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  1. I found a fix for the issue! If I switch from Finder to City of Heroes directly, I have my text navigation issues. If I switch from any other application (i.e., was on Google Chrome, then clicked on City of Heroes on the dock) then everything works fine. Text navigation will randomly start and fail on occasion, but it is corrected by switching to another task besides Finder and then switching back to City of Heroes.

    No clue why this works or what the actual cause of the problem is, but the original problem is now a nonissue.
  2. Hello everybody!

    I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on a 2010 Macbook Pro 15" i5.

    Sometimes, my delete key will do nothing at all. It doesn't work in the login screen or in game or anywhere within CoH, but if I go to type in another non-CoH window, even as CoH is running, the delete key will work fine.

    Some days it will work, others it won't. It seems arbitrary to me. Sometimes it will randomly start working mid game. Has anyone else experienced this issue? It has become a nuisance and I don't believe I ever had this issue running CoH on a Windows computer.

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: Arrow key text navigation does not work whenever delete fails either. However, hitting delete to reply to tells always works.
  3. /signed A LOT
    I LOVE THIS IDEA... i want it to be in-game really badly. I caNT imagine how the programmers would make this. What about 50s though? if it is realeased, will they getot choose all of the points they missed? Probably, but just claryfying. I dont like the idea of trading the powers though... and maybe to show them off you could use it as an emote, too (in case it is recharging and you want to show off the animation). I dont know how i could work on one of these w/ my spines, but when the day comes, im sure i will figure it out
  4. I love it! It has changed the way i will look at my upcoming ill/kin controller. I hate using support characters, but love controllers, so this is absolutely perftect!
  5. I think its a great guide. Im relativley new to this game, however, so please do not make fun of this next question. How do you get APPs? Are they just pool powers or something else?