7 -
Ok that's just awesome.
If the AV isn't Grendel's Mom I will be extremely disappointed. Let's do the Beowulf thing all the way! -
I thought Gardvords were just LTs and Ogres and Calibans were the bosses....
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, they are. I just checked in-game just now.
Despite that little mistake, it still was pretty interesting. I'm particularly interested in the Troll Arch-Villain that's hinted at in Atta's file. Could that be Grendel, who we've heard the Trolls talking about but have never seen?
[/ QUOTE ]
Grendal is supposed to be dead. Atta killed him with his bare hands in the middle of the Glutch to finalize his control over the trolls.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yea there's an exploration badge or a history plaque with that on it right? I always thought that was lame. Grendel sounds much more badass than Atta. -
I thought Gardvords were just LTs and Ogres and Calibans were the bosses....
Whoops thought I could edit before getting a reply
Check it out above -
Sure the game is for everyone.
But then why don't we let everyone get Kheldians. Or let everyone get capes. Or Auras. Or into hazard zones.
Because there are rewards for playing the game. And this is a horrible way to implement bases. Long time SGs should be able to buy bigger and better bases. And playing time in SG mode is a horrible way to measure the longetivity and activity of a supergroup.
If influence can be converted into prestige points that would be a potential solution. As people mention what else is influence good for? We were told awhile ago we would use influence to buy bases. I know I'm not the only one who has been playing with this in mind. If I can't cash in my hardwork for a base I'll be very disappointed. As for the things you mentioned "Influence will be spent on other things - like classes for the university, and the weapons customization tool, as well as vehicles.", they aren't in the game now, won't be when CoV hits, and quite possibly will never make it. -
So we are more concerned with a group of 20s being able to buy a base then rewarding a group that's been together from day one and done thousands of missions together, but never entered sg mode.
So let's datamine for something that is completely arbitrary, but let's not reward those SGs who assembled and did the Moonfire & Shard TFs back before they had badges.
Unbelievable. I really hope this doesn't go live.
Time spent playing with your SG would be one thing, but time spent in SG mode?!? Give me a break. City of AFK'ers here we come. -
Exiles of the Shard
www.refugeegamers.com CoH Forums
Leaders: Nova0-0, Voltaic Arc, Billy Blaze
Preferred Method of Contact: in game tells/ our forums
Guild Description: We're a midsize group of dedicated players looking to grow. We enjoy grouping for Trials/TFs and are currently working on plans for CoV. All levels/archetypes welcome!