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  1. *Rez*

    *Kicks down the door behind Chaotic, causing him to jump*

    *Whips out double uzis*


    *Shoots everything but Chaotic*

    Wow, did I get 'im yet?
  2. The small quartet of meta humans stared intently at the new arrival.

    Jack 7 was the first one to say anything though. "And just who might you be?" he asked in a somewhat irritated, but polite tone.
  3. ((They should add those powers in game.

    *Looks at Devious' post*

    *A single tear runs down cheek*

    *Stops sharpening weapons*))
  4. *Spins around just in time to see Chaotic in the semi truck*


    *Rezes as self*

    *Grabs RPG launcher and blasts the semi truck into fiery oblivion*

    That's how we do things in my neighborhood!
  5. ((Yeah I was referring to Devious. I get the hunch this will be my one and only chance at defeating one of his characters.

    *Readys weapons in anticipation*))
  6. *Rezes as Demo man from TF2*

    *Plants sticky bombs everywhere*

    *pwns everyone not already dead*

    *Does a little dance*

    *Goes off to find more sticky bombs*
  7. ((Oooh ooh ooh can I kill your characters for you? Pleaaaaase.))
  8. *Rez*

    *Head explodes from needlers*

    *Rez again*

    *Rezes Luminous*

    *Hypnotizes her*

    *Uses her to block the next incoming attack*
  9. No one killed me?

    *Is too busy contemplating while he is dead and inadvertently blocks stake from hitting Luminous*

    Oww that hurts.



    *Punches Chaotic so hard Chaotic's head goes flying off and crashes into wall*

    How do you like how that (censored for the sake of humanity) works?
  10. "Oooookay, just checking. You looked kinda pale."

    Klaus tilted his arm so that he could see his PDA built into his suit. He tapped a few buttons on it and a transparent image of Build appeared on screen.

    The complex sensor suite built into Klaus' armor was capable of scanning down to the molecular level. At this range, Klaus was able to see the nanites moving throughout Build's body.

    Now Klaus was an overly cautious man. Some would say he showed signs of Schizophrenyia. As such his suit was now recording everything around it. The scan of Build was promptly sent to his own little folder. Klaus made a mental note to conduct a thorough analysis of the guy at the next free moment he had.
  11. Ignorance shall be your downfall!
    I'm still dead.

    *Rezes outside Build's trap*

    *Rezes Luminous again*

    *Does a complex rain dance*

    *Fire rains down from the heavens, landing on Build and only Build*

    Oh, damn. I'd meant to rain water not fire! Oh well.
  12. Klaus stared wildly at Build.

    "Mein friend, are zjou okay?"

    Looking around Klaus noticed the various roots strewn around and the various other points of interest in the room. "Is zis going to be our base of operationz in ze area?"
  13. *Looks around*

    Wow...so that's what a nuclear bomb feels like. It stings a little, but otherwide I'm fine.

    *Walks over to Luminous*

    Oh crap! I'm glowing!

    *Dies moments later*
  14. Oh yeah?

    Mine's even bigger!

    *Whips out rediculously huge plasma cannon*


    *The weapon shatters not only Chameleon's life, but also any versions of him in an alternate reality, and memory of him from existence*

    *Rezes Luminous Star out of pity*
  15. *Thumps Build on the head with Bible*

    Muwhahahhahahaha! You asked for it sucker!
  16. The intruder had made one major mistake, and that was targetting someone whom was currently ond Darkvapor's team.

    Two fists wrapped in dark energy grabbed the intruder from behind and held on tight. The intruder could feel his life force fading away as the dark lord tightened his grip. Darkvapor's muscles expanded as he prepared to show the univited guest a few manners.

    The villain and the intruder disappeared on the spot, reappearing a short distance away.

    Now outside, Darkvapor deposited the intruder in front of Chaingunz, and then teleported again, landing on the ground next to the massive freak.

    "I'm gonna give you ten seconds to explain yourself before I kill you."
  17. *Rez*

    *Waves bye bye to Build*

    *The mine Build is standing on explodes*

    Never underestimate the sheer violence of a homicidal maniac.
  18. ((oooh wow....i hurt from laughing))

    *Grabs syringe*

    *Injects Build with concentrated toxin that kills him in minutes*

    *Steals Chaotic's marshmellows*
  19. Darkvapor ignored the comment by Energon. Instead he made his way across the small villaige to the community building. For a second he questione the wisdom of entering the now decrepit building, but at the sound of another Husk Lord he felt compelled to enter.

    Climbing through the hole in the wall he was careful not to make any sudden movements or do anything that would suggest impending violence upon anyone in the room. Darkvapor took a few steps away from the wall, inching towards Power Breaker. From his limited experience with the Husk Corps, Darkvapor knew to watch out for a double cross. In fact, at that very moment Darkvapor's ace up his sleeve was on it's way. All he head to do now was keep Kuro's eyes on Power Breaker...
  20. *Rez*

    *Takes a big swig of booze from his bottle, pulls out lighter*

    *Blows flames onto Chameleon*

    Hmmm, no I have no idea what could do that.
  21. Darkvapor heard Energon X over the comms. For an instant he felt like jumping down there and strangling the hero himself. I go thorugh the effort of cobbling together an anti-portal device, and what does he do? He opens a portal in the middle of the frigging building.

    "Thank you for just invalidating my work. In the future, ask before you open portals to realms unknown!" Darkvapor barked over the radio.

    DV walked over to the ladder and slid back down. There was a crunching sound as his shoes hit the floor and he set off running.

    Stupid humans and their bloody brilliant ideas...
  22. *Rez*

    Oooooh why I oughta....

    *Grabs City of Heroes Game card and uses it to slit Hellspite's throat*

    *Wipes blood off card*

    Ewwwwww.....it's got idiot all over it.
  23. The Lonbgow guard should have immediately recognized two of the group members from his various security briefings.

    Jack 7, the leader of the group was a level 50 blaster of scientific origins. Jack had a rather good reputation with both Longbow and Vanguard, having worked closely with both organizations in the past. Jack was a highly respected marksman, and an excellent overall soldier, though one wouldn't expect that based on his appearance. Jack wore a big brown trenchcoat over his black flack jacket and pants. He had a matching brown fedora and black sunglasses, and a well trimmed beard.

    Static Therapy, another guy that was well known by Longbow, was a former hero. Static had been on the run from the law ever since an event dating back to shortly after the Rikti war. Since then, he had been given a temporary hero license and had rejoined his former partner Jack 7 in Paragon City. Static wore red battle armor with black pads and a sleek black helmet. His black cape sort of dragged against the street below him, concealing various panels on his armor.

    The other two were relatively unknown. One of them was a guy in grey armor with black stripes and a helmet that looked like the decapitated head of some alien creature that had been grafted onto some metal. It even had two horns that curved downward and ran about the length of his face. The other one was clad in grey ExoProto armor with blue lining and a velvet cape. If he checked his computer records the Longbow guard would see that the guy with the alien skull was a scrapper by the name of Phantom Paragon and the other one was FX 101, a controller-type hero.

    Jack 7 pointed at the picture. "When did you last see this guy? We've recieved a tip from a reliable source that he may be trying to compromise the Task Force's mission to the Rikti homeworld."
  24. You sick son of a.....

    *Hacks Chaotic's bank accounts, draining them of any and all cash.*

    Oh and just to be safe....

    *Reports Chaotic to the IRS*

    *Watches as Chaotic is carted away by a team of IRS agents to be permenantly incarcerated in hell*