568 -
Ah, now I understand what you're talking about. Unfortunately, it seems you suffer from just not having enough market experience to recognize that the entire process will continue to shift. We've had times when Circuit Boards actually ran out, Energy Weapons, Simple Chemicals, and a host of others. It happens. What will fix it is seeing some people start to sell them for high numbers to highbies. That, naturally, brings people back to listing them, and we see it balance out again. In the meantime, lowball bids will continue to fill.
Who cares about blind invites I mean I have blind invited players for my VG.
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That does it. It's now a respectable practice. -
No, what's screwed up is the price structure, and it's going to get worse until more lowbie salvage starts entering the market. Lowbies can make a bunch of cash right now (that is if there are any lowbies left....), but they won't be able to buy anything for a while. In the past few days, I've seen Luck Charms spike from their usual 50K cost to 100K. I've seen Runes, which usually hovered around 5-10K spike to 100K.
What's happening is that high level toons who want to craft IO set pieces need some lowbie salvage to do so. These guys look at 100K as money to burn, so they don't think twice when they want that (spiritual essence/alchemical gold/runebound armor/whatever) RIGHT NOW.
There was a point yesterday when there were LITERALLY 20 total runes on the market at once, and something like 1700 bids for them.
Anyway, what I'm seeing is this:
1.) It looks like lowbies either don't exist, are all busy running AE farm missions, or are hoarding what salvage they get. Total salvage numbers are way low for certain things, especially lowbie salvage (and especially lowbie ARCANE salvage).
2.) The prices for what's there have, naturally, climbed considerably. None of this is a bad thing, but it's going to take a while for the market to sort itself out and for more salvage to make its way into the market. That or the market will die out for a while as everyone goes off to Ouroboros to get salvage (or lowbies start slooooowly playing through missions and getting new salvage).
3.) If you have lowbie toons, and are willing to wait a bit, now is the time to do the following: (A) turn off XP gain, (B) start running missions vs. the circle of thorns, (C) sell ALL your lowbie stuff all the time.
4.) if you have mid-to-high level toons who don't want to spend 100K on a single piece of lowbie salvage, go run flashback missions or join a lowbie taskforce (I'll bet you'd get TONS of stuff from the Posi TF).
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I don't think you're thinking it all the way through.
As a lowbie, your playtime will require you to wait before you can buy more enhancements. You simply don't have slots to put them in. This waiting is when you can make lots of money AND get what you want for cheap.
You mention the Rune price. In 2 days, it will drop back down. Hell, there will probably be sales at regular price over the next 2 days. In the meantime, you'll be trying to level. So, if you know you'll need a Rune when you ding 17, just put the bid in at the regular price and walk away.
Highbies inflate prices temporarily on common items. Not permanently. Thus, you can make extra money by selling your goods (since highbies are inflating their price) and save money by just leaving bids up because you don't need the item right now. No need to turn off XP. Just think ahead one level. When you're at 16, put your bids in for 20s. By the time you hit 17, they will have filled.
It's not going to take awhile for salvage to make its way to the market. Spikes are always accompanied by lowball offers being filled. Just be the lowballer for the stuff you're going to need.
For example:
Last 5:
Alchemical Gold
Ancient Bone
Data Drive
Inert Gas
All these people saved money. All it took was a modicum of patience. When people complain that prices are too high, almost invariably, it's because they're not patient. That's the only thing required for lowbies to have excess cash while still slotting out with set IOs. -
My top three are:
Abstinence (Mind/Psi Dom, worst villain ever created)
Excellence -
Crafting alone can yield quite a bit of influence even at low levels. Certainly more than you usually need (unless you want to slot IO sets from 1-50).
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With zero marketeering, I was able to begin slotting set IOs on my most recent project, a DB/Regen, at Level 17. He currently has over 100 million inf and is fully slotted with set IOs (solid ones for +Recov including some Miracle pieces). He's Level 38. He has still yet to do any marketeering.
I've played the crafting game (up until recently when the salvage market went into the toilet as people stopped playing missions and started playing AE), and as long as you're willing to be patient, you can easily crack 1 mil at lvl 6. Granted, you won't be running missions, but by the time you do, you may have all your slots filled with basic IOs, some of which you crafted yourself.
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You can't get IOs at Level 6. You don't need 1 mil at Level 6. You'll have plenty by 12, when you can start to benefit more.
Now, granted, I've never brought a toon past lvl 35 (Hi, I'm Solo, and I'm an altaholic), but even so, I have plenty of friends who have lvl 50s, and who know how to play the market.
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Hi, Solo. I'll bet you get a lot of good drops.
What's really interesting is that AE is having a SERIOUS effect on the market. With the shortage of lowbie salvage, and the fact that even high level stuff needs lowbie salvage, the market is getting all kinds of screwed up (mostly because people haven't figured out they can just play Ouroboros missions). I'm sure that this will impact the lowbies' ability to make money, at least until the market re-stabilizes or the devs do something to make salvage drop in AE missions (ha!).
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So you're saying lowbies are making more money now than ever? That's what's screwed up? -
Bud justs wants people to stomp on, he has no intentions of actually helping anyone, so i was merely provoking him to maybe reconsider his command style and TEACH pvp instead of just looking for people to bully. He is great at PvP, what a waste to just use it to beat people.
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Bud stomps on people? What on Earth are you talking about? Bud is great at PvP? Holy [censored], you're more naive than Elk.
If you really want to build up the pvp community, you need to make the enviroment easier for new people....
4shes has a new weekly 2 vs 2 event, the turnout was great! There is hope for pvp in coh.
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Ashes will save CoH PvP by doing the same thing people have been doing for years! Revolutionary!
Elf, stop rehashing the fact when i was a 3 month old heroine with NO IO's and my sg was only 1-3 months old you guys stomped on us, with 5 million prestige base and 8 heroes with no pvp experience we ALMOST held our own against your 16 members of 4 yr Purpled Vets. That for PoN is not something to gloat about. THIS is why i have no respect for most of you. You dont respect others!
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THIS is why you don't have respect for Elk? Seriously? There are, like, 10,000 other reasons and THIS is the one that puts you over the top?
Kat you missed the point! This thread was a way for people to voice what events they would like to see more of - That is all! Something organized so they can always know to be there at the same time each month.
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Like this thread, this thread, this thread, this thread, and this thread? What could possibly be different about those and yours, beyond the fact that you continue to have a presence in yours after you've requested, nay, DEMANDED Mod 8 close your thread down? Oh, that's right. This one's in the name of your SG (though you constantly remind us that it's not a recruiting tool for your SG). So you want others to suggest community events and run community events themselves, but post about them in your SG (recruitment) thread?
The community is strong in this one. -
In the reasonably early days, if you were level 10 and broke, as there was no Ouroboros, you simply pimped the fortune teller. 50s who missed the fortune teller mission and wanted the atlas medallion had plenty of spare cash, nothing to spend it on, and no other way of getting the badge, so getting 1-10M for letting them on your fortune teller mission was easy, and funded your DO/SOs, particularly if more than one 50 wanted in.
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If you took the right contact, were the right level when you ran it, recognized what it was, and advertised it appropriately during a high traffic time. All of these things would occur only if you already knew what Fortune Teller was, which would require having played way past that point. This, in turn, makes it no different than depending on a high-level toon to fund your low-level toons. Thus, this was mentioned earlier in the thread as a practice that doesn't have to occur any longer, pointing out that low-level toons get richer faster without the support of a higher-level toon. That negates your story because you actually support the new system over the old by way of that story.
I think part of the reason people consider themselves broke is that they are trying builds that were not particularly fun before IOs. How many pre IO spines/darks did you see ? certainly the numbers exploded post I9. Some of these builds can be done fairly cheaply with IOs, but if you don't do TFs or farm tickets (I do TFs so is not an issue for me) one numinas or miracle unique can easily be more spare cash than you have when you hit 50 without doing anything extravagant on the way.
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One doesn't need a Miracle or Num in order to have enough set bonuses to make a Spines/Dark playable. It's not a matter of people playing tougher sets, it's a matter of people seeing rare things they want that are expensive and not recognizing the difference between need and want. They want to have everything that is expensive, whether it's needed or not. This is the issue. It doesn't matter if the character naturally has end issues or not, people want the expensive shinies.
The second part of feeling broke is that you can no longer do what you used to do with patience on the market. In I13, I created a toon on another server with an almost identical build to one I made in I9/10. The cost was certainly a factor of 4 higher and maybe more than that. Why ? well my best guess is that useful but not uber mid 30s recipes that you used to be able to leave a bid for 20K in for and would get in a week or so, are now being flipped more so you rarely see them for <200K (but there are lots of crafted enhs at 1M+).
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This is you scapegoating flippers. No flippers are making money off semi-useful recipes in the mid-30s that barely clear 500K profit. That's not a dependable enough supply to consistently work, more profit than that can be made almost anywhere on the market, and there's not high enough demand to make that scheme pan out. Flippers are going to flip the things that generate the most profit for their time, and that market set would be a joke when examined from that viewpoint. High prices directly correlate to people wanting to buy things now. You can blame those individuals for higher prices, not flippers/crafters who, by definition, want to keep the price of ingredients (such as recipes) down to maximize their profit.
Unless I get lucky with drops, I tend to hit 50 with a build full of non top of the line set bonuses, a couple of merit purchased shinies and about 50M in cash. I craft/sell drops that are worth selling and have a reasonable handle on how to maximise cash from my drops without actively marketeering.
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This shows that you're not solid with the numbers (since buying is cheaper than merit-purchasing) yet still make plenty by the time you ding 50, which was what the original poster claimed didn't happen. Thus, you've made a valid observation based on faulty reasoning.
To me, what I am able to achieve is reasonably balanced, I haven't made the effort to farm/marketeer to get the ludicrous amounts of inf required to purple out a toon these days, but I still get something much more functional and fun than I did on SOs.
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Another valid observation.
I cripple my own inf generation somewhat by preferring to level toons up than play my 36 (non PLd) 50s and also preferring to play in teams when I can thus minimising drops. I also refuse to farm.
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Borderline valid. In reality, playing toons up exposes those toons to drops all along the way that are not available to 50s, many of which are extremely valuable for that exact reason. Farming is unnecessary if one enjoys TFs, as merits can lead to large inf infusions, and odds are you're more motivated to play on a regular basis by leveling toons up as opposed to getting burned out on 50s. This, in the long run, helps your inf generation because you play more overall. So, basically, short-term, you do cripple your inf per kill by playing lower level toons, but your tortoise still competes in the neverending race.
I've just started doing some active marketeering, and am making plenty of inf both sides for any non purple/PVP IOs I could want, but getting into serious purple territory will take me a while.
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If you're marketeering intelligently, it will happen much faster than you think. -
Your personal observations don't sync with mine. My characters have never been richer. I've played long enough to remember how difficult it was for the average player to just buy their first set of SOs. My first level 50, played with at least a few DOs well into her late 20s, and that was fairly common.
Every character I have now can afford a full set of DOs at 12, a full set of SOs at 22 and upgrade to new SOs every 5 levels. However, I don't even bother with SOs anymore because I usually slot level 25 IOs at 22 and never look back, only replacing them when I get sets.
How can the average, casual player complain about being poor?!?The game, even without the market, is literally awash with money. One rare salvage drop can easily yield you 1M, which is plenty for your first two sets of SOs. An average player will get multiples (dozens?) of rare drops in the course of getting to 50.
I know of a player who still prefer slotting SOs, and won't get IOs except for the -kb IOs. He sells every recipe he gets for 100 inf, never bothering to craft or optimize on price. Every character he plays has more influence/infamy than he ever needs.
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And your experiences don't tally with mine at all. In the reasonably early days, if you were level 10 and broke, as there was no Ouroboros, you simply pimped the fortune teller. 50s who missed the fortune teller mission and wanted the atlas medallion had plenty of spare cash, nothing to spend it on, and no other way of getting the badge, so getting 1-10M for letting them on your fortune teller mission was easy, and funded your DO/SOs, particularly if more than one 50 wanted in.
I think part of the reason people consider themselves broke is that they are trying builds that were not particularly fun before IOs. How many pre IO spines/darks did you see ? certainly the numbers exploded post I9. Some of these builds can be done fairly cheaply with IOs, but if you don't do TFs or farm tickets (I do TFs so is not an issue for me) one numinas or miracle unique can easily be more spare cash than you have when you hit 50 without doing anything extravagant on the way.
The second part of feeling broke is that you can no longer do what you used to do with patience on the market. In I13, I created a toon on another server with an almost identical build to one I made in I9/10. The cost was certainly a factor of 4 higher and maybe more than that. Why ? well my best guess is that useful but not uber mid 30s recipes that you used to be able to leave a bid for 20K in for and would get in a week or so, are now being flipped more so you rarely see them for <200K (but there are lots of crafted enhs at 1M+).
Unless I get lucky with drops, I tend to hit 50 with a build full of non top of the line set bonuses, a couple of merit purchased shinies and about 50M in cash. I craft/sell drops that are worth selling and have a reasonable handle on how to maximise cash from my drops without actively marketeering.
To me, what I am able to achieve is reasonably balanced, I haven't made the effort to farm/marketeer to get the ludicrous amounts of inf required to purple out a toon these days, but I still get something much more functional and fun than I did on SOs.
I cripple my own inf generation somewhat by preferring to level toons up than play my 36 (non PLd) 50s and also preferring to play in teams when I can thus minimising drops. I also refuse to farm.
I've just started doing some active marketeering, and am making plenty of inf both sides for any non purple/PVP IOs I could want, but getting into serious purple territory will take me a while.
[/ QUOTE ]
This post is an amazing combination of having no idea what you're talking about and arriving at reasonable conclusions. Honestly, I can't figure out how you've managed to mesh the two together. -
is that right.. then why did you add Bud name. Is cause PON crush you AOW in a base raid or is it cause PON members beat you guys butts in your pvp event.? what is it what is it
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lol PoN crush in a base raid. -
Wow, I never knew Mod 8 actually required Feleciapermission.
yes i do constantly mentor new people daily
[/ QUOTE ]
There's a frightening prospect. -
They did a study and asked people whether they'd rather make $80,000 a year (if everyone else made $100K) or $60,000 a year (if everyone else made $50K). Assume that prices do not change.
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Prices wouldn't change regardless of whether the entire population earned $80k vs. $50k? I call shenanigans.
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Our shenanigans are cheeky and fun. His shenanigans are tragic and cruel...making them not shenanigans at all, really.
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I will pistol whip the next person who says shenanigans!
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Hey, Farva! What's the name of that restaurant you like? The one with all the [censored] on the walls? -
Just playing the game to fifty does NOT guarentee you millions of inf. I have 2 50s (blueside) and neither has more than 50M inf.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just to make sure I'm clear, if 50 isn't enough, how many millions of influence do you need to qualify as having millions of inf? -
Spoilers. Big ones. Like mystery meat in the fridge.
So I just got back from watching the new Transformers movie. Let's say I was left unsatisfied.
Some of the things that stood out to me:
1) Holy [censored], that movie was long.
Seriously, it was only 6 minutes longer than the first one, but it sure felt a lot longer. It really got draggy.
2) Cool explosions.
If you wanted to see [censored] blow up, then it sure didn't disappoint. Boom boom pow.
Now, like any quality compliment sandwich, a negative or three...
3) Who the [censored] signed off on this script and served the cinematographer a never-ending stream of coke?
The script had some humor. Good. It was expected.
Why do we keep forcing a love story into this action movie? Yes, every little boy that likes to watch [censored] go boom also likes to look at Megan Fox's vast tracts of land, but my god, can we just have a 20 minute pr0n insert in the middle of the flick for an intermission instead of these puke-worthy scenes where the damsel in distress is required to say ridiculously dumb things and attempt to suffocate the lawlworthy dorky hero by way of tongue-to-trachea wrestling?
So my girlfriend went to see this with me. During one of the camera spins (that included gratuitous love pleadings between the hero and his humping post, she actually said, in the silent theater, "Great, now I can get dizzy WHILE I puke." I understand that it can look cool when the camera pans past action sequences, but some of that crap ranked up there with the on-the-spot newscasters whose cameramen bounce the camera while they're talking to give that real close, personal feeling to it. Come on, was this done by professionals who got paid or high school sophomores who just learned how to use a Steadycam?
4) Robots sure are weird...and racist...
The Autobots introduced two of the newest members of their team, Mudflap and Skids. They happen to be ghetto, constantly fighting, one has a gold tooth, they can't read, and they start out the movie as two parts of an ice cream truck that talks [censored]. Really? Wow. I sure am glad they didn't go with a Jar-Jar Binks type of character in this film.
Bumblebee's a muay thai fighter? He did a flying knee into the face of his opponent towards the end, and seemed to apparently specialize in the martial arts. They're way more effective than the gigantic [censored] guns he has strapped to each arm.
Sweet, they introduced a Corvette! He's...apparently going to be completely pointless in the movie. He got more facetime in car-form than he did in fighting form. Nice.
Audi's are bad guys? Got it.
Why the [censored] are the humans even going along with the robots at this point? Unless they bring the superbombs of DOOM, all they do is shoot these gigantic robots with the equivalent of peashooters. On the opening raid, they serve as nothing more than bodybags to make sure that we can tell who the really bad robots are because they're the ones stomping on all the poor humans who thought they could take down a WALKING CRANE with their wimpy machine guns. Before the crane came to life, those machine guns couldn't have knocked the DEAD crane over, so why the [censored] would they think they'd suddenly do the trick now that the crane has come to life and begun shooting you with a gun that shoots bullets the size of cars?
Speaking of bullets, the bullet-time on that one shot? You mean to tell me they're actually shooting giant bullets this whole time? Then, just out of curiosity, where are they keeping all these bullets when they're just cars/motorcycles/planes/construction equipment and OMG how the [censored] do you cover up the existence of these creatures when THERE ARE GIANT ROUNDS LEFT LAYING AROUND?!?!?
One line in the movie is, "Well, aircraft carriers don't just sink." No offense, I understand that our military is being stretched a little thin, but if you're finding out the carrier sank from the other ships in the convoy, how did nobody notice that the reason it sank was because it got hit by ten [censored] meteors the size of cars? I mean, we're worried about getting popped by a single intercontinental ballistic missile, and they missed seeing an entire Armageddon-inspired meteor shower?!?!?
Oh, and the Decepticons used a robot that looked like a pretty girl to get to Sam Witwicky? She then promptly turned into robot-Medusa as soon as 1 other person saw her? Were they trying to sneak up on him and not get noticed? They couldn't use any of the huge amount of micro-bots or just blow a bunch of [censored] up to get into his head? I mean, those were other ways they got everything else, why would they go the patient route out of the blue?
And now to finish with some nice things...
5) Wow, Michael Bay's cinematographer sure can focus on Megan Fox's breastesis.
Only shot the guy could hold still consistently was of the mountain range. Sheesh.
6) Apparently, Sam's mom sampled the greatest brownies ever.
Only pot that I've ever seen that induced hyperactivity and the desire to compete in athletic activities.
Anyway, anyone else see this and got commentary? -
I thought salvage was listed in alphabetical order? Like, the simplest order possible?
Congratulations, Interface.
I wasn't aware this was such an accomplishment. -
Iltat, should I have a billion free before starting seriously to flip/build purple recipes? That's the kind of thing I'm ignorant of, since I've never seriously needed or gone for giganto amounts of inf before.
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I recommend at least 500 mil before you dip into the purple sets just because even though your bids are going to be in the 100ish range each, you may have to wait weeks before that one certain IO/recipe you've got camped actually comes through. 500 mil will give you the leeway to at least camp most of a set, as opposed to one thing. The wider your net, the more likely you are to catch a fish.
BTW, I recommend leaving a kitty at all times. Mine's 100M. I never, NEVER have so much out in bids that my marketeers drop below 100M on-hand. Yours may be lower since you're starting with a smaller amount, but I highly recommend the practice. -
A billion is plenty to get started.
I move a set or two a week. The profit margin's high enough that if you can keep up with that pace, you'll have enough for 3 sets by the end of July.
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I was under the impression he was just looking to buy them not flip /marketeer to reach them..
If I'm wrong take iltat's advice here.. he's much richer than I.
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I went back and read, and I think you're right.
If that's the case, then 1 bil probably isn't enough for those 3 sets. I'd marketeer more, if I were you, OP. -
A billion is plenty to get started.
I move a set or two a week. The profit margin's high enough that if you can keep up with that pace, you'll have enough for 3 sets by the end of July. -
I still get inform though blue guy... I'm always up to date. I didn't get kick out I got silience. I'm the one that quit . =0) .. Champion United is how I roll now.
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harcore redneck
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[/ QUOTE ] -
I still get inform though blue guy... I'm always up to date. I didn't get kick out I got silience. I'm the one that quit . =0) .. Champion United is how I roll now.
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Thug life. -
I didn't grow like some you white folks with silver spoon in my mouth.
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Mmm, nothin' like some good ol' fashioned racism to end the evening. You may be from South Sac, but you're just another stereotypical hillbilly redneck.
You brag about your RL PvP rep but then talk about how you did it when you were a youngster. Tisk tisk, playground fights don't win ya street cred, kiddo.
Think I'll go back to kickin' off my gold plated sneakers and watchin' my platinum TV on my private jet. Since I'm white, it's what I do.