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  1. ((You were being controlled by some new bad guy running amok)) Cow waits and waits and still no sign of that controller until he whips out his fire sword and goes berserk and starts dancing and chanting to tribal tunes and then he starts spinning around and hurling flares, luckily the Peace Squad dodges. Raging Cow trips and kills himself. Lurt peeks out the window and can see part of the controllers arms. He takes a lucky shot and hits right on the money: he shot through the wall and hit him in the head. But then the bullet comes flying back at him and misses. Then all the bullets fly out of Lurt's gun and start bouncing all around the room. They manage to kill all 3 peace members alive. Then the controller, still in a black hood and black cloak, goes up to the sentry gun...
  2. The other four walk up to Experiment. "You have our trust now. We thought you were evil, but looks and abilities do not prove anything. I have seen several people with dark powers who fought for justice and truth. We apologize." But then Tech butts in, "Wait a moment! Why did you say you wanted to kill me way back then?" "When did I say that?" Experiment makes a sudden jerk and sends a spine right through Human Man. Then he suddenly backs up, shocked, and then starts making funny noises and moving like he's going crazy. Then he points out the door, and the three see a black cape vanishing around a corner. Experiment passes out and Tech stays to watch after him and guard the tower. Lurt and Cow run out and pursue the controller. All of a sudden, Lurt shoots Raging Cow, who falls down and makes a dive around the corner. "This is getting crazy!" Just then the wall collapses and Raging Cow makes it out but the wall pins his foot down. Then Raging looks up and Immortal113 is standing there malevolently. Immortal leaps at Raging, who barely dodges. Raging Cow whips out his fire sword and uses it to trip Immortal, knocking him out. (I know you guys will hate me for not killing him) then Lurt fires at Raging Cow again but misses, then Cow cuts apart the debris pinning his foot, leaps up and attempts to dodge another bullet and gets hit in the arm, but then slices the gun in half, causing a huge explosion that sends Lurt flying. Immortal and Lurt are on the ground and the controller is no where in sight. Raging Cow limps back to the tower and finds Tech on the ground beside Human Man with a spine in him. "Hmm... why hasn't he respawned yet?" "You've gotta love poisoned spines." Experiment walks in. "You!" "They cant respawn. The poison is messing with their heads. There's nothing you can do about it." Raging Cow raises his sword as if to strike Experiment, but then hurls it behind him and a yell is heard, and Experiment falls to the ground. "I'll be ready for you, whoever you are..."
  3. Our 5 meet up again, but then a chain of random explosions topple several tall buildings collapse and seperates Capt Timberwolf and Raging Cow from Human Man and Lurt Bangcaster. Tech is flattened by the falling debris. They agree to meet up in 10 minutes tops by the mini tower. Raging Cow and Timberwolf have to detour around many buildings, and on the way, they encounter Gunnin' Monkey, who squeals and blasts Raging Cow and kills him, and Timberwolf leaps at him. "You'd better start running, because monkeys are food for timberwolves." "No they aren't." "Yes they are!" "Well I know my predators." "Well I know my prey!" "Well you're stupid." "Well you're dead meat!" Timberwolf leaps at him and Monkey dodges, and Timmy leaps again and smacks into a wall, while monkey leaps up, through a window, tumbles out, keeps rolling, and comes right up next to Human and Lurt. He blasts Human and defeats him, and Lurt and Gunnin' Monkey have a gunfight unlike any other, and Lurt wins. Later, the group reforms at the tower, but for some reason Capt. Timberwolf never comes. They say he got a concussion so bad when he smacked his head that he forgot to respawn and he is now a tourist attraction for all moron civilians who dare enter this doom pit.
  4. However, Human Man devotes his life to plugging the hole with gum to save all the innocent people who are newbs who dont know how to respawn. He finishes within a day, and Calash has now killed nothing in his post. Immortal, keeper of the lawless smashes Calash for not killing anything and smashes Human Man for killing Calash's kill. Then he decides to go on a rampage and randomly picks to destroy the cow, the gunner, the technological martial artist and the clawed wolf. He charges the 4 and immediately flattens Capt. Timberwolf and hurls Tech Kwon Do 100 feet in the air, then Lurt Bangcaster runs around the corner to the other side of the minitower for cover and Raging Cow follows behind. Immortal flicks the tower and it falls over on them and only Lurt makes it out. "Do you like swiss cheese? I sure hope so!!" Lurt fires a slug followed by a burst followed by trops followed by a slug followed by burst followed by brawl, and takes down Immortal 1/1000000th of the way since everything missed and Immortal stepped on two caltrops! Immortal in return grabs him, and Lurt says "Wait! You dont have to waste the effort on me if you can use the gun!" Immortal bashes him anyways, then goes over to the gun which was not destroyed in the tower crash because its reinforced with gum. Immortal blows himself up when the gun backfires and unfortunately hates gum.
  5. "Immortal's back! I have to stop him." The cow sees him being blown up in the distance. "Well, thats one thing outta the way. Good job, person!!" Then Raging Cow, now seperated from Tech Kwon Do, searches for some good deed to do in this town of terror, this home of horror. He sees explosions going off everywhere and buildings falling apart left and right. Then he sees three heroes working as a team, wailing on Immortal113. Cow joins in and they take him down. "Thanks." "No prob. I'm Raging Cow." "I'm Lurt Bangcaster, gun master. These are my friends Capt. Timberwolf and Human Man." "I see. Are you fighting to save this town or to destroy it?" "If we were trying to wreck it you'd be dead by now!" "Okay, good. I've got a plan. We can rebuild the sentry gun and blow up all the terrible killers in this thread. Then we booby trap it so anyone who uses it blows themselves up." "Sounds brilliant!" The four pick up the sentry gun pieces and rebuild the gun and a mini version of the tower and use it to blow everything up. Human Man sticks loads of chewed gum in the turret. "That oughta do it! Now it will backfire on anyone who fires it." Tech Kwon Do meets up with them and the five go looking to do good deeds. Just then, Black Violet, Experiment 2.0, Calash, Immortal113 and Shadowmantle all form a circle around them. "Well, well, well! We heard about your little group. So we decided to make our own! We've outnumbered you, too." "You outnumbered us huh? You outnumbered us five to five? Reminds me of a Yosemite Sam cartoon I watched once. Go back to school!!" The ten have the battle of the ages: Raging Cow and Black Violet clash blades, Tech and Shadowmantle fight with advanced karate moves and the power of the netherworld, Lurt Bangcaster blasts Experiment 2.0 who in return throws seemingly endless spines. Human Man insignificantly uses no powers to battle the Immortal Immortal, and the clawed Capt Timberwolf fights Calash. The results: Black Violet defeats Raging Cow just as he blasts him/her (sorry I dont no which) with Firebreath, defeating him/her, Capt. Timmy goes down just as he slays Calash, Lurt Bangcaster turns Experiment into swiss cheese, annhilating him just as he spears Lurt with an incredibly sharp spine, Shadowmantle uses dark might to destroy Tech Kwon Do, and finally, Immortal113 proves even he can lose to an inferior in some circumstances: he haymakers himself in the back of the neck! Its down to Shadowmantle and Human Man. "I cant believe my normal might defeated Immortal!" "Well you cant stand up to ME!" Shadowmantle roars and leaps through the air and grabs Human Man by the neck and raises him up in the air. "Now would be a good time for a miracle... wait! Shadowmantle! You should use the sentry gun to blow EVERYBODY up! That way, you wont have to waste the effort on me!" "Say, thats a good idea." Shadowmantle throws Human Man down, who chuckles when he sees Shadowmantle get blasted out the window, defeated, and splattered with gum. "Guess its time to refill the sentry gun."
  6. Tech and the Cow reappear at the hospital. "Grr! Hey, since when do I fight with nunchucks? That MUST be why I lost. I've only used those things once." The two go back to the thread and see a glimpse of Experiment 2.0 in the shadows. "Cmon!" The two charge him and he leaps through the air over both of their heads and with lightning speed slays Raging Cow. Tech Kwon Do pounds Experiment 2.0 but then gets impaled in the leg by one of Experiment's spines. Just then Shadowmantle shows up and smacks Tech again. Black Violet comes twirling through the air and kicks Experiment 2.0, disorienting him. "EVERYBODY FREEZE!" screams Tech. "Whos side is everybody on?!" "Who said we're fighting alongside eachother? We just wanna kill something!" Shadowmantle casts siphon life on Tech and he falls to his knees, all his power being drained away. "Wait! I wanna kill him!" cries Black Violet. She slashes Shadowmantle, breaking his siphon life draining and knocking him backwards. "No ME! I WANNA KILL HIM!" shouts Experiment 2.0, slaying Black Violet with a large spine. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screams Tech Kwon Do as he runs away, waving his arms wildly. He crashes through a building, killing himself. Just then, Raging Cow comes into the thread. "Hey guys. Anything I miss?" Then he sees Shadowmantle howling and rolling around on the ground, Experiment 2.0 with a crazed smirk on his face and Black Violets body laying there. "Guess so."
  7. Raging Cow and Tech Kwon Do reappear at the hospital. "Darn! We've gotta seize control of that big kill thread gun thingy that blows everything to itzy bitzy pieces!" The unpleasant 1.12 mi. jog is not so unpleasant, for our heroes are scheming of all the ways possible to take over the turret. When we finally reach the tower, Black Violet comes again out of nowhere and leaps on Tech Kwon Do and begins slashing ferociously. "You go on, Cow! Get to the tower!!" The crazed cow charges the sentry gun and is about to get to the first step when he is intercepted by Shadowmantle. "We meet again, cow." "We do indeed. You defeated me before, but it shall not happen again." "We shall see!" Shadowmantle leaps into position and the cow whips out a blazing sword and screams "MOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" They have an incredible fight and Shadowmantle battles him up the steps of the sentry tower. Shadowmantle smites Raging Cow with dark might and the cow starts to fall off the top step when Tech Kwon Do flies through the air and his flying kick knocks Shadowmantle off the edge. Tech, unable to save himself, shoves Raging Cow through the door to save him. "Good luck, Cow!" The sentry gun is just across the room. The cow, nearly dead, struggles over to the gun. "Let this nonsense end!!!!!!" The cow plants his firesword in the gun, destroying it and himself. It creates such a big explosion that the entire tower falls over and crumbles into debris...
  8. The daft cow respawns in the hospital. "How did my cow senses not detect that silly old Experiment 2.0 about to land on my head?! Hello? I DIED because of that. Heck I don't know how I'm alive if I DIED. Its not at all logical! But who said a walking super cow is logical? And does anyone really care if either one is logical? Not me. Nope." Raging Cow walks out of the hospital and takes an unpleasant 1.12 mi. jog to the thread. He enters the thread and sees Shadowmantle eating his slice of doom pie. "I'll be waiting for you, Shadow."
    Just then, someone goes flying through the air and slams into the cow. "Are you alright?" "I think so. I was just smacked by that Immortal113 guy." "I haven't seen him in the thread for a while. Guess he came back. Need some help?" "Sure! I'm Tech Kwon Do, Scrapper Extraodinare!" The two charge to see Immortal finishing bashing somebody. "Immortal, your reign of terror ends now, at least for now!" Tech sends a flying sidekick into Immortal and Raging Cow breathes fire on him. Immortal picks up Tech Kwon Do, pummels him and hurls him through a window. Raging Cow throws some puny flares and the immortal Immortal bashes him. Tech Kwon Do leaps back through the window and throws a thunder kick followed by two cranes and a storm kick flurry, followed by Raging Cows glorious fire blade, finished up by a mere fire blast, knocking the mighty Immortal113 to the ground, finishing him off. Atleast until he posts again =)
  9. Raging Cow, disguised as a regular civilian, walks into the building. He has been watching the whole time. "This whole thing is horrible. Why are they using poisoned pie and pins and needles to kill eachother repetitively? This is brutal! I cant let this go on." Just then, Experiment 2.0 walks into the room. "Hello there, Experiment." "Hi there. Have you seen a guy named Shadowmantle lately?" "No, but I know you'll find him in the hospital. He ate some poisoned pie. I'll give you a RIDE OVER THERE!" With incredible agility, he flashes out of his civilian costume. Then the mad cow lets out a deafening moo and brandishes his flame sword, then pounds his chest. He gets into a ferocious position. Then he has a heroic battle to the finish with Experiment 2.0 and finally defeats him. Then Shadowmantle walks in. "How dare you kill my current arch-nemesis! DIE!!!!" Shadowmantle throws a flurry of punches (Shadow Maul) at the crazed cowman, and the Raging Cow flees into the distance, howling...
  10. Hi there, and welcome to my post! This is how this thread works: It starts with me writing a short biography of Carrotman(tm) and a short adventure. From then on, all you readers have to make a short adventure (or part of an adventure) that is somehow linked to the last posters adventure. Please dont use much profanity, and have fun! (and make it dorky!)

    Bob Bobson, at age 16, ate a radioactive carrot. It allowed him to shoot orange beams of energy out of his eyes, see through walls, have zoom in vision and be an incredibly weak target to all villains of every type! On his first day as a hero, he was having a good day. He ate his carrots for breakfast, went down to Freedom Plaza, got a superhero license,(they spelled Carrot with 3 rs but he didnt care)ate a healthful carrot burger for lunch and was off. He eagerly looked around, waiting for some purse-snatchers to show up or some zombies to crawl out of the sewers. For some reason, everyone had a funny look on their face when they saw his stupid, orange, lined, carrot shaped costume. Weird, huh? Anyways, he finally saw some funky lookin' little robots carrying parts of a car. They blasted him with electricity! He shot eyebeams at them and scorched another heroes leg. The hero whipped out a katana and sliced the robots apart. "I am known as The One and Only," said the ninja-hero. "Why have you blasted my leg? Where I am from, that is a way of saying you wish to duel. Do you want to battle?" "Uhh...." Carrrotman said, surprised. "Then it is settled!" said the One and Only. "Follow me. We shall duel here." "Why did he say 'battle?' I always thought dual meant two." thought Carrrotman. Yes, he really is an idiot isn't he?
  11. Raging Cow, angered by all the death Immortal has caused, charges into the fray with a stampede from The Cow Conspiracy, who are throwing milk bombs left and right, and they trample over Immortal, and then quietly leave and go back to Cow Headquarters.