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    Caging, as it is now, is really really dumb. Like it has been mentioned before, imagine showing up to practices for 2 weeks prior to a match. Then setting aside RL for a night to make sure that you make the match. Then in that match, you are perma-caged. It was one of the reasons that I stopped playing this game for ~2 years.

    The argument that keeping someone perma-dead does the same thing is ridiculous. There are counters to being killed. There is no direct counter to being perma-caged. There are a few tricks you can do here or there to make things more difficult for the cager, but if he wants you caged the whole match, you can expect it to happen.

    Despite me hating cage more then any other power in the game, I think its concept is one that could be really cool in PvP. Lets say you were to drop the duration of cage to 5 seconds. It would still have plenty of use. You could use it on a blaster that just popped aim and BU. You could use it on an empath along with your teams' spike. Cage can still be extremely useful without having the ability to just remove one person from the match.

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    bring your own sonic.
    that's your fault there.

    no one in your team can level a sonic?
    you deserve to be perma-caged.
    blame your team.

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    So, your solution to too much more caging?

    That's [censored] brilliant! Why didn't we think of that?

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    a sonic can effectively be taken out of the match for a duration (based on skill) by another sonic.
    even skilled sonics will take turns taking each other out of the match.
    noting that no one is getting permacaged, the issue stands resolved.

    leave it as is.
    even though i really really like koc's idea about the 4 ojs.

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    So your solution for someone who hates being perma-caged is to play a sonic and trade off cages with another sonic, so that you are then both out of the match? How can you not see this as really dumb?

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    complex? yes.
    dumb? not really.
    keep reading.

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    Do you even have a sonic?

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    two actually.
    a 50 fire/sonic controller and a 49.5 fire/sonic corruptor.

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    There is a delay on cage effects that allows the player to act for 1-2 seconds before they are no longer effecting other players. This means that two sonics exchanging cages will keep each other perma-caged, assuming one of them isnt a complete idiot.

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    ever heard of phase shift?
    ever heard of ethereal shift?
    ever heard of purples?
    ever heard of fort? (lasts for more than cage duration...).
    ever heard of phase shift temp from warburg?

    gosh i hate lazy people.
    yeah... sonics bring cages, oh god.
    cages are teh debil.
    rads bring their autohit debuffs.
    mind doms their tk's.

    stop the stupid nerfherding.

    go think tactics.
    if you hate caging so much, prepare yourself to counter it.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Caging, as it is now, is really really dumb. Like it has been mentioned before, imagine showing up to practices for 2 weeks prior to a match. Then setting aside RL for a night to make sure that you make the match. Then in that match, you are perma-caged. It was one of the reasons that I stopped playing this game for ~2 years.

    The argument that keeping someone perma-dead does the same thing is ridiculous. There are counters to being killed. There is no direct counter to being perma-caged. There are a few tricks you can do here or there to make things more difficult for the cager, but if he wants you caged the whole match, you can expect it to happen.

    Despite me hating cage more then any other power in the game, I think its concept is one that could be really cool in PvP. Lets say you were to drop the duration of cage to 5 seconds. It would still have plenty of use. You could use it on a blaster that just popped aim and BU. You could use it on an empath along with your teams' spike. Cage can still be extremely useful without having the ability to just remove one person from the match.

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    bring your own sonic.
    that's your fault there.

    no one in your team can level a sonic?
    you deserve to be perma-caged.
    blame your team.

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    This is a joke right?

    I have a lvl 50 sonic. I used to use it in official matches when I was in Tribute (might have heard of them). I was prolly the first person to effectively use sonic in serious matches.

    VR uses sonics, and has plenty of people who have them. I personally hate playing a sonic because of cage. Perma-caging one person is a cheap tactic that Id prefer not to use.

    Even if the devs removed sonic cage all together, a sonic would still be worth bringing to the arena.

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    moar emo.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Caging, as it is now, is really really dumb. Like it has been mentioned before, imagine showing up to practices for 2 weeks prior to a match. Then setting aside RL for a night to make sure that you make the match. Then in that match, you are perma-caged. It was one of the reasons that I stopped playing this game for ~2 years.

    The argument that keeping someone perma-dead does the same thing is ridiculous. There are counters to being killed. There is no direct counter to being perma-caged. There are a few tricks you can do here or there to make things more difficult for the cager, but if he wants you caged the whole match, you can expect it to happen.

    Despite me hating cage more then any other power in the game, I think its concept is one that could be really cool in PvP. Lets say you were to drop the duration of cage to 5 seconds. It would still have plenty of use. You could use it on a blaster that just popped aim and BU. You could use it on an empath along with your teams' spike. Cage can still be extremely useful without having the ability to just remove one person from the match.

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    bring your own sonic.
    that's your fault there.

    no one in your team can level a sonic?
    you deserve to be perma-caged.
    blame your team.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So, your solution to too much more caging?

    That's [censored] brilliant! Why didn't we think of that?

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    a sonic can effectively be taken out of the match for a duration (based on skill) by another sonic.
    even skilled sonics will take turns taking each other out of the match.
    noting that no one is getting permacaged, the issue stands resolved.

    leave it as is.
    even though i really really like koc's idea about the 4 ojs.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    Caging, as it is now, is really really dumb. Like it has been mentioned before, imagine showing up to practices for 2 weeks prior to a match. Then setting aside RL for a night to make sure that you make the match. Then in that match, you are perma-caged. It was one of the reasons that I stopped playing this game for ~2 years.

    The argument that keeping someone perma-dead does the same thing is ridiculous. There are counters to being killed. There is no direct counter to being perma-caged. There are a few tricks you can do here or there to make things more difficult for the cager, but if he wants you caged the whole match, you can expect it to happen.

    Despite me hating cage more then any other power in the game, I think its concept is one that could be really cool in PvP. Lets say you were to drop the duration of cage to 5 seconds. It would still have plenty of use. You could use it on a blaster that just popped aim and BU. You could use it on an empath along with your teams' spike. Cage can still be extremely useful without having the ability to just remove one person from the match.

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    bring your own sonic.
    that's your fault there.

    no one in your team can level a sonic?
    you deserve to be perma-caged.
    blame your team.
  5. to quote a wise man:
    i do what i want.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Cages are [censored] stupid so i vote 3

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    awww... bitter one i see.

    snowstorm is stupid.
    RI is stupid.
    nerf autohit toggles!
  7. okay basic comparison:
    assuming a hold hits an emp and breaks acro => you can follow through and have them for dinner before suppression starts.
    assuming a cage hits an emp and breaks acro and supression kicks in aftwards => same as a hold except you can't touch the squishy, which just makes you hope you had the emp held and killed instead of caged...

    note that i'm thinking small arena matches, not a full team sort of encounter here where multiple emps are running around and the crunchies resist holds and such.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    do those of you voting 5 think 3 would break cage to the point of it being obsolete?

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    voting 6...

    but yar.
    it's essentially akin to making cage into the crappiest hold in the game.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    6) 4 orange inspirations to break. It would be the onus of the players being caged to decide how important it would be to get out, and it from the offensive players team it still serves as a good disruption tool, afterall if blasters start carrying 12 oranges, then that is a lot less reds they can carry, which slows down how much damage they can do at one burst, and if someone goes all 20 oranges, then the other side has done a good job of disrupting their insps choice (which is part of match strategy anyway).

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    scrap my previous post.
    me likey.
  10. i run a few sonics, even though i've never seriously pvp'd with them except in an arena match or two...

    my two cents: leave the cage as is and allow perma-caging with two sonics. allow other team sonics to cancel out cages with clarity. add another level of complexity to sonics interactions in the arena... more fun... more skill required.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Does this have a significant impact for us users? Will we still keep the same dev team?

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    I don't think I can stand to lose any of the devs.

    I'm still not quite over the loss of Cuppa

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    im a hater after what posi posted about the egg farm.
  12. *snort*
    i smell children.
    damn that coke.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    So when does I 12 come out??

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  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Reposting my question into the official thread

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    So, now that I've calmed down, I don't suppose I could get one of you nice devs to explain how the very rare enhancements work? How do you get them? What is special about them (like values we can get, set bonuses, ect).

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    I'd also be very curious as to how the combo system works

    Something tells me I'm not going to get answers to either question till Open Beta though.

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    they looked like damage modifiers.
    the notation damage(superior) appears in the game as well as in the screenshots.. hehe
  15. weapon customization = first step towards dreaminess.


    then sell at a higher price.

  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Arctic Air takes fear enhancements, which makes mobs run away. Should Hot Feet have the same? (Liliaceae June 26th)

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    I just did some testing on Arctic Air, nothing too scientific, and drew the conclusion that fear enhancements don't increase the duration of the run away/Flee/Afraid effect. From this I would conclude that Arctic Air shouldn't take Fear enhancements at all. Does anyone have any counter evidence? This is very tricky to assess. Of course, removing fear enhancements would be an unwelcome change to those who wish to slot fear IO procs.

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    This one has come up for discussion a few times in the past (not Hot Feet, the AA one). Each time I've tested it I come to the conclusion that adding Fear enhancements increases the amount of time that the mobs are afraid... perhaps try something a bit more scientific; although I'm not completely sure what that would entail, I definitely can tell the difference between slotted and unslotted AA.

    To note, _Castle_ is aware of the disparity between the Dom and Controller versions. He says it's a bug. Whether to remove the Enh from the Dom version or add to the Controller version, he's not sure which way to go at the moment. To me, adding Fear IOs to the power would somewhat signify the way they may want to go...

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    i bet it they let you add fear ios to the dom version so you can use the damage procs on it.
    with this in mind, the message is, dom's are balanced through the use of ios.

    which makes sense, because doms past the 30s range are generally the smartest players in the game, on average, with maybe late game warshade players coming at a close second.

    but that's just my opinion.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

    We wanted to let you know that we added two entries to the Patch Notes for the current live version:
    <ul type="square">[*] Longbow and Arachnos Heavies used in Recluse's Victory can no longer be healed. [*] The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place. [/list]
    Our apologies that these changes did not make it into the initial release notes.

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    say i'm a fire/sonic, i'm okay cause i can't give the heavy the equivalent of 30% +hp with my resistance buffs and use all the powers of my secondary.
    but say i'm a fire/emp, my secondary is 25% gutted, is it?

    you guys are ridiculous.
    seems almost like a cop-out.
    thanks for the h34l0r nerf.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    Now this is a moot point when on a team of 6-8 is fight spawns on INV and the person taking the missions is +5 levels higher then the next level. Unless that toon can solo that mish Make up will not matter. No matter how good a player you are you are going to get squished everytime a small mistake happens.

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    8 frads can do it. not worth the xp/min, but they can do it quite safely. back then we didn't do it that much because of how much time it took (ie, those 20 extra secs per spawn add up quickly).. in fact, i remember going against lvl 20's when i was lvl 15. we pwn'd.

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    A 9 year old can run a team that is an "optimized" team, we let my friends 9 year old do it too. (was an all SG been playing with each other for 6 months.) But he was calling the shots. Did what he wanted, pull or rush ect.

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    "rush" are not advanced tactics at all.

    advanced tactics is me having a tell convo with the defender so i can put disruption on him, have him run in and nuke without taking an alpha because the mobs would look at me.

    advanced tactics is "hey corrs, team tp, ready it up", nd the kins queue up FS automatically, while the others hover over the nuke button waiting for the port to end so the spawn can be cleared in 2 seconds).

    advanced tactics is putting disruption on a cloaked ill/ troller and having him agro the 5 mobs towards you while you hide and wait with the rest of the team (makes a herding tanker feeling like crap).

    [ack! i hate the disruption nerf!!!]

    ...can a 9 year old pull that? haha no way.
    that's how you really run a team.

    sadly there are two many morons in this game for most of that to be applicable to a pug.
  20. a few issues with this guide (which lies).

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    You need meleers. Two scrappers work well, or a single tank. If you can't find meleers you'll need 3-4 controllers/defenders to keep the enemies debuffed and held.

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    eh! wrong!

    you dont need a tank or a scrapper and they are problematic if you only have one in a fully ranged team. a well well buffed defender can absorb the alpha easily, and a good troller can completely eliminate it.

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    - You need one blaster or two scrappers at least. Ever seen a team of 6 without any damage dealers? Too slow, the controllers could probably solo faster.

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    eh! wrong!
    a team of 6 rads without any damage dealers will eat through any spawn faster than 6 blasters.
    same applies to sonics, darks, TAs and kins (as long as there's kin trollers involved).

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    - Multiples are not good in some cases. Two of the same blaster, scrapper, or tank is ok. Two of the same controller or defender is less so. Having two different controllers or defenders is much more powerful than two of the same kind. Its really a huge difference.

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    eh! wrong!
    "damage dealers" are not force multipliers. you wanna have a numbers fight with me?

    just because of these stupid comments, i completely disapprove of your guide.

    and a good day to ya!
  21. i think you just gave me a brain tumor, serps.
  22. can i transfer across accounts? i had this old old account i'm about to get rid off..
  23. is that red glow around the villain an aura or something else?