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  1. Heyo,

    I'm not the best with builds, but I think I do okay. I've come up with two builds for my KM/WP brute, each with specifics in mind:

    1) 35ish% S/L/E/N (plus 1 purple def insp). This one has slightly higher resistance, recharge, and accuracy

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    2) Near capped S/L, higher regen, higher recovery

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated
  2. yeah... I've been meaning to update Dreamscapes' page.
  3. Supergroup Name: Rising Star
    Website: http://risingstar.jupe.ca
    Global Chat Channel: n/a
    Leader or Recruiting Officers: any Rising Star member can invite you, but you can also /tell @jupejuperocket
    Preferred Method of contact: ingame, or you can join our forums and make a post there.
    Guild Description: we have a basic rule: respect your other guildmates. we're a small and friendly group (mostly made up of alts of mains in the same group). We have a functional base with key telepad points across the city, and with plans on expanding the base for more teleport spots and updated medical equipment. The best people to play with are your friends, and we're always happy to make new friends
  4. she submitted on time. she's just as confused as i am over her exclusion on the site.

    she told me that aluminum powder makes the ears itch!
  5. i'd also like to add that i think her costume was just amazing
  6. my friend made an entry, and her costume wasn't even posted