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  1. Now that the converter has been introduced, the prices of purple and PVP sets has been greatly reduced at the WW and BM. So the converter is doing a lot to help the average player attain the purple and PVP sets that they were otherwise unable aquire. In this aspect converters are great.

    The second order of effects of easier access to purple and PVP sets through enhancement converters is that now hero merits are almost worthless. For example, it takes a minimum of 70 days of straight tip missions to buy one pancea healing at 35 merits, which used to sell for about 1.5-1.8 billion and now sells for about 300 million influence/ infamy. Given the new value of PVP and purple sets, I would like to recommend reassessing the value of these recipies at the hero/ villian merit vendors.
  2. We are all having the same problem. I've been waiting on my 7 year badge for a few months. When I sent the bug report (and followup) I recieved this reply:

    "Thank you for your Bug Report. The Quality Assurance Team will be evaluating this report to determine a resolution for the issue. If this issue is confirmed as one that requires change, it will be placed on a list and prioritized along with any other issues that exist in the game.

    Some high-priority issues are scheduled to be fixed within days or even hours of when the issue is first discovered. However, most issues take several weeks or months before a fix is designed, constructed, tested, and eventually passed into the live game environment. We hope you'll understand if you don't see a fix to your issue right away."

    I've also found a couple of other threads that are addressing the same topic at

    I'm sure that they are working on it and that the issue will ultimately be worked out. It has been my experience that it takes them a little longer to work out badge issues than it does to fix other stuff. I don't want to speculate as to why. However, if I've learned one thing in the last 7 years, it is patients.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spatch View Post

    Other than the Festive badge (for logging in), and the Lady/Lord of Winter (for defeating the Lord of Winter), are there any other new badges available in this event?
    I've been trying to find the answer to this same question. The only thing I've found is that there is suprisingly little information available regarding this event right now.