28 -
Hey everyone. Just wanted to drop in and make my goodbyes. No drama or anything, I am just ADD-boy and off to try some new things. (Won't mention the name here, as that would be rude.)
Unfortunately, time does not allow me to pursue very many leisure activities at once. I want to thank everyone so much for all the hospitality, friendship, and tolerance.
Please feel free to keep in touch. Facebook is probably the easiest way to get me. Look me up under james@uncommontimes.com. You all probably know you can also contact me via our non-profit organization, www.lifeisartfest.org. -
And Sonic and Ice both assume you need more than 2 shots to kill stuff, right? Actually, come to think of it, that breakeven point may even be 3 attacks. I mean, you have to hit something multiple times for the debuffs to stack. So, I guess against hard targets, Sonic would be nice.
But most of what you fight in CoH is reasonably soft. Minions and LTs make up the vast majority off most mobs. Do you really get off enough shots to have the stacking make that big of a difference? Even on the higher difficulty levels, it seems like you are not going to get that much stacking out before the majority of stuff is dead. Unless you are running at the bottom end of a team, of course. -
Okay, I really have to make a Defender. I have decided on a Rad/. But, I cannot figure out which secondary is best. By "best", I am looking for shear DPS. I do not need any control/mitigation/etc from the secondary, just damage.
I have a Rad/Arch around 26, but I just totally cannot get into the concept. The powersets do not sit well together for me. I'm an archer who fell into a nekular dump, what? Anyway, I'll keep it if that is best, but if there is something more damaging, I would sure like to change. I do like RoA far above any of the other nukes, and that may be the determiner. Since you can count on RoA for regular damage, whereas you cannot count on the other nukes like that, then that may make the difference in DPS. But, I am interested in any input. -
So, I was thinking of working up a player-based website for listing, rating, and sorting MA content. While researching, I came across this. Though it says "© 2009 NCsoft, All Rights Reserved." I am unconvinced. Is this real or a ripoff? If it is real, is it actually going to be used for anything? If it's a ripoff, well, there you go devs, loose the hounds.
Hey! Post my photo!
BTW, what is your running average of success/failure? -
Is RTR going on tonight? Or should I just go get drunk?
Wow, I really must have gotten lucky and gotten on a good run, then. It seemed to me that the vine room was a cakewalk. Nobody came close to dying there. And the way we pwned poor Recluse at the end. I do remember that one funny scene where, I think it was Scirocco basically stood there and watched as we put the beatdown on Ghost Widow (or maybe the other way around).
Hit me up anytime you are thinking of starting one, I'm always down, if I have time. And I recently respecced my Grav/Storm into better damage and have started adding purples to her, so hopefully I can be of even more help. -
Bah! I musta been on run #19, heh. I don't see me.
The MoSTF I ran with you, was one of only 2 times that I have ever run the STF. (The other was with Be and the Stormies (still need a repeat).)
Not having anything to compare it to, I have to say it seemed really well run. Only time anybody went into the red was when I did not heed the, "Careful of the pulse" instructions on that AV that is in the busted down Atlas Park under the Atlas statue. Other than that, it seemed to go really well.
And, yeah, I agree with Stalement in his estimation of the extra time. Your directions were very clear and specific, if verbose. That takes time to type and make sure all us n00bs understand it. Have you ever run it with all MoSTF vets?
Anyway, I'm down to run it again, if you find a Grav/Storm slotted for damage to be useful. My Fire/Fire/Pyre tanker needs the badge, too, for that matter. -
*Thinks about doing unmentionable things to Elasi, but seeing that mother nature beat him to it, decides to let it go.*
Hope you get back up and running soon! -
Aight, you persnickety people, is that 9pm GMT-5 time? I don't even know what EDT means.
tl; dr
(Actually, really good, but I figure that's what will happen to most of the people who actually need to read it. Is that cynical, pessimistic, realistic or just {censered}?) -
It was a lot of fun. We popped my GF's RtR cherry and she had a BLAST. Her defender is only 36 and I told her to just keep Fly on and put me on follow, so she could just concentrate on blasting and stuff.
First thing *right off*, as soon as we got on the ship, I followed a teammate over to help clear an area to set a bomb. But, just as he was calling "fire in the hole", I started a slow attack animation and we did not make it out in time. I lived, barely, but she bought it. She must have died 2 dozen times all told, but we had some great teammates who got her back up and running fast.
I finally got to get a few smacks in on the stupid GM. Don't even know if I got a badge, but at least I have some idea of where to look for next time.
Thanks again to Kitty for running these. For those of us chaos-lovers, they are a lot of fun. -
so hopefully I can join a team and get a little tutoring in.
[/ QUOTE ]Well... it's kind of a non-tutoring-enabled environment, but I'll give you most of the pointers you need.
1) Keep Broadcast and Request chat open and well visible.
2) Stay in the group.
3) Hit stuff.
4) Follow the cat's instructions to the best of your ability.
5) Don't worry about it and have fun.
Keeping up with the Pylons is the hardest part. If you are having trouble, put one of your experienced teammates on follow to get from one to the next. -
Just wandered into the correct RWZ and Broadcast an invite request.
Hopefully I will be by for 1 or 2 rounds. -
I am hoping to be there, but I also have a few RL friends who are working on lowbies and I promised to help them out.
Hmmm... Is it possible to sneak them? I guess you'd need some power to get the grates down. Then could you leave a sneaky to pop the bomb or would they get pwned?
How many fit in the zone? I mean, I'd be thinking we'd need 50 or 60 to pull it off, at the very least. -
I've never seen that, and doubt that it would be possible to set them all at once. Too many darn Magi
[/ QUOTE ]
Bah! Anytime someone says it can't be done, just makes me want to do it more. I mean, if it was some programmed limitation of the game, that's one thing. But just some measly mobs to overcome, that's just tactics.
So, how do you get a bomb? Do you buy it with Vanguard Merits? -
Um... okay. Knew all that. But what happens if you set of bombs in all the grates all at once? Does anybody definitively know, either from experience or from Dev posting? Is there a chance that something cool would happen?
Well, yeah, I was thinking that we'd clear the area of most of the Rikti. Then break up into small teams, maybe 2-3 each, or even solos. Then each one set a bomb, coordinated by some overall leader.
Yeah, we might all die, but big whoop. Most of the people are 50, anyway. I just want to know if it has ever been done and if anyone knows what would happen.
So, what does setting the bombs actually do? Just badges? Or does it have some significance to the ship battle? -
Oh! I misread that! "On each SECTION there are 6 grates." Okay, so what would happen if we assembled enough teams to simultaneously place a bomb in each grate?
Actually, one thing that's not in the guide is: Once your team sets a bomb, they will not be able to set another for 30 minutes.
[/ QUOTE ]
So does that mean that unless you have 6 teams, you cannot bomb all the grates?