155 -
I am not 100% sure that a video card change would cause a mapserve - I tend to see it when my internet connection is being sucky (vent has high pings, web pages are slow) - So if you can eliminate your ISP then I would look to and update your network card drivers. For me any sort of latency causes me a mapserve - yet my ooma voip stay steady and just fine...usually I can track it to a ms drive update for my network card and I will chase down the makers latest driver and all is right again with the world.
i have a sandy bridge /1156 (msi) mobo. Microcenter sent me an email and when there is a soluition they will replace it -
but even then I am not worried - it supposidly only affects 10% and your sata might have performance degredation in three years?? In three years I will probably have had 2 new cpus/mobos but that is just me.
amd is another option and the 6 cores will probably last you a long time - but even they have a new cpu (bulldozer) coming out.
if cost is an option then I would get a 1090T combo and spend the money you save on a kick butt video card. -
Does anyone know if the 6950 runs coh well? My issue is that I have gtx 470 in sli and I can only run sli if I run full screen or I have to disable sli if I want to run windowed mode or my frame rate is crap.
So I guess two questions -
6950 - run coh well?
6950 crossfire - any performance hit like sli in windowed or is there just no crossfire support for coh? -
people are saying there is a nerf go scrapper cs on test is that true? I dun have a km or I would test it.
@Emprie waste - remove pls sorry forgot to say
Quote:oh you mean scramble thoguhts? I was just taking for the purple set bonuses..(I was like I didn' t take stun lol)...Changed some slotting to get you a little bit better values. Added a jav proc in will dom - you need one in all 3 of the opening attack chain. The dam/end apoc isnt really gonna add much, and you dont need 5% psi defense lol.
Only major change was switching the stun and power boost for the snipe and conserve power. CP is handy if you ever get hit by heat exhaust, or happen to be running low for w/e reason. The stun's animation is too long for it to really be worth it IMO.
Power boost - does that not come in more handy for the boot on aim/bu as well as powerboosting your pff def for an oh crap button? I will mostly go to rv with it so I was thinking hiber would get me ased and I don't have to worry about phase timer..
I gotcha on the apoc slottingdual proc it...damn I need one more jav proc now lol...I am curious though I see a lot of people slot apoc set in psi dart or mental blast - outside of psi lance, will dom does the highest dmg would you not want to slot your purples in that??
eep! i posted previously - please remove my entry I cannot get sundays nights off.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1601;735;1470;HEX;| |78DAA554DB6E1251143DC3454A0B054A69E9DD16DA729D42D444ED8389DA6A2B18D| |2D626266A33A5133A090E13A046DEFC80FAEC93D757E307187FC55FF0F2E88BC17D| |F63A80864727B0D699BDD7BE9C7D38949FDF0E08F1E286D082B7EA46AB757493B06| |D36BD65A36655854F0831AF4C477B865D334FF44AAB533DB5AA50267ACEFD33C769| |34DBFA966D366B9DA3B2615BCE59DD685B0D3BB2639F9A4DD36EEBBDC568A5D1A8E| |BFB8E699E047859320DC7B26B117ED9B19F592DEBD8AA5BED4EA8E73E319BAD53CB| |99D872ACAABEDD68564DAA212B77E2D4E315FAEE89DED3F58AB45B88A258CF80B2A| |01C53260FD2999E0EA2DC628D4D6BABA02428C1B44F0A4D65D7109A4091248A2451| |24892279143920BD5B45B921F7407E01F211C847204F20F10A8DDD8B2897372B206| |71A054D91C00781F0FD265A10417AF773835DCD1FD358FC8B3D11F28C41EC19BBCB| |0502DBA03B4C93904F413E4DF2A01A487093C8E316E33D4E71F989AF2EEE969421A| |50CF9D8141E01F999F22AEC015144751079CFAE89374C536F99E6DF21E107A60609| |A34A1E856912F259C817215F44AA38B51153C388A5B9C12899A655866984C6111AF| |F2774596527F90CE4DA0C86318B6184C833A73C7398DD3C6617F6493FAA2EE0540E| |0997D4612FE538F3C53C48076DA06A0154646A917E45255A41A236E12ACE52ACC2F| |49030A57694DAE5C0F43D50095466CADC67FA483D66953C8B867338EC1C7691C336| |F3D8E619A1AEE4FA1A67D85807A54069A66286E913A528A03F576183F3150BA0226| |6E4E95F2AFAD0234A9EDEFD218BFA59543CFD2B2534562D0F54FFF57C0EF4EAFBF7| |46090F245408B443B97A24E1B17C7D2257865C1D4BA8CAD7EE977E74E8AA6CE89A8| |4EB123625C4C204E752E993D76A4C42404250C2B8849084B084A8845909AF2574FD| |E1FE1F42F79B2CA966A2E5F998BFFF6DC265FB313069DA219F9A6797685DFC1C785| |CDA2B3E19D74BD0395361E818324396E290E5F290E5D2906530EA3FC674223D| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
please remove me - due to my boss being a total a**hat and not letting off sundays.
What are your in-game Globals?:@Empire Waste
What are your PvP characters?:Ill/emp troller -em/wp stalker
Which of these characters are on Freedom?: both
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?:yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:yes
Do you have a mic and ventrillo?:yes
What is your general day/time availability?: weeknights 8-10 weekends random
Briefly describe your PvP experience: i12 then did champ league for hot second till they dissolved Space Cowboys - we won the one round I played in !.
List a few character names of PvP toons you play:
Empire Waste - Ill/Emp fully pvp ioed and Spiritual Radial Boost alpha slotted missing tfc (three to go), has 1520 hp currently.
Empire Line - Em/Wp stalker - hp capped - just learning to stalk but also pvp/purpled out.
***TBH posibility I cannot get out of sunday shift so I might have to pull entry but wanted to sign up early this time in case I can!! -
elec control/ fire assault is pretty darn effective , tesla cage, jolting chain and elec fence do some pretty high dmg in pvp on doms + firey embrace and your ranged fire attacks.
that amd mobo is running dual channel so you can put any two matching pairs in the respective ram slots - so if you added 2x2 for for GB more than it would be fine. Just be sure you ram is in the right slots now.
technically you can have up to 4 gb for xp - I think 3.5 shows up and 500 gets a system reserve. The os will split the addressable ram between system and user context. Adding the memory will give you 2 gb to that user space that coh runs in. -
Quote:Mod 8 is correct. RTTC is nothing in pvp as it is in pve. It will detoggle if a butterfly farts in japan. This change happend in i13. Made my brute almost worthless. I still manage to have fun, but everytime RTTC detoggles my soul dies a little bit more.
doesn't it de stealth stalkers? that would seem kind of beneficial in pvp :? -
awesome to see - you actually have the same cpu and mobo i do lol...I love the ud3r - almost as feature packed as thier high end for a lot less money.
6 gb is just fine(4 is too) as father pointed out the difference between dual and triple in real world is not that much. Looks like a really nice rig there! -
does anyone have anti matter - all I need to finish pj and I have been spaming bc and ac and req but no one has it (or wants to help lol)
send tell to @empire waste -
anyone running taskforces (posi - numina) sat or sun?
I need psyche - numina but willing to help on all -
everyone has an escape power now and tactics...the incarnate stuff not sure yet on pvp need to see the effects with dr.
1. any stalker
2. any stalker
3. any stalker
4. any stalker
5. any stalker -
sorry guys I hope you get it done but I have a house full of sick people
Quote:I've added this to the Events Calendar, and after the Redside Hami Raid tonight, I can probably fit it into the BMT MotD.
Nice I will just hang around IP and sister psyche to see if anyone wants to do it-Sorry I meant noon Eastern.
p.s. thanks to Beetle King for running the Black Friday one - I got posi and synapse - even though the last kill all in synapse was bugged and we had to wait for a gm to finish lol. -
Hi I am looking to do Sister Psyche and Citadel if anyone wants to do them starting at around noon on sunday??