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  1. /signed

    I'll be bringing two of my characters, a hero named Jack 7 and a villain named Static Therapy.
  2. Something suddenly hit Klaus. "Vait a second, but vere did zis information come from?" The look on the German's face was of great curiosity. "Videos of madmen testing zeir super soldiers don't just get put on YouTube."

    Years of mistrust suddenly came flooding back into his mind. Klaus may have had his misgivings about the meeting before, but something in the back of his mind was making him reconsider coming here. Maybe it was just an irrational fear, but Klaus had to consider the circumstances. If M were to try reading Klaus's mind right about now he'd find it as mixed up and confusing as the codes for programming Windows Vista.

    "Is zere somesing you haven't been telling us Doctor Vest?"
  3. "Ahh, thank you frauline." Klaus said rather politely to the Sword Colenel. "Damn soldiers, no common sense." He said with a smile. "No offense Colonel." he said as an afterthought.

    "Okay, vatever vas on zat tape, it isn't good. Perhaps ve should relocate soon yah?"
  4. *Rez*

    *A Microsoft Vistabot suddenly comes up from behind Entropy*

    Kill meaningless peon, allow or deny?


    *Vistabot stomps the life out of Entropy before crashing*
  5. Klaus nodded and concurred with much of what the party was saying, trying to sound respectful and polite. He paid close attention to what Igor said.

    "Igor...couldn't you just tell us vat those sections of the brain are instead of telling us all of it. It's not like studying zeze supersoldiers isn't going to tell us the same thing." Klaus turned in his seat, directing his icey stare to the other man.
  6. Back on Earth

    HK 48 rematerialized inside a bare recieving chamber.

    His head swiveled around and his eyes flared as his sensor suite did a quick scan of the area.

    "Query: Where is General Kaos?"

    "HK 48, always a pleasure."

    The android turned to face the general. "Salutations: Hello meatbag. Query: did you get my message?"

    "Indeed, but I'm afraid I don't see how I can help you." Kaos said. The man, in his mid fifties was one of small mercenary team's closest allies, often joining them on contracts too big for them to ordinarily handle. His black and red battle armor nearly blended into the darkness of the room, and his velvet cape gave him a sort of regal look.

    "Explanation: my associates are under heavy fire from both Rikti and Vanguard forces. You are the only person with the manpower and equpiment to deal with them."

    "You misunderstand my mechanical friend," as the general said this 48 could hear the sounds of gunfire in the distance, followed by a loud explosion and several shouts. "I'm currently under assault by a team of heroes. Normall I'd be able to repel them, but they apparently brought along help. There is no way I can help you with this crisis."

    "Plea: Surely there must be something lying around that we can use."

    "Hmm. Well I don't see how. I hardly have the resources to even get you back to whence you came."

    "Apolegy: I am sorry we have to leave on such terms then General Kaos."

    "As am I 48. Perhaps..." he looked down the corridor with a gleam of hope in his eyes, "after this mess is all sorted out, and after I've relocated my base, then I can help you. For now, I suggest you go help your friends."

    48 gave no indication that he was upset or that he was even done talking. He just stood there until the team running the teleportation controls in the viewing room above returned him to where he'd come from.
    HK 48 activated his cloaking system immediately after returning to the alleyway. After a few seconds pause for his systems to readjust to the area he began teleporting again.

    He arrived at the threshold of the portal seconds later. He quickly stepped across again, emerging on the Jade moon.

    Not even stopping to scan the area HK 48 immediately teleported to Radiator's position.

    At the same instant he summoned Scarab and Ghost to their position.

    Radiator nearly blasted his own teammates when they appeared on his left. "Can't you see I'm in a hurry?"

    "Yeah," a frost covered Ghost replied, hastily wiping frost off of his armor. When they had teleported he had left the storm behind.

    HK 48 scanned his three comrades. "Statement: The battle did not go well."

    "No, it didn't." the normally silent Scarab interjected. "But if we want to live much longer we should move."

    "Agreement." 48 chirped.

    They disappeared again.

    The team reappeared in an isolated room on the far side of the facility.

    "This should be a safe hiding place for now."

    "Define safe." Ghost quipped, his fingers still gripped around the trigger of his rifle.

    "Definition: free from damage, danger etc.; secure."

    Ghost turned, and for a second thought of blowing the android's head off.
  7. *Rez*

    *Fixes Chaotic's bomb and then sets it to detonate on remote*



    Haha! I live!
  8. ((Grey...I edited the turrets out. Also, Radiator's kinda just running away from the Vanguard Task Force as fast as possible, so I doubt he would turn around and attack Sheldon, even if he was under fire.))
  9. Darkvapor raised an eyebrow at Kaega.

    "Power Breaker, I think we should let these two fine gentlemen sort this thing out. In the meantime, do you know where the scrap metal is kept around here?"
  10. Klaus watched the video carefully.

    "Ein vould have to agree vith Igor. I don't see any kind of great neuroscience breaktrhough, just another super-soldier program. But I assume zis other data vill explain more, so please, Doctor Vest, do continue."
  11. No matter how powerful a psi bomb, there was no way the mortar coulld even hit Ghost. That said, he had very little to worry about from them. Instead he clutched at his skull, disorienting pain causing him to fall over.

    "Radiator, where the hell is HK 48? I'm....pinned down by Vanguard over here!"

    Radiator in turn had his own problems. Rapidly approaching HVAS suits threatened to obliterate him in a rather excessive show of force, and the Rikti weren't far behind with Sheldon.

    Radiator took a little long to get up off the ground and it showed in how he turned back. His rocket boots activated and he quickly shot around the corner, pushing his boots to their limits.

    Ghost was on his own. In spite of the incredibly powerful psi bomb though, he was able to pull out his last wild card.

    He really didn't have that many options to go with in the first place. A firefight would be foolhardy, as Vanguard had numbers and positioning.

    At first he thought about running, but this too was flawed. Too much crossfire, and now there were people going after Radiator, so regrouping was still out of the question.

    He first thought of making his now very badly damaged acid mortars cut a hole in the ground and then make a get away. Again, flawed, because he doubted the floors here were that easily destructible.

    The final idea to hit him was to blow open the window gallery nearby, exposing everyone to the harsh vacuum of space. He decided against such a tactic, mostly becaues he had no way of returning to the ground once he'd gone into space.

    His solution came in the form of a sudden flash, followed by a rapidly expanding cloud of smoke.

    When the smoke dissipated over thirty seconds later, everyone would find that Ghost had quite literally disappeared.

    Anyone with advanced enough targetting systems might have seen Ghost running out of the room under the cover of his cloaking device, but he was too fast, and as such was able to make it out of hte room and into the corridor without encountering any further resistance.

    Radiator kept running. His jet boots propelled him down the corridors at startling speeds.

    "Ghost, we need to find Scarab and get out of here. Head for the hangar."

    ((Edited for the sake of everyone's sanity))
  12. The kick hit Klaus before he could create any real defense. As such he was sent flying. As he flew through the air the defense he'd been trying to make went into play.

    As the doctor's body flew ice fired out of his hands, hitting the Adjutant in the process. The ice thickened up almost immediately and before he could do anything he was encased in a thick layer of ice. Needless to say, this one wouldn't break as easily.

    Klaus pulled himself up from where he'd landed. "Vat is vith all zis violence? Can't a mad scientist vork in peace???"
  13. Darkvapor swore under his breath.

    His eyes and hands glowed. Moments before Xabu appeared he exploded into a massive cloud of dark energy.

    When the cloud finally dissipated the Darkvapor everyone had seen before was gone. The man was now encased in thick metallic black armor. The bright sheen on it reflected the light of the room, giving him a sort of heroic look.

    The super strong villain pulled his own sword from it's sheath.

    Xabu had just cut down one of Darkvapor's own teammates. He was going to do the same to Poe's friend.

    Rather than a normal attack with the Phantom Sword Darkvapor instead stepped in front of the group, sword in defensive position.

    "I wouldn't worry about them Husk Corps goon. It's me you should worry about."

    Darkvapor's armor was suddenly obscured by the dark energy cloud, which had now reformed around him. "Come...face your doom."
  14. *Pushes Chaotic into chair*

    *Plants mines all around self to prevent further pwnage on my person*
  15. ((by rocketed do you mean that he flew or did he just run really fast?))
  16. Scarab thought he heard something and immediately moved aside.

    Quite immediately so it would seem. The stalker had been given various speed enhancers prior to donning his suit in the first place, and as such was far faster than a normal human.

    Still, the attack caught him without his weapons drawn and this was quite a disadvantage. He dashed several yards away, unsheathing his weapons as he went.

    He flipped over several crates and landed on the ground...and all of this was in less than three seconds after Ineffable had returned.

    Rather irritated he turned to face his opponent. "Before we do this whole fighting thing again...I have an offer for you."
  17. Klaus smiled. "Ahhh, a fellow madman." he mused to himself. This little gathering was turning out to be quite the party.
  18. "Do you really think he's going to listen to you?" Darkvapor barked back at Briggs. It amazed him how stupid she was as to try and command a being from another dimension to surrender to her.
  19. *Rez*

    *Grav hammer smacks Entropy in the face while he's running*


    *Picks up Spartan Laser Cannon*

    Hey what's this on the side of my....

  20. Klaus nodded with each new introduction. "Mein name is Doctor Klaus...I am a master of cryogenics, microcircuitry, and a few other fields of science."
  21. Scarab smiled in response to Ineffable's enormous errror.

    The mercenary was standing in the middle of the arcane symbol on the floor of the assembly room. The only apparent diffrence was that his armor was gone. His two blades had somehow been removed from it at the last second, but his battle armor was definately gone. Instead, he was standing around wearing a white tank top shirt and black pants. His two blades were in black sheaths that hadn't been there previously.

    It was rather simple really. As soon as his opponent attempted to teleport him away his body bound itself and his swords to the arcane symbol on the floor. His armor didn't fare quite as well, and by now was probably floating around in the vacuum of space.

    "That was a little too close." he muttered under his breath. After giving the room a quick looking over he decided to find a quiet place to hide until things blew over.
    Ghost felt himself suddenly becoming very tired. He almost dropped his gun, something that rarely happened. To add to his problems, he now had a mystical storm following him. Well that just wouldn't do.

    Ghost really hated magic. He detested the foul practice. If he had his way, any and all magic users would suffer a fate worse than death.

    Ghost's armor was peppered with various blasts from Vanguard wizards. Ghost dived for cover behind several boxes of Vanguard supplies. The only thing that peeked over his cover was his battle rifle. He let loose a volley of enhanced AP rounds upon his Wizard friends. Chances were he'd take down at least one of the magic wielding men and women before having to reload.

    Ghost pushed a button on the side of his belt and suddenly an acid mortar appeared beside him. The mortar seemed intent on blasting the Vanguard troopers that were focused on Radiator. A second mortar was summoned, this one on Ghost's other side. The two mortars were shielded by the crates of Vanguard supplies and would make quick work of even Vanguard soldiers.
    Radiator felt the cold around him. He wasn't sure, but he had a hunch it was those mages down there.

    Suddenly a plasma bolt hit him in the chest, sending him flying. He went straight down a mostly empty corridor, zooming out of the control room uncontrollably. That was the problem with all this crossfire, one was bound to get hit by at least someone's high level energy blast and sent flying. He came to a rather painful landing at the end of the corridor.

    This in a way saved him from the rather unfriendly fire of the Vanguard soldiers, but also left his buddy in the middle of a hostile fire fight.
  22. Klaus decided to ignore the other man's rudeness, instead turning his attention to the bots around him. "Ahh, I see. To tell the truth, you don't look that diffrent from one of my old Combat Drone prototypes...."

    Then he heard Experiment's rather strange comment.

    "What are you...paranoid?"

    Suddenly two previously cloaked turrets appeared outside.

    "If so... velcome to ze club."
  23. Klaus barely held back from freezing Toy Dispensor. Upon seeing the team of robots with him Klaus raised an eyebrow. "Ahh, a fellow inventor."

    Klaus moved into the building upon the urgings of Nessie. After all, he didn't want to tick his hosts off. Klaus steered away from Igor and his pet, instead making his way over to the place where Nessie and Sheldon were standing. "I take it zou are ze Ultraviolet Nessie I have been hearing sooo much about."
  24. Darkvapor's eyes threatened to burst out of his skull.

    He set his drink down with a sharp thud and spun 'round, nearly knocking his barstool over. Quick to his feet he walked over to Khelly, careful not to enter the power sink himself.

    "I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this is definately a bad thing." he said sarcastically.

    At that moment his eyes glowed a deep purplish hue. His hands glew a similar color. Suddenly anyone trying to teleport onto the island would find such a thing quite impossible.

    "That should hold off any reinforcements for a little while." He spun on his heels to face Power Breaker. "Where would spare tech be kept here?"
  25. The front of the Asecendant Archon's gun suddenly froze.

    "Aaaand just whooom might juuu be?" Klaus trilled, sidestepping away from the incapacitated archon. Klaus raised his right arm and almost immediately the Ascendant Archon felt the air around him suddenly super cool. Soon his feet would be encompassed in a thick block of ice.