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1337 has been around for far longer than most think.. it predates instant messaging and was mainly used by hard core hackers (again back when a hacker was a programmer not a malicious cracker the correct term for them). My friend was a programmer towards the end of the hacker/1337 era when AIMers took it over and combined it with chat-speak to type things in the shortest amount of time. This is when 1337 became over used and seen as idiotic. Someone in this thread referred to it as a Cant and i believe that's what i was originally used for by "true" hackers.... unfortunately it's been tainted to be a method used mostly by egotistical power-gamers to try and look special... 'course they fail utterly in that but hey at least you know to bail from a group when you see someone utter it
MrsHill: look into blackbox/fluxbox.. they are both very lightweight desktop managers that will still provide you with some functionality at virtually no performance hits.. they are very small compared to KDE or Gnome (guaged by compile times under gentoo on the same system). I currently use Fluxbox on my Main PC (used for e-mail, openoffice, PVR, web) and there's little to no load from it on my memory or CPU. The only reason my Gaming PC isn't running linux over XP is there are quite a few games yet that don't run under Cedega.
6: Equip Mercenary
Equip your Mercenary Henchmen with more advanced munitions and weaponry. This power permanently bestows new weapons and abilities to one Mercenary Henchman. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Mercenary Henchman. This power only works on your Mercenary Henchmen and you can only Equip any given Mercenary Henchman once. Recharge: Slow
[/ QUOTE ]
One question on your phrasing above (bolded by me). Permanently meaning for that summon or once and never needed again? IE. is this like the name change or is it a buff that gets applied every time i summon a new minion? I'm assuming the later but i wanted to get a clearer idea of that. -
woohoo! my plan to go completely unnoticed by all except the SG i'm in is going as i intended /sarcasm off
nobody likes me