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  1. hey warwitch thanks for posting AND a BIG SORRY!!!!!! for the evil pms i have been sending all you red names they will now stop

    erm questions...
    1. do u have a real witches style broom at home?
    2. what is the most embarassing thing you have ever done?
    3. Which Dev is most funny in the office
    4 What other new goodies (power sets if any) are we getting with GR (though i could slip it in!)
    5. Do you share the same love for sookie stackhouse as i do which is BIG!
    5.2 If you do who do u hope she ends up with!
  2. Yeah well sorry if some people find me saying there crap is offensive the only way we can voice our problems to the source is through red names! i have had replys from THE TELEVISION and AVEATA that both said they would have a look at this thread but yet they fail to post and let us know if there will be somthing to help the EU servers come back from crumbleing.

    The number of EU active players is at an all time low no matter what any one says, comparing number now to 3-4 years ago they should be able to see that yet they refuse to do anything about it. The fact that i have been told by 2 red names that they will have a look at this thread and see what they can do and yet hear nothing back in my oppinion is appauling and just goes to show how far down the list we are compared to crosswords and other stupid crap!
  3. stll no freakin red name replys bar the television you devs are realli crap
  4. EVERYTHING!!!! but not demon summoning :P dont play mm's but new citys beating mother mayhem, i17 and ultra mode *and fingeres crossed more (old and new) EU players returning or signing up!!! xx
  5. hi wondering weather this is still open now that some questions have been answered. And a big question to ask (which will probabily annoy some people) Will there ever be an US/EU server list merge???

    the EU have seen a decline in there player base for a while, will there be anything in the pipeline to stop more people going onto other MMO's?? (other than issues and the longly awaited Going Rouge!)

    AND are there any other up and comming new task forces in the works???
  6. finally got a reply fro a red name (the television) although he cant say if anything will happen about this thread he also stated that he will let the powers that be know of this thread have them sift through it and see what they come up with! maybee its him just saying it or maybee somthing will get done this time who knows after all im posting from the EU so guessing it minght just get swept under the rug.
  7. if its depressing u just dont check back here!, so great ur on the US servers and have been for a great deal of time meaning that u probabily dont have anything to complain about! what if u where told in order to play with the masses u had to abbandon your 68 month vet account supergroup and friends to move to the EU servers? this is the problem were faced with no improvments for the eu community there will more than likely not be an influx in new players this side of the seas again, part of the reason being (not the only) that no boxed copys to come across in stores (they way i found out about the game, complete impulse buy) those that do manage to know about the game are on the US 14 day free trial love it go to US servers if they stumble across the eu servers there like this is meant to be an MMO not a handful of people and me. The reason we are angered is that if you scroll back through the thread we were told that we have been heard etc. yeah weve been heard what are they gonna do about it its the same excuse everytime! if there was a server LIST merge there all the US and EU could choose any boosting the poplutaion of everyones server better teaming more friends longer game life for people but the devs are wank.
  8. hey guys dont know weather u have purchased your games yet but if your gonna its really cheap on steam community at the moment its £9.99 1st month free and u get to choose from the cyborg or magic pack aswell (magic is best :P) here is the link


    you will need to create a steam account though but it takes a few minutes and once purchased u can just downlkoad the game and it will store on ur steam account forever incase you ever loose it or comp breaks etc

    hope to see u guys soon
  9. Hi guys and welcome! the trial will deffo not give u all the game has to offer! there are certain things u cant do or join and you cant pass lvl 15 i think it is but theres a whole load of good content when you get out of the low levels and then there is the new going rouge expansion out soon that will revamp the 1-20 content and give u the chance to make ur hero evil or villain good!

    once you reach level 10 you and your wife could create your own super group or you can join someone elses with lots of members from level 1 (dont think trial accounts can!? not sure on that tho) people usually broadcast sg's (supergroups) in atlas park if your a hero and mercy island if your a villain just respod to the broadcast to get an invite or end someone a tell (private message)

    bigger teams are much more fun ecspecially when ur able to take part in task forces etc!
    there is a channel on union which i recommend you join called sals badgehunters lots of people on the union server are on there and ur guarenteed to find a team or sg

    if you do carry on with the game you wont have to start again u can carry on from where u left off! so all is good! hope to see u at some point ingame and welcome!!! hope u both have fun and stick around
  10. i do think its a way for us to go over to the us serves without them lifting a finger, but many of us have long term vets, sgs and friends they jsut dont wonna do a list merge cuz they will have to do work. oh and EU we have no x2 xp yet either but was stated that it would be 8.59am? but yeah shafted yet again today will be only day i get to play and it isnt even here!
  11. still no message from a red name when asked but they replied about an i17 beta question i think this thread is just being ignored
  12. well after pming every red name i can get hold of when there online i have yet to hear a reply about where the eu goes from here. when will we be heard? why have we been told that there is a voice listening and jack **** to come from it? are we just going to be left and fobbed off? we just seem to inject cash that is being spent on the US! they cant even be bothered to answerback, i think give it a years time or when the shiney ness of gr and i17 fades we will be back to where we are now just left with a handfull of people
  13. hi guys the way i got it done was to create a dummy file in notepad called cityofheroes.exe this is just a blank notepad document and cityofheroes.exe as the save title and saved it to the folder where my coh shortcut is worked fine and had no trouble since on xp comp and the widows 7 comp
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    Going Rogue will be released in July.
    yeah but what date!?! and doc delilah can u give info on any other power sets that come with GR other than dual pistols and demon summoning?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc Delilah View Post
    Hey Everyone,

    I just want to take a moment to say how excited I am to be working with such a dedicated player base and what a privilege it is to be part of the City of Heroes team.

    This is going to be an exciting year for City of Heroes. Rest assured that I'll be working closely with the Community Team to support and keep you updated on relevant publishing news.

    -Doc Delilah

    release date for going rouge please!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stofil View Post
    I am an EU player of the game.

    I got the error message "failed to rename C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\cohupdater.exe to C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\cohupdater.prv" when I tried to start the game. Then I realised that there simply is no file called 'cohupdater.exe' to rename in a pure EU installation of the game.

    My solution was simply to add a dummy file called 'cohupdater.exe' of size 0 MB to my installation directory in order to make the rename possible. After running cohupdater.eu.exe, the game started. I hope that this could solve the problem for other people here as well.
    how do i create dummy file? this minght be the answer im looking for!... i can hope!!!!!!!!!!
  18. back from work and tried to play again today, and low and behold another 3 hours of downloading and updating this is getting beyond a joke! think we all need to thank nivene for her help as she seems to be the only one who gives a crap about the player base. to the rest of the devs at paragon studios- never mind trying to get another issue out and an expansion fix the god damn game thats already here! or you minght find that there will not be a lot of people that want to re-subscribe or continue with the game if this is what the future has for us!

    now im realli ******* angry just finished updating and downloading updater as usual as soon as timer hits 0 and im about to click next to actually get back into the game the updater crashes and now its peek time in the uk internet has slowed way down and its ''fixing files'' and has an ETA of 5+ hours im just about at my wits end and just about ready to write the game off!! my job has weird hours so ive had maybee about 6 hours to play over the weekend and its been busted and now tried to do the same on sunday evening off for a quiet nite and its ****** still! after fixing it 3-4 times still havin **** with it grrrr well peed off now
  19. well done!!! :P did u post on 'sals badgehunters' channel or ask in there chat window? u will get a good response! has all of union heros and villains (i say all but it has a lot of active players) all the time! if im ever on and u wonna team just yell @Fatal-Nova
  20. am i wrong with thinking it was only the EU updater that got trashed (and for me still is and getting no help from anywhere!?!?!) grrrr if it is we get treated like crap and we deserve better! we have been playing and paying just as long as the people over seas!!! (if everyone got a bad updater ignore me need to vent fixed this thing twice just for it to piss me off and bust it again!)
  21. still having problems working fine last night and now same probles again failed to rename error keeps comming up operating on windows xp ive uninstalled an reinstalled came back on went to make a brew got back had been disconected and same problem is happening again am ready to start screaming DOOOOOOOOM! FOR THE EU! in a min and give up on the game all together after 3 1/2 years of playing this is how im repaid feels like a kick in the teeth if im honest! and with double xp looming round the corner i dobnt wonna walk away but im realli fustrated with this ****!
  22. done all this and it gets to connecting all fine the it goes to checking updater then is stuck! wont move on from checking updater what else can i do!
  23. wish i read this before going on an add and remove programs rampage!!!just dowloading it again now