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  1. fatalnova

    I Love Europe!

    PROPPER STUDENT LIFE!!!! (none of this being 21 when u can drink and have propper parties and realli dumb bouncers where back in the day u could pass urself off for an 19 year old when being 14!)

    and amazing FESTIVALS
  2. cool will try get the tf badge under my belt this evening if poss and catch up!
  3. [/QUOTE]


    There's lots of good news coming around the bend. When exactly I can't say. I don't work with the community team for CoH so, the best and most accurate thing I can say at this point is: please be patient.


    Well if this is correct and i hope it is, we should be recieving some good news soon.... although im not that optimisitic it is the line we have been fed several times but hope my screams of doom have payed off, lets wait and see
  4. come to think of it yes the 'not having an up to date installation cd of Cox is realli pissing me off' we get ours from download and it takes hours (somtimes days for a few of us) to download and install then get 6 years worth of patches, this boosts our monthly download limit up somthing crazy ecspecially when u have to reformat your comp and do the whole tedious process over and over not resubbing after this month like i said minght pop back in when the release of GR comes but if things havnt improved by then or player base is continually low then ncsoft and the devs can go screw themselves and will not get another penny off me
  5. hey guys must apologize again for my afkness this evening RL stuff kept gettin in the way. next week all going well should be fine! (or thursday depending if im working or not) hope i can make the thursday team as missed out on the badge had been auto logged when i got back
  6. well lets wait and see what they have in store for us although it is rude for them to start a thread and not reply to us! if nothing is changed or somthing isnt done to improve our quality of life theres always the release of DC universe online we could all go together.. lol probabily wont see anything happen till there release date neither when the NA servers quiet down cuz people wonna try dc then i think we will see somthing happen cuz in all honesty the nc AND the dev team are crap at remembering were here think our subs just pay there overtime or electric bill not sure
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post

    As subscribers we (the EU) are already disadvantaged by only having 2 English servers and therefore less slots.

    There are no longer player events here.

    There won't be a boxed edition of GR here and therefore not much hope of a big increase in the population because of that...Lets not forget they also had a boxed MA version too.

    Now NA players can get pre-order items that we may not be able to obtain.

    The result =

    Perhaps we are guilty of caring more about the game than Paragon Studios care about the EU. Like some above, I grow bored by vague talk and no action and I feel slightly ripped off that I pay the same as our NA friends but seem to be getting less and less for my hard earned money.

    In fact this thread seems to me to be an after thought, kinda like "Ooops what about the EU? Hmmm better make a quick thread".

    I do love this game but fairness is a solid principle for any customer base. We are not asking for anything more, just an equal footing.
  8. whoop will be there! gonna craft a few healing io's now so can keep us alive!!! and a few recharges for AM see u later guys
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Thorny_Devil View Post
    A server merge will have repercussions and will take a lot of work. These ARE facts, not bull.
    but what are the actual repercussions a list merge wouldnt be that bad yeah it would take work but its about time work was done for us!
  10. lets just merge already!!! OR at least tell us the reprecutuions that the eu will have if there is a merge? i have pmed several red names and half say it can be done with reprecutions for the EU side and the other half say 'were not saying it wont happen its just a lot of work and we need to consider everyone' blah blah blah! make with some facts rather than spinning us bull **** and then maybee it minght put a few of us off and make us gr8 full for the small community we do have OR if the reprecutions arnt that bad some of us minght be more for it or at least offer transfers again!

    if somthing is not done soon im not re-subbing ive stopped the direct debit i had set up so my accounts dont lapse and after game play runs of **** it. its not the game it used to be and the treatment we get EU side is next to nothing. or we get fed the same lines 'we have passed your concerns on' 'your voices are being heard'

    i would love to start again on the NA servers but not at the cost of losing all my toons sg bases vet rewards badges (spesh the anniversary ones)etc. and they way the game has been going im on the same lines as scarlet shocker ive payed my monthly subs brought every add on that has been released and seen the rise and fall of the EU population, so after this months game time has run out i dont see the point of resubbing! GR minght bring a few people back just like the release of i17 we saw a few old players return but they have gone again and we have yet to see a rise in new players it sucks!
  11. i dont even know why we bother to post nothing gets done!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TsumijuZero View Post
    I have to agree with Neutronic Girl with regards to the plausability of merging the two server lists and the constraints with the connections. We do have better EU connections than if we were playing NA, citing my own experiences of rubbish connections when trying to play well anything online with anyone other than EU based servers.

    With regards to my earlier questions, thanks for reminding me about the difference in codes, but it would still be a nice step if there could at least be some acknowledgement that if someone EU side did purchase that pack, that they would honor an EU equivalent of that same code. That at least would be a step in the right direction.
    i do get what your saying, but its not realli the enhancments most of us a peeved off about, there there to entise new players in, which comes to the problem no advertising in the EU means no new players to add to a declining player base.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    I just know that our server technology doesn't support the merging of any kind of server list. We would have merged Training Rooms for Betas for instance if we were able to. I'm not saying it's never going to happen though.
    i know and dont mean to sound rude but am dissapointed and sleepy but there wasnt the technology for power customisation neither but u jumped that hurdle
  14. well the complete collection is to bring in new players so im guessing they dummed down the items so every1 else would pre purchase online and get it digitally leaving boxes for new peeps.
  15. Click this post here on avetas post to take you to the post from black pebble its just for them its to help new players and wont be available outside of the complete collection plus if it was a booster type pack would u buy it the way things are declining?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    We all understand and know that an opportunity like this should never be passed up. More advertising is more advertising at the end of the day and only good for the game/business.]

    I do agree however it always seems that we are on the raw end of the deal which sucks! we all pay the same amount of game subs yet we get treated like crap. there are many people that are ready to jump ship NOT over to NA side but to a different MMO altogether. and i think this just minght push a few people to do that there already on edge and i myself am seriously considering doing the same.

    its a shame realli, what was once a decently run game has taken such a decline EU side since the closing of the brighton offices, i will give it another month and see how bad the community still is before i decide if things dont change then will invest time and money on a different venture.

    p.s damz sucks :P just thought i would sneak that in there
  17. may you just answer us this question then as we get nothing?? why arnt the server lists just merged??? why not just do that and save everyone this side the dissapointment gives us extra toon slots etc and make a bigger player base surely its a no brainer? so in return for not getting ANYTHING i hope this can be answered
  18. no doubt we will get it in a u gotta pay extra for this item booster again! When the whole of NA get to purchase it with there boxed sets with there extra goodies! im realli considering trying another MMO one where there isnt such a devide. plus if i need to reformat my comp again i have to download 6 years worth of patches etc because we cant even have new copies of the game distributed to us dev you suck big time and black pebble you are **** you have contributed next to nothing and probabily getting paid for the ideas you have been getting from these forums sort it out or u will see a lot of people jump ship
  19. less of all the ideas and tell us what has been implimented/discussed to help gain future players ESPECIALLY the EU servers! how can we give ideas when we dont know what is already going on behind the scenes. and is there any ifo you can give us on why a server list merge is out of the question as you get to speak to devs face to face.
  20. fatalnova

    Tara a bit!

    awww the EU suffers another great loss! gettin stupid now black pebble needs to make with the goods or gives us a god damn answer for whats going on and if were ever gonna have a list merge decent advertising etc, hope to see u soon scarlet if the game ever sorts it self out!
  21. yeah was alll goood liking the rad rad she is awsome!
  22. hi guys just redid my comp installed coh but it has installed the NA version and not the EU version what do i change to make it the EU copy with out deleting and starting over????
  23. they rock! not much help but they get better! i have same sets for my new domi just got to lvl 33 and im loving it! will be good for MO badges if u go for that
  24. yeah reason for damz leaving sucks big time! just eliteist jerks i suppose. as i say the 14 day free trial i took on US side has made me very tempted to take the leap but i just cant have to much this side to loose, maybe this is what the devs wanted all along? for us to take the plunge ourselves so they dont have to do anything? just a thought. i wish someone would get back to us!!! warwitch make with the community friendly/repping that you once said you where going to do! i know GR is taking most of peoples time up but! the rate people are leaving/switching to US there wont be anyone left here to play GR with