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  1. What I've noticed is that the NCsoft Launcher will run like is usualy does in the task tray. I use to be able to double click on the short-cut on my desktop and it would open the Launcher regaurdless if it was already running in the task tray. Now when I double click on the desktop short-cut it does nothing, if the Launcher is already running in the task tray. I've found I can either open it from the task tray or close it then double click on the short-cut.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red_Method View Post
    I went to the Task Manager and killed the processes (NC Soft Launcher) and it started right up after that.
    Had the same problem today as well, worked fine yesterday. So just do what is says above and you will be fine
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    What you are describing sounds exactly like the "your driver is stuck in an infinite loop and had to be reset" error I was getting with the higher versions after clicking on Contact windows or navigating Ouro crystals.
    This is the exact problem Im having tonight, just after the servers came back online, after the emergancy patch.
  4. And here I thought I was the only one that new about PowerMan 5000! Good stuff! This sounds likes it going to be a rockin event!