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  1. Quote:Mace Mastery Costume Changes
    "Characters obtaining the mace mastery epic pool power should obtain the default mace in all of their costumes after selecting the power. This should no longer cause the inability to tailor a costume after picking this power."

    ***Still not fixed*** as of live publish Nov. 10th...
  2. eye_tyrant

    Shield Defense?

    I will say though as a postscript that I was unhappy, very unhappy with my Shields until I had all the bonuses from IOs. He died too easily with just the basic defenses from invention IOs. So you really need to think in terms of the extra defense and resists from the IOsets and shoot for soft capping, etc.

    So a well slotted one is a monster, without the IOset bonuses, not so much.

    Lastly though, the shields look damn cool.
  3. eye_tyrant

    Shield Defense?

    My SS/SD is an absolute monster. Damn hard to kill, and high damage output. I have a perma Dom fire psi Dominator that cost 4 times as much and considering how often he dies, the SS/SD probably outperforms it. Certainly against boss enemies the Brute outperforms.

    I just like the fact he only cost 5-600 million for a really sweet build. 5-600 million is not that hard to earn if you learn to play the markets. The 2 billion to build a perma dom with all the whistles and bells is...
  4. Am building up a sonic/kin corr, and was wondering if anyone would mind posting up their Mids build? I want to see if I am even close to some of you serious number crunchers. Plus, there seems to be so many different ways to do this build, the mind boggles. Some other classes of villain write themselves. this one is coming harder for me. Thanks for any input.
  5. /signed, and /signed again.

    Someone fire this off to Posi STAT! :-)