Beyond that, we are looking to release another Issue building up the story towards our next retail box, due in 2007. This will include going back and revamping some of the zones from City of Heroes, using everything we've learned from making City of Villains and Issue 7, plus a bunch of other cool stuff including new powersets and an epic archetype. Of course for the retail box we will be creating all-new zones and content based on the results of the forum poll we posted last month. The retail box will be an expansion to both City of Heroes and City of Villains.
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One question, will the next retail box be an Stand-a-lone Expansion or an Expansion pack that one has to have either City of Heroes or City of Villains to use, or has that been determined as of yet?
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It will NOT be a stand alone.
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a boxed expansion?..
for CoX?
thats sarcasem by the way..
what a sell out,

one of the MAIN reasons i like NCsoft and CoX is that you DON'T charge for expansions.
you can try and say an issue isnt an expansion and they are different ect, but its not fooling anyone.
with the exception of guildwars, which doesnt have a sub fee, i was under the impression that NCsoft was an either/or stance regarding "pay for" expansions.
either you pay for a sub OR you pay for expansions, not both.
so much for you guys being "better" than SoE.