they are or what they are doing there. i guess i could surmise that all the bosses belong to them, but why is your toon, wrong number, in there? other than having a couple lines and being the trigger for the boss? they really seem to be just thrown in there. usually with a group there is some unifying theme, but this is just a group of characters.
i don't know... i feel this second run was an exercise in futility. the only thing i will have to acknowlege is that i now understand why the snakes, etc, are in that one mission. though the snakes are still bugged at this level. what i saw for the first run was pretty much spot on, in my opinion. i saw pretty much the same thing this time. though because it was set on heroic it was much easier and it was much faster, yes. i even did the final mission in about 5 minutes. but there was no real difference in quality and my opinion above is pretty much staying the way it is. sorry... -
i ran this mission arc again with obvious girl, my level 36 MA/SR scrapper, on heroic.
mission 1
there is no patrol and therefore no more dialogue than 3 lines from the boss. i do not even think there was an unaware dialogue, other than "too late hero!"
mission 2
ok now i see in the opening pop up that this is a villain recruiting hotspot.
on the hostage rescue there is no dialogue except what BA says upon rescue.
why are there freaks?
the snakes are still -2 or 3 than the rest of the crowd. this is a bug...
nemesis is spelled wrong in junkyard dog's repartee...
there are three patrols with dialogue... one has more than one comment.
mission 3
BA has two lines... her captors do not say anything...
ok your judicators are set on at least hard. therefore they have not only build up butshatter combined with jawbreaker . it is not hard two hit almost anyone...
the only other dialogue in this mission was from SBB...
mission 4
only the bosses have 4 lines apiece.
ok, i did as you asked. i normally would never do this, but you seemed to want me to see how wrong i was. i am afraid my opinion, and almost all that i said before, remains the same. i will probably never indulge anyone that way again. it puts me in a bad position. it is a difficult position to do a QPQ review. if the person that you are reviewing does not like how you reviewed them, they may seek to give you a bad review in return. someone that you ask, just reviewing your arc, is not put directly in such a situation. though anything but glowing reviews are not helpful either. so i shoot for honest. my own honest opinion. i try to be as positive as possible, but when some thing does not work with me i am honest as to why it does not work with me. i always try to find the good points first before i point out the problems. but if i go back then i am focusing on all the bad points, the ones that i criticized to look at them again. if i find them still problematic after your explanations it only forces me to get more negative than my original feedback. this is not helpful to both parties. but since you asked and i indulged, here is what i think...
you asked me to play a different toon on a different setting. i did. the problem is that if you play it on heroic you cannot see what the authors original intentions were with powers. bosses become LTs, elite bosses become bosses, etc... so yes, things were much easier when i played through with heroic, but it was missing the original feel. but since i went through looking harder at some things, i did notice a couple more things... you LTs are mace/shield set on at least hard. with build up i got 2 shotted at least twice by them, alone. your other bosses were no problem at all. as bosses they went down fast to my scrapper, but i was only on heroic. i am not going to play a third time just to see how they would play out on rugged or something. i got a good feel for them. the difference in play is due to differences in ATs. it was much faster for my scapper, but with my blaster i did not have too many problems though it was much slower.
i saw no difference in dialogue. i thought it might have been exactly what you said about the cloaking suppressing dialogue, though i had never heard of the bug before. but running through it again i saw no difference in the amount. i even counted it. there is very little dialogue in general. i still think you you sacrificed dialogue for more toons. i tried to look, but forgot until too late, but how many costumes does BA have? 3? or am i mistaken and there are only two? you did explain who the league of injustice are, but there is no real explanation as to who they are or what they are doing there. i guess i could surmise that all the bosses belong to them, but why is your toon, wrong number, in there? other than having a couple lines and being the trigger for the boss? they really seem to be just thrown in there. usually with a group there is some unifying theme, but this is just a group of characters.
i don't know... i feel this second run was an exercise in futility. the only thing i will have to acknowlege is that i now understand why the snakes, etc, are in that one mission. though the snakes are still bugged at this level. what i saw for the first run was pretty much spot on, in my opinion. i saw pretty much the same thing this time. though because it was set on heroic it was much easier and it was much faster, yes. i even did the final mission in about 5 minutes. but there was no real difference in quality and my opinion above is pretty much staying the way it is. sorry... -
"have blap, blap, blappy day" arc #2019
i played this with tired of it ALL, my level 36 AR/DEV blaster, on rugged.
observations and typos as i ran this arc...
mission 1
pretty quiet, no dialogue...
what is that boss? he could see through my stealth from a good ways... and he was extremely tough.
mission 2
the nemesis patrol says "more failed plans then..." it should be than
the snakes are -2-3 to the rest of the mobs, maybe a hero/villain level bug like the carnival and family?
in bright angel's description shouldn't it be "blappy's"? no hostage diologue, other than BA's? in her dialogue is needs to be "it's"
man, your bosses are tough! what are they set on?
mission 3
mission intro... maybe it should read "that police, aided by Tired of it ALL, raided..." just add the comma.
BA's found text says "about time sidekick,"
BA's lost text amatuer is spelled wrong
in SBB's final death text it should say "what's that..."
mission 4
in WNs description it says "hero insurance?". "No I don't..." notice the extra period
in SSs description who is "Bally?" and it says "Who the Monster rEaLy Is!!" do you want "really" spelled wrong?
no EB warning for blappy?
ok i finished your blappy arc. i enjoyed some aspects of the arc. i like the custom toons and the story line. i like the set up with the tv and how it addresses you. that is a difficult contact to pull off and think you do fairly well. the text was fairly well edited, though i found some typos and extraneous details. unfortunately, i also have some serious problems with the story too.
first of all... i know i played this on rugged, and it is more difficult to solo, but your bosses were very very difficult. what are their setting levels? with the first two i died once before getting into a long running slug fest. the next two were not so bad. but then, surprise, there is an elite boss. this is becoming a pet peeve for me. especially in a timed mission where i can possibly fail the whole arc. set on rugged this is a nightmare to deal with especially when i have no warning that i am going to be facing one. i also understand the rationale for a timed mission, but that is a large map and with three bosses, including one elite, this would be a horrible mission for a team. either you need to remove the timer or make it a little longer. i have failed mission arcs with timers and i hate it. i almost let it go just because of the elite boss.
now a lot of your missions were empty of dialogue. if this is a humor based arc more humor can be inserted, with patrols, hostage repartee, boss dialogue. but the first mission, only the final boss says a couple of things. in the next mission you have couple of patrols with dialogue, but another problem appears. the patrol bad guys have no reason to be there other than have one liners, otherwise they make no sense to the greater story. due to your number of custom toons i am willing to be that you have no room left. this leads to another problem. too many toons. while wrong number is amusing, she has no relation to the story whatsoever, it appears to me, other than to add another amusing element. was she really necessary? just getting rid of her, since she is basically good for a few throwaway lines and description, would free up about 7% of memory. with that you could fill out your story an enormous amount.
personally i think this story is filled with a bunch of different jokes, all thrown in to get a humor gumbo. but it does not really gel into a coherent story. you have a solid story in there, but it is kind of lost and muddied. what does junkyard dog have to do with the story line? and wrong number? freaks? snakes? they seem to be thrown in not for story purposes, but one liner joke purposes. these elements subtract from the story more than it adds to the humor. the custom group, the injustice league, does not really fit in anywhere. how do they tie to the story, really? i am not even really sure if bright angel was a free agent, a co-conspirator or what... were they working together or against each other? what was her ultimate role in all of this? was it her revenge or blappy's true nature coming out party? both? neither? i missed something along the way and reviewing all the text does not help me.
i know that this sounds entirely too negative... i do not mean it to be, i hate giving negative reviews. i feel that there is a really good story in there. but it is obscured by a whole bunch of random elements thrown in for humor purposes. unfortunately, it does not work very well for me... -
ok i submitted an review of your blappy arc. i will repost it on the arc thread, since i reread your rules.
Title: hero therapy (TM)
Arc ID: 119228
Creators Global Name: ridiculous girl
Mission Count: 4 missions
Notes this arc has multiple scaling levels. 5-20, 20-29, 30-40, and 40-54. the why should be appearant as you play. what this means is that you need a toon that scales down and maybe up well. a mid 30s toon is usually best since it is usually not fully tweaked and still has a full complement of powers. one thing to note is that fire blasters seem to have an extreme weakness to the third mission boss, despite having allies. just a warning. otherwise, enjoy! -
"have blap, blap, blappy day" arc #2019
i played this with tired of it ALL, my level 36 AR/DEV blaster, on rugged.
observations and typos as i ran this arc...
mission 1
pretty quiet, no dialogue...
what is that boss? he could see through my stealth from a good ways... and he was extremely tough.
mission 2
the nemesis patrol says "more failed plans then..." it should be than
the snakes are -2-3 to the rest of the mobs, maybe a hero/villain level bug like the carnival and family?
in bright angel's description shouldn't it be "blappy's"? no hostage diologue, other than BA's? in her dialogue is needs to be "it's"
man, your bosses are tough! what are they set on?
mission 3
mission intro... maybe it should read "that police, aided by Tired of it ALL, raided..." just add the comma.
BA's found text says "about time sidekick,"
BA's lost text amatuer is spelled wrong
in SBB's final death text it should say "what's that..."
mission 4
in WNs description it says "hero insurance?". "No I don't..." notice the extra period
in SSs description who is "Bally?" and it says "Who the Monster rEaLy Is!!" do you want "really" spelled wrong?
no EB warning for blappy?
ok i finished your blappy arc. i enjoyed some aspects of the arc. i like the custom toons and the story line. i like the set up with the tv and how it addresses you. that is a difficult contact to pull off and think you do fairly well. the text was fairly well edited, though i found some typos and extraneous details. unfortunately, i also have some serious problems with the story too.
first of all... i know i played this on rugged, and it is more difficult to solo, but your bosses were very very difficult. what are their setting levels? with the first two i died once before getting into a long running slug fest. the next two were not so bad. but then, surprise, there is an elite boss. this is becoming a pet peeve for me. especially in a timed mission where i can possibly fail the whole arc. set on rugged this is a nightmare to deal with especially when i have no warning that i am going to be facing one. i also understand the rationale for a timed mission, but that is a large map and with three bosses, including one elite, this would be a horrible mission for a team. either you need to remove the timer or make it a little longer. i have failed mission arcs with timers and i hate it. i almost let it go just because of the elite boss.
now a lot of your missions were empty of dialogue. if this is a humor based arc more humor can be inserted, with patrols, hostage repartee, boss dialogue. but the first mission, only the final boss says a couple of things. in the next mission you have couple of patrols with dialogue, but another problem appears. the patrol bad guys have no reason to be there other than have one liners, otherwise they make no sense to the greater story. due to your number of custom toons i am willing to be that you have no room left. this leads to another problem. too many toons. while wrong number is amusing, she has no relation to the story whatsoever, it appears to me, other than to add another amusing element. was she really necessary? just getting rid of her, since she is basically good for a few throwaway lines and description, would free up about 7% of memory. with that you could fill out your story an enormous amount.
personally i think this story is filled with a bunch of different jokes, all thrown in to get a humor gumbo. but it does not really gel into a coherent story. you have a solid story in there, but it is kind of lost and muddied. what does junkyard dog have to do with the story line? and wrong number? freaks? snakes? they seem to be thrown in not for story purposes, but one liner joke purposes. these elements subtract from the story more than it adds to the humor. the custom group, the injustice league, does not really fit in anywhere. how do they tie to the story, really? i am not even really sure if bright angel was a free agent, a co-conspirator or what... were they working together or against each other? what was her ultimate role in all of this? was it her revenge or blappy's true nature coming out party? both? neither? i missed something along the way and reviewing all the text does not help me.
i know that this sounds entirely too negative... i do not mean it to be, i hate giving negative reviews. i feel that there is a really good story in there. but it is obscured by a whole bunch of random elements thrown in for humor purposes. unfortunately, it does not work very well for me... -
while my hero therapy level ranges are 5-20, 20-29, 30-40, and 40-54, i find that mid level toons play it the best. their powers are more diverse, but they are not fully settled in playwise. they tend to be more flexible with the level changes and playing style. i sometimes find level 50s dying because they do not adjust their tactics well.
so give it a go if you would. it would be greatly appreciated. -
my main offense was too many unique maps
[/ QUOTE ]
Too many unique maps? Is he running out of things to complain about?
[/ QUOTE ]
i guess i did not have a "gorram" good enough reason... which i, naturally, completely disagree with... -
oh yeah... one more thing... do not bring a high level fire blaster. this has been a problem for one of the bosses. other mid level blasters can take it, though it may be difficult. but fire is especially weak, even with the ally help. just a word of warning based on feedback. i do not think i can correct that rare problem at this time without changing the entire feel for the boss.
As far as City of Heroes goes, whether they planned it that way or not, the theory they've been evincing is that the Universe has a tendency towards "temporal inertia". Ouroboros doesn't manage to change the timeline to get the results they want just because they fiddle with time a little bit.
[/ QUOTE ]
so you are saying that they are just making work for themselves? which is pretty funny in its implications... -
the arc is hero therapy (TM), id number 119228. the link to the thread is below.
i would probably recommend a mid level toon. the missions are 5-20, 20-29, 30-40, and 40-54. it will make sense when you play the arc. some level 50s have problems because they cannot scale down well. lowbies might have problems with the higher level mobs. mid 30s would work really well i think. this is what i have done the most testing with, though i have use both high and low levels also. i ran with a small team as low as 14s.
link to the venture review...
venture gave me a 3 stars, my main offense was too many unique maps. but if you play it and get into the swing of things, you may undrestand that they were not gratuitous. they were picked for the theme and atmosphere. if you can suggest better maps, i would love to hear it. truthfully i do not know why i got only a 3, but i am not really worried about it either. since then i removed most, but not all, of the custom group. what custom minion is left has a ranged power, but no mezzes. i have greatly expanded on the details in their place. there are numerous new patrols, dialogue and details. i have also recently added clues to help facilitate things a little.
mostly i would like yet another in depth review... -
now that i go back and look at your arc thread i see an EB/AV warning. but it is not on the mission arc AE board. this should probably be included. also, i had no idea that there was an ally in that mission, nor did i see one. which is a problem since there is no mention of it in the text, nor in the nav bar. how am i supposed to know this?
oh and i basically skipped all fights with the custom group so i cannot give you any feedback with them. i just wanted to get out of that map ASAP. -
Arc I.D.# 131780 - The Day I Tried To Live
i ran this arc with the locksmith of love, a weakened level 36-37 ILL/RAD controller, on rugged for the first three missions and heroic on the last two.
a couple of things and observations...
mission 2
with the statis tube it assumes that i am going to destroy it...
the after interaction text of the computer mainframe is spelled wrong
mission 3
in the still busy text interested is spelled wrong
maybe vary the alteration pods... and their unaware texts?
the clue for the generators came early decribing something that happened later
mission 4
in the radiation hero description throwing is spelled wrong
no EB/AV warning in your arc text, only as you start the last mission
mission 5
no warning for EB
ok, i like this story. it is complicated and rich in content. for all the text there were only a few typos, so it has already been well edited. it is done from and unusual perspective and a different storytelling format, which makes it both interesting and a problem for me.
while the style of writing is very different from all the other arcs i have run, it kind of fell flat with me. it is critical for the story, but i had trouble with the play of it. let me explain... since this is a reliving of things already occured, everything accomplished is predestined. for me it loses something. instead of me living the story, i felt i was going from one story object to the next. it reminded me of those old video games where you could only do one thing to suceed, you had no choice in the matter. while story arcs are generally this in nature, it is usually disguised in the story. i would read the text of a destructible object and it automatically assumes i will be destroying it. even when i am not sure they are required for the completion. i lose all sense of free will in playing this. maybe this is your intent, but it was not enjoyable to play. i know stories follow a particular plot line, generally going from point a to point b, but this arc made me feel like i was watching a movie of an adventure rather than participating in it. truthfully, i did not like it. but that is just me...
the custom group in the 4th mission just felt kind of arbitrary. like they were thrown in as an afterthought. longbow and ppd could have easily replaced them and i think nothing would have been lost. i really, really hate that map too. it has to have a good justification for using it. i hate it because it is huge and has no map available. things, and myself, get easily lost in that map. while i can understand you using it, i wonder if it is entirely necessary. you also do not give warning for an EB/AV until you get to that mission. this is a courtesy thing. i had to lower my difficulty from rugged to heroic to take him down. my troller was weakened because he leveled from 36 to 37, but you cannot upgrade your enc's while in an arc. it is still a problem to encounter EB's and AV's while solo, without adequete warning.
i do not know... i liked the story, just not the way it was done. there is not much i can offer in the way of feedback on how to correct that. the last arc i reviewed i liked the first person perspective, but i think the difference is that the story carried forward. yours was looking back at events that i ultimately have no control over. for me there is a world of difference.
i hope you get something out of this review... -
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389)
i played this arc with the locksmith of love, a level 36 ILL/RAD troller, on heroic.
some typos and observations as i played along.
mission 1
why is the contact name dame best but she introduces herself as dame eden lake?
slick willie's dialogue says "this new drugs going to..." it is an awkward sentence. it at least needs an ' in drug's...
oops, got some level 29 family in a lvl 36 mission. this would be due to a bug and vaying group levels available to villains and heroes.
does this narrator assume you are male? just wondering because the dialogue of gorilla g assumes so...
mission 2
intro dialogue assumes that i faced down gorrila g, was he required the first mission? nope...
why do i have a destructible object instead of a collect object? makes more sense for a search cargo mission...
the kidnapee is set to follow but does not go anywhere, she does not exit the mission when you bring her to the exit.
in the exit brief it says... "I thought you were a professional, Locksmith of Love . " with a couple of extra spaces... probably due to the $name, but...
mission 3
in the away text it says "her down ...I just needed to regroup" the space is in the wrong spot
in old fossil's description is say the "fourties" instead of the "forties." he was also guarded by -2 guards probably due to the mission difficulty ramping up. therefore he is a blue LT. and gorrila g is showing as a white boss with green guards too.
in gorilla g's unaware text believe is spelled wrong
maybe ligeia's description would be better as a clue? her description kind of gives away stuff before you rescue her. why is her last name best, same as the contact's but dame best identifies herself under a different name.
why is ligeia set on follow again, when the mission completes on killing her guards? why does she have lost/found text? old fossil's lost/found text does not make sense if you have already rescued ligeia. his lost text does not make too much sense either...
mission 4
since old fossil is an enemy, or rogue, i cannot tell who is talking to whom because both gorrilla g and OF spawned next to each other and fought me/each other(?)...
why is this mission arc set to nuetral if it assumes i have a heroing license?
mission 5
both the sample and the cure were in the first room, is this intentional?
gorilla g's unaware text says "let's skip to the chase..." shouldn't it be "let's cut to the chase?"
in gorilla g's description kill is spelled wrong
old fossil is there but not sure what he is doing and why he is there since he is not doing anything. where did he come from? i know he was coming, but... also... what was his original name? i am sure he was not always old fossil... his description is the default here.
in the exit brief, should it be "legeia's"?
no arc souvenier? why not the locket?
ok, i liked this arc. i liked that it was done in the detective noirish, first person style, though that maybe off putting for some people. especially since this assumes that the character is a male. the story line is pretty good and the main body text is pretty clean and appears well edited. you do employ some subtle tricks that some people might not like, since some like a neat and clean ending. more on that later. the choice of maps is good and set the atmosphere well. i liked the dialogue too.
there were a few problems too. i had the feeling that this was not a fully finished story. i mentioned all the things that i had found up above. some typos and such. some little things like what is the dame's real name? is she dame best, as in her contact name? dame lake as she calls herself? or dame fatale, as description gives. the last i understand, but the other two are a loose end i feel and could be tightened up.
another small problem is that the brief use of family in the first mission. there are differing levels for when family appear for villains and for heroes. the bugs showed itself to me because i was a level 36 hero and the popped up as grey level 29s. i have had this happen to me in one of my missions. i cannot remember at what level the appear properly for heroes again.
the two rescues were oddly set up. they were set up as a free captive but they behaved like a rescue ally. they were both set on follow and had lost/found texts. but leading them out was not essential to mission. the rescue legeia, she was in the far back and i had cleared everything so she would not have been useul as an ally. i am not sure what was happening here or why they were set this way. what exactly were they?
the last mission is a bit odd, though i do understand it from a story point of view. the two mission requirements were in the front. after completing i went on and found gorrila g and dame fatale. now i understand that gorilla g was always optional, but some text does assume that you defeat him. never had any problems with him though. now with the dame fatale she hints that she has the true drug. while i attacked her, my minions got bogged down in the fight with her minions. i did not notice until too late that she was running away, she barely escaped. i have a feeling that by missing her i missed an essential clue. while i like having open ended stories, failing a possible critical element is a pet peeve. yes i finished the arc, but i feel like i failed overall if she had the hinted original. is it really necessary for her to run away? i like the ability to get deeper into the story, but i hate the part of failing and not being albe to redo.
but anyways... i like this story and i enjoyed it a lot. it needs a little bit of work, but truthfully i do not feel it detracted. nice job. -
whole new thread for "ARC#98070897678 - THE BESTEST THING EVER WITH A PONY 4U!",
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ooooo i want to play this arc!!! -
yep one of my active arc threads got [censored] canned, i guess i will have to repost it again. that is pretty annoying. i cannot remember if it had feedback and such, but it is now just a fading meory...
well, i talked to the therapist and he saaid he would see what he could do... for now, maybe just a warning to flire blasters.
though he did find it interesting that fire blasters would have such a weakness to their secret shame. he speculated that the maybe it was on a deep, very subconcious, level that their powers manifested as a fire power. he thinks it might be worthy of an article to the paragon city journal of psychology. -
i guess i will have to whip out ridiculous girl from retirement and let her test it... she is a lvl 50 fire/fire. i have been running tests with generally lvl 30ish toons... but i have had several lvl 50 people test her with blasters and have a terrible time.
Im not sure I can see anything really wrong with the arc other than the fire EB, which would seem to make any offensive fire powerset useless if she is resistant to fire? I rated the arc a 3 but should have rated it 4. I believe we can re-rate after a week, I will attempt to bump the rating then.
I can tell a lot of thought has been put into this and there is a lot of detail.
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hey thank you for play and reviewing. i will put yours on my list. which is short, but now i have queue again since my internet went out for 2 days.
yes, you can change the rating in 7 days, i think. or is it 10 days?
this eb is just a problem for blasters in general. i have had numerous complaints. but my best advice to not get in a long distance shooting match with a fire/fire shield eb. you will lose in the long distance part. if you draw her out into the allies they help a lot. i know this because i have tested it with my blasters, down to level 13. do not fight a blaster EB at distance. they will out shoot you... everytime.the resistance to fire is unfortunate, but i cannot change it to something else without causing problems for someone else. or lose the theme...
she is already set on standard all the way.
it is funny... blasters with her, scrappers with the last AV. if someone complains about a certain boss, i can almost tell what AT for which boss. this is one of those things, you have to adjust your tactics. the allies are extremely useful at that point, regardless of your level.
but anyways... thank you for the feedback. it is always appreciated.