236 -
Jack sighed as he left the sight of his carnage and walked into the broken door, and inside was quite a sight. The room changed every couple of moments, from one thing to a totally random another. "I agree with the sword-man, kill everything, and find the book". Jack frowned I should get ahead of these clowns and find the book, replace it with something else... he thought. He looked around instantly as he said that, and checked his mental blocks. They were still in place, so no one could acess his mind. He was about to start walking when zombies poured out of the doorways.
"They have brains, rotting brains, for sure, but brains" Jack said, smiling widely. The three zombies coming towards him instantly started attacking each other, and after a couple moments of a fight, there was one zombie left with half an arm and a leg missing. "Pity" Jack said as he approached. He kicked the one things remaining leg, making it fall to the ground. It's torso was 'standing up', so Jack decided to have a little fun.
He took a couple steps back, ran forward and punted the zombie's head off with a field goal kick. "It's good" Jack smiled, then walked back to the group to see what had become of them. -
Jack was slightly surprised when he saw that the thing just dissapeared after his psionic had hit it. He was about to do it again when a fireball came and wiped most of them out. Jack laughed and smiled "This should be plenty of fun". He put his shoulder to the door, and charged. He heard splats as he made connection with the beings. He laughed giddily each time one died. He noticed he was almost out of the tide of beings (he was looking out of the window of the door), and decided to try something.
"Yahooo!" Jack yelled at the top of his lungs, throwing the car door in front of him and jumping on it, like a skateboard. Normally, this wouldn't take him very far, but with a little telekininsis, he was flying towards the pyramid. He ran over quite a few beings, throwing psionic attacks every so often. "I gotta try surfing" Jack commented as he was close to the building. As he neared, he jumped with the door, and his board-door hit the sides of the pyramid, slowly going up, then accelerating down. He jumped off as he reached the bottom, landing in a crouching position as the door skid with creaks and sparks across the street. He got up, and sighed.
"Beautiful, beautiful carnage" -
Jack began searching through the blobs, but found nothing to be searched. Jack shouted a curse and kicked the car he was hiding behind's door, which got dented. Jack smiled wickedly, and kicked the door until it was off it's hinges. He picked it up "This will work nicely for a shield" he said, hoping to be able to bash their non-apparent faces in.
As he hefted the door up, grabbed it by the inside handle and preapared to charge, he heard someone yell for them to use psionic blasts. "They don't have a brain, incoherent fool!" he shouted back. But, his curiosity got the better of him, and, without dropping his car-door-sheild, he picked out the nearest blob and sent a small psionic blast at it, still not knowing what it would do. -
Jack was still laughing at the show he had put on until the Jager came and killed them all before they could do that to each other. Jack sighed "He doesn't see the art in killing, does he?". He couldn't keep pace with the Jager on foot, so he hopped into the air again and followed the big wave of destruction. He followed everyone around a corner and saw that there was no enemy. Jack was about to say a snide comment when he noticed that something was there.
There were blobs of darkness, and Jack immediatly flew behind a car the Jager had missed and looked at one of the creatures. "I hope these things have brains for me to play with" Jack snickered, and concentrated, searching for information that would be found in the blobs mind. If it had one.
((So, I need some info on these things. Like do they have brains? Other stuff too would be helpful)) -
Jack loved every moment as he was walking through the carnage left by multiple people. The dead were entertaining, the dieing were entertainment. One of the soldiers wasn't even dieing, he was just limping away, relying heavily on his left foot. " 'Ello" Jack said merrily, and the soldeir stared at him with horror, sputtering. "D-Don't kill m-me" he managed. "How cute" Jack said in is endearing voice, which was more like a demented five year old. He walked over to the solder while he tried to limp away.
Jack grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, then placed his hand on his head. The soldier let out several screams of agony before dropping to the ground. Jack giggled, and decided at the rate te green oaf and the others were going, he wasn't going to take part in any fun. So he started walking again, then jogging, then running, then full out sprinting until his feetlifted off the ground and he flew through the air.
He finally saw the lump that was Jager and decided to descend. He outstretched his arms onto the coming crowd of soldiers and floated silent. After a moment, followed by murmurs, the soldiers stood perfectly still. As the seconds ticked by, it seemed they would never move.
Then, all hell broke loose.
The soldiers started shooting each other, throwing grenades, and plain out trying to kill each other. Jack droppedto the ground and held his head. "Whoooo, that one was a doozy", and he stumbled back up to full height. Then, he smiled insanely widely and gave a long burst of maniacal laughter, watching the carnage he had produced. He even went to the measures of clapping fo particularly devastating results.
"I love this!" he shouted to no one in particular. -
He listened patiently to the boy's explanation of how he worked with Arachnos. "You could call me an agen of Arachnos. They hire me to kill, I get the job done. Of course, I get free trips to Vegas. Blackjack tables don't know what hit 'em" he smirked. He sensed their feelings, one was scared of him, another was full of himself, and the hooded one was relatively hard to tell, except he thought Jack was crazy.
He let out a laugh and said to Jake "Don't worry,I don't bite". He turned and started to follow the path of destruction, and the one who calls himself Sage. Before the boys were out of earshot, he added "Much", then laughed merrily and continued walking. -
Jack burst into laughter as the man dropped to the ground. "I ain't so bad with a gun as I thought I was" Jack said, tossig the gun aside. His senses instintly heightened as he smelled something. It wasn't something in the physical plane, it was mental. One of the boys was intimidated by him, the older one, while the other seemed perfectly fine.
"So, what do you two do for a living, eh?" he asked the boys. -
Jack shrugged "More cows to my slaughterhouse, then". He looked back towards the two boys and smiled "You boys don't get along well, do you? Name's Jack, if you didn't catch it before" he said, his smile indicating he'd like nothing more than to kill the both of them, or better, watching one kill the other.
He looked back towards the action, where there wasn't any action anymore. He saw the headless body of the soldier's head he had exploded, and raised his hand. The soldier's gun came flying and smacked into his palm. "Hm, not to shabby" Jack remarked, smiling demonicaly. "Let's see how the sights work, shall we?"
He turned towards a man in a suit, who was asking for neotigations. "I don't think so" Jack's voice said, although only the man in the suit could hear him. He pressed his finger to the trigger as multiple rounds fired off. -
Jack almost jumped as he heard a voice come from a figure who was walking out of a gate nearby. Almost. He turned and saw a short, cloaked figure asking him about Jager. "No, if I ever invented something, it would have more of a brain than that oaf. Makes my job easier" he said this as he smirked widely. "So, are you taking part in the festivities? I must say, that Josh Johanson has a very nice shot, well, had anyways", and imppossible as it seemed, his smirk grew bigger.
"I was rahter hoping the brute would eventually die, but oh well" Jack shrugged, then walked into the portal. He appeared, and watched as someone was throwing balls of fire, and Jager was slaughtering people. He noticed the snipers and smiled "I have targets all to myself". His already closed eyes closed harder as he concentrated.
"I have a clear shot on the green man, permission to fire?" a sniper cackled into the radio. He recieved an affirmative, and put his eye to the sight. "Your mine..." the sniper murmered, then noticed, when he tried to pull the trigger, his finger wouldn't respond. He tried to speak, but found he couldn't. "Sniper, take your shot" he heard cackled into the radio. But instead of firing at the green oaf, his sights turned to another sniper, his comrade who was stationed in a window. "Sniper, take your shot!" a voice said into his radio forcibly. "Fine" the sniper's voice said, but the sniper hadn't meant to say it. His finger squeezed the trigger, and the sniper in the window fell back, holding his neck which was squirting madly with blood. "Return fire!" a voice cakled into his radio, and orders were issued. "Thank you for giving me positions, it makes my job easier" the sniper said, and in return recieved many questioning comments.
Jack smiled devilishly as sniper after sniper was taken out, then, his puppet, a certain Josh Johansen, commited suicide, using his own sniper rifle. His eyes relaxed, and he laughed much like a maniac. He concentrated again, and a soldier near Jager took out a grenade, armed it, and threw it on the opposite side of Jager, towards more soldiers. The explosion was horrendous, killing many, injuring even more.
Jack noticed someone taking aim at him, and got ridicoulously mad. He concentrated for a moment, and the soldier lay on the ground, screaming in pain. Then, something incredible happened.
His head exploded. -
"Rest is for the weak" Jack muttered, seeming to draw back on memories. He snapped back to the real world as he heard Jager scream and leap through the portal. "That could be problematic" he muttered, and walked over to where they could get head-start instructions on the mission. He heard a being offer to help find these items, and Jack was about to object until he read her surace thoughts. Jack thought she had a slim chance of actually performing it correctly, so he kept on walking.
He looked over a man whose name appeared to be Skjebene, and asked "So, what do we have for a mission breifing today?" -
((Don't call it shreiking!...It sounds girly
Jack sighed at the green oaf as he gave his suggestion, then said "Well, you can be our test subject Mr. Jager. Go, and smash as many things as you can in as little time possible, then come back and tell us how it went". Jack sighed again and asked "So the plan is...?" -
((I didn't read all of the comics, so I don't know why it's funny. Glad I made someone laugh today though
Jack pretended not to notice, but was taking in the fact that some demonic looking man was glaring at him. "Fine, we shall destroy the book" Jack said, although his voice was forcibly flat. He looked to the patrons "We find out what these objects are, of course. By force, sadly, if it comes to that". Jack put his head down, pretending to be sorrowful, when his tone of voice suggested he would love doing just that. -
"You'll be playing paper-shredder with that artifact when you rip it from my cold, dead hands, beast" Jack shouted, although no one but Jaeger could hear him. "You've no idea what power could become of that, so you will stay back from that book or I will make you". He had screamed this, although no one else had heard it. Jack had just sent the words to the big oaf's mind, which was somewhat hard to do. He cast horrible pictures into Jaeger's mind, him burning, him being impaled on a spike, his skull on a wooden stick, and other images that are far, far worse.
To everyone else, he looked like he was just standing there. -
"Destroy it!" Jack shouted so suddenly it might've made someone jump, but he took no notice. "You are going to destroy one of the most powerful objects in the history of man? Insolent fool, we should take the book". Jack looked over at Lord Recluse's genral direction. "And give it to capable hands, of course. Now, I still propose we steal the book, then decide what to do with it. A picture of what it looked like would also help" he finished.
Jack listened to the woman who went on and on about the power of this Necro book. Jack suddenly became very interested in this book. "Well, we shall scout his palaces and find where the book is. I do have somewhat stealthy abilities, so when we find the book, I will retreive it", then abrubtly finished "and handed it over to my Lord Recluse, of course", bowing slightly. He was glad he had cast the precautionary spell, so his eyes would appear closed and his mouth also.
Because they might've given him away. -
Jack watched as the two boys walked away, totally ignoring him. The green man was just standing there, so he took a couple steps back. He listened to the two boys, and wondered how they could get work done while they bickered so often. "No need to get at each other's throats now, boys" he said flatly, then looked back at the patrons. "No matter what we do, we'll need to know what we're getting into".
"Scouts" Jack cleared, then explained "If we're going to attack head-on, we obviously need scouts for their defences, staff, choke-points, all that. If we were to attack his economy, we would to know his greates imports and exports, where they are, who his contacts are, all that as well". He took a deep breath before continuing.
"The economy plan is the most sure-fire way to bring Alharzed down, although it would take considerably longer, time we don't know if we have. Brute force would certainly be quicker, but again, we don't know how well he's stocked with protection. In short" he said, this part meant for the likes of the green oaf "I propose we should scout on both fronts, and see which would be easier and more profitable in the long run. Of course, a double-fronted attack would not be out of the question".
He finished his proposal and crossed his arms, waiting to see if anyone else had ideas. -
Hah, Sister Flame is probably going to have a company branch off of CoX
EDIT: First post after a redname!!! -
The man registered the new villain, Bladewing, and kept a mental tab of him, and how he was associated with the big, green, German monster. He laughed at the obvious discomfort of the younger one as the German talked to them. The man, who was only floating several feet away, dropped out of his hovering state and walked over. Although his eyes were closed, as was his mouth, and they usually stayed that way, he could still observe them and talk.
"Don't underestimate those 'booky-boyz', some can be tougher to fight then they look". He smiled, but it must have been un-nerving to talk to someone whle their lips or tongue didn't move. One of his foremost stratigies. Intimidation.
"Name's Jack". -
As the man appeared in the meeting area, his feet were floating several inches off the ground. He was not speaking, but mentally recording every thing said, from whispers to shouts. He still found particular intrest in the young boy and his charge, especially intrigued in the 'work' they so talked about. He also couldn't help but smile at the young one's impatience compared to the older's relaxiveness.
His eyes were closed, although he was taking mental snapshots of them, and finding out their personalities, either by hearing, or more of a 'agressive' way. He made sure to mark the heroes from the villains, should the case arise.
He kept silent, not wanting to play any cards this early. -
A man in the corner stood with his eyes closed, although snickering at the events unfolding between the young man and the green German. "Play nice children" a dreamy voice said, although no mouth moved "I think we are all on the same team, for now". He had brown hair that reached his shoulders, which were up about the six foot line. He a white T-shirt that was a tad to big, and khaki shorts, which ere also somewhat big.
He listened to what all the 'patrons' said, but didn't pay to close attention. The man shrugged at the end and walked towards the portal, every stride seemed to slow down at mid-walk. His eyes were closed as he went to the portal. "These things always were a tad annoying" the man said, but still no mouth movement. He turned before stepping into the portal. "Any hero who comes within striking distance of me won't like the resuslts" he said, half disgustedly. He turned and walked through. -
((Alright, I'll bite, looks fun))
(A young woman was walking around Atlas Park with a small videocamera, apparently looking for something. She spotted a hero walking towards City Hall and ran up to him)
Girl: Hello! Sir!
(The hero, a tall, big man with gloves the size of beach balls turned)
Hero: Yes?
Jesse: I'm Jesse, and I'm videotaping interviews of heroes, I'm looking for a job as a cameraperson, and this is my, uh, audition you could say. May I interview you?
Hero: Sure, why not?
Jesse: First off, what' your name, or handle?
D.B. : Detective Big
Jesse: Oh! Your a detective?
D.B. : Yeah, but not a detective as you might think. I am from the FBI, but they're trying to get a bit more, aggresive, you could say
Jesse: Aggresive? As in how?
D.B. : They're training men and women to be in top physical shape, then giving them gloves like these that are programmed to give 'superpowers'. I'm one of the first of these people, although I'll bet there will be many more.
Jesse: Okay, now that we got that cleared up, what powers do these gloves give you?
D.B. : These gloves give me ice-like powers. I'm classified as a Blaster, though these gloves could give you any archetype like powers, and not just ice.
Jesse: Now, how long have you been heroing for Paragon City and the FBI?
D.B. : About eight years.
Jesse: So you were a hero during the rikit war?
D.B. : A new hero, and I still think I am, but yes, I was there.
Jesse: Can you tell me about that experience?
D.B. (sighs and puts his head down slightly, then begins) I was in Atlas Park, me and my Supergroup leader were talking, when these portals opened up.
Jesse: I'm sorry to interupt, but what Supergroup are you a member of?
D.B. : Destiny of the Stars.
Jesse: Ahh, sorry, please, go on with the story
D.B. : (nods) We didn't know what they were. A few heroes flew up to look at the portals. Some went in, like a freind of mine, Crossboned. He went in to investigate, and didn't come out. The longer he stayed in there, the longer I worried. As I got more nervous, I decided to go looking for him. As I neared the portal, I saw ships, huge, giant ships, coming out of portals that were above us. My Supergroup leader flew up to one, and got shot down immediaty. She fell into a pool, and I didn't know what to do.
I decided my first priority was protection, and the best protection is wound prevention. I called about what happened on my Super's radio, and got an empath on her way to take care of the leader. The rest made their way to Atlas and other surrounding areas. As co-leader, I took it upon myself and split the group into groups. I made three, A, B, C. A went to Atlas, B to Kings Row, and C to Galaxy City. When my group was assembled, we took flight, some had group fly, and went to the ships.
We took down four ships before being so heavily wounded we retreated. I saw one of our older members fall heavily towards the ground. I tried to fly down and get her, but I was to late. Just as I thought her dead, a tree grew out of no where, and she fell into the top. She was safe, so I flew back up and escorted other members to the ground.
Jesse: It sounds horrible.
D.B. : You've got no idea. I was afraid, not of the Rikti, of the death. So many dieing, dead that day. As the ships retreated, and we thought we were safe, it had only begun. As I was walking around giving small first-aid, these, things appeared from no where. They immediatly started shooting. Several people around me died on the spot, more deaths. I always felt they were on my hands.
Jesse: But they weren't.
D.B. : That's the human heart for you, a curious thing. Anyhow, I shot an ice blast, and it struck one in the face. It fell and died, but was replaced by more. As I saw we were loing ground, I kept backing up until I was in a small group with Ms. Liberty. I saw a machine, and I didn't know what i was, maybe a police drone at first thought. Then it got a shot off right at my leg, and I fell. Blood was pouring everywhere, but there was a tree that gave off, well, heals. After a second, I had enough strength to raise my arm. I shot a blast and the thing exploded.
I felt energy course through me, and looked at my leg, which had healed. There was empath who was looking at me, then turned to fight the fight. I got up and heard Ms. Liberty order a retreat. I started flying away, towards a school where I saw many cars and thought was a makeshift hospital.
As I was flying, I heard a scream, and I looked down and to my left to see three Rikti. I knew there was someone down there, but I couldn't see them. I flew down, punched one with ice around my glove, blasted another, then drew back a little and froze the last. As I looked around for the innocent, I saw a small boy, maybe five, lying on the ground, and bleeding heavily. I picked him up and flew away.
I looked down at the boy, and he looked up at me. After all this, I was feeling quite weak, so I dropped slowly. I was still about half a mile from the school, and I knew I couldn't make it there fast. I looked down at the boy and asked 'What's your name?'. He answered it was John. I told him it would be alright, that he would live. I asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up, and he answered it was a fireman. I took off my sun glasses and said to him 'Your going to be the best firefighter there ever was'. He looked up at me and said-said-
(At this point he choked a little, but his sunglasses hid his emotion well, ad he got under control)
D.B. : He said 'Thank you'. He died in my arms. A small boy died in my arms. I got up and forced myself to run to the hospital, fly-jumping everytime I could. I burst into the school and shouted to get this boy help. They were to busy to even hear me. I looked at the boy, sank to my knees, and put him down.
Jesse: That's horrible...
D.B. : (nods) I swore from that day that no Rikti in my sight would live, tey would feel the same pain I did.
Jesse: I understand, now, can I say one last thing?
D.B. : Sure.
Jesse: Thank you. On behalf of all of Paragon City, thank you and all like you, you are truly heroes.
D.B. : It's my pleasure. -
My guys power would use the batsmash emote. Use your imagination =) .
Amazing idea! Very well thought out, although it would take a while for coding. Anyways, it would be really cool if your SG could have something like this. Then you would have your own personal sig power and then your SG's. That would be awesome.
A fourteen year old boy was sitting on the rails over the water, listening to his iPod hidden in his black cargo shorts. He had a backwards cap over his semi-long black hair. He had a plain white T, but no shoes. He was swinging his feet, peacefully listening to his rock music, playing the air drums.
As he wassitting there, a sudden blare sounded, so sudden, he started and fell off the railing onto the floo below. His music stoppd playing instantly, and he jumped to his feet to hear the captain announcing it was a test.
"What!?" the boy, Blake shouted. "You made me break my iPod for a stupid test?!". He reached into his pocket, pulling what was left of his black iPod nano. He threw it over the railing into the water, hearing a small splash when it hit.
As he was still venting his frustration, mostly swearing, he was startled to see a girl, who couldn't be much older than him, and not bad looking, Blake added as an afterthought. There was also a muscular man, and both were suspened in mid-air by strangle blue things.
Blake laughed at the figures and said "What'cha doing up there?" he said, still laughing. He turned around to see if anyone was using powers, but saw no one, except for the man in a suit next to him, breathing as if he had just been in a fight, if breifly.
Still smiling, he dissapeared into a flash of light and appeared next to the two floating figures. "Now why would you be up here like-" was all he said before he started to plummet downwards. Before he hit the floor, he dissapeared into light again, ending up in the same place next to the two figures as before.
"-that?" he asked them. "Sure, it's a nice day for a fly" he said, looking up at the clear blue sky, dotted with pure white clouds, "but like that?" he said, indicating the things around them.
"If there's anything I can do to help, my name's Blake" he said, saying this more to the girl than the man. He kept teleporting, dissapearing into the light more often so he wouldn't fall. It may hve been annoying, but he got used to it after awhile.
((I kinda skimmed over some, so correct me if I'm wrong about something, and tell me if I'm to late to join))