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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    I can say with certainty that my WM/SR brute absolutely burned endurance and had serious problems til the Power epic with the 2 endo powers. Maybe it's easier for Scraps with conserve power. But there is an argument perhaps to go Cardiac?

    I guess it depends on the recharge needed for what the gurus here figure out the top DPS chain is. I know chaining the AOES -- Shatter, CC, Whirling -- absolutely kills the blue bar.
    It's something I'll get a feel for as I'm leveling my WM/SD. The beauty of Destiny powers is I can give myself more Recovery, or more Regeneration, or more Recharge - permanently at Tier 4. Level 50 is also where I spend most of my time.
  2. 82% Fury? Yeesh. I can never get that under normal playing conditions.
  3. I'm definitely taking the Spiritual Alpha for War Mace, that's for sure.
  4. I like it.

    There are more Trainers than there are zones with Icon/Facemaker. It's a convenient QoL feature that I'll make use of!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    Please show me the whip set for Corruptors and I will gladly concur. Corruptors are my favorite AT.
    I'd rather make a Corruptor.

    But if you think you can convince them to make a Whip Blast set, go ahead. I know I'd play it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    My post wasn't a challenge to you, or even in reply to your post GuyPerfect.
  7. Ultimus, I remember ye!

    I suggest you take a look at the player screenshots here for a peek at the upcoming Issue!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Ultra Mode = shiny water and reflective windows (you have to make at least 1 metallic character)
    Ultra-Mode Man!

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    Wouldn't that be a description of a virtual reality?
    Har har.
  10. Getting Clobber at Level 8 on a Scrapper is just cheating.

    This is going to be one of the greats, listed near the top amongst Scrapper favorites!
  11. New items are planned to be launched weekly for the Paragon Market. Street Justice could be released in as little as a week after Freedom hits the live servers, or by a factor of X amount of weeks.
  12. I've been on a Yearly Subscription for a while now. At a certain point I wondered why I even had it set to Monthly. I should've had it at Yearly sooner.
  13. The reason I want to make a Battle Axe/Fiery Aura character is because of all the Knock Down that Battle Axe provides. That extra Damage mitigation will come in handy.
  14. Battle Axe:
    Damage Per Activation Time:   47.04
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          11.74
    Damage Per Activation Time:   77.14
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          11.00
    Damage Per Activation Time:   81.75
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          10.66
    Damage Per Activation Time:   77.95
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          10.31
    Whirling Axe
    Damage Per Activation Time:   23.43
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          3.75
    Damage Per Activation Time:   74.11
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          9.96
    Damage Per Activation Time:   59.43
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          6.99
  • Shatter is 45 degree Cone. I was using Shatter, Crowd Control, and Whirling Mace to wipe out groups of enemies. Incredibly fun and I am glad to welcome War Mace to the Scrapper repertoire! This is a strong set that will quickly be a favorite for many-a-Scrapper!
  • Currently playing on a +0/x8 Rikti mission with a SO only build using T4 Spiritual Alpha. It's seriously a ton of fun - WM/SD is an AoE powerhouse!

    I can get you the Axe numbers in a moment. It is open beta so anyone has access to em'.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowsylph View Post
    That chain will be rather tough. Clobber would need 333% recharge to maintain it, though I believe it is the best chain that is attainable without recharge cap.

    Jawbreaker, Clobber, and Shatter is the next best I think. 257% and 250% for Clobber and Shatter.

    That first chain should put it easily with FM, if not better. Can't wait to see the set in action.
    Thanks for the heads up!

    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    Would you say that WM is definitely better on scrappers than brutes, from what you've seen? Even if you haven't played it on brutes, I assume you have a pretty good understanding of what it's like.
    I've only had limited experience with War Mace on Brutes. I can say it's better on a Scrapper for me, but that's a playstyle aspect that is different for everyone. Shield Defense is however, offensively better for Scrappers. Where Brutes get more HP out of True Grit, Scrappers get more out of the +Damage from Against All Odds because of their higher Melee Damage modifier.
  • I don't know why Zwillinger apologized for being on the Beta server late last night.

    It was actually nice for the players that were there and got to hang out for a little bit.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    Clobber's DPA is insanely high on Scrapper.
    This set is good. It has crushingly powerful Single Target damage and just as awesome AoE attacks. My WM/SD is bumped up to Level 50 and it's just awesome!
  • You know what, while we're at it: Anyone going to make a Battle Axe/* Scrapper? I've got an idea for a BA/FA character, but that's about it.
  • With Clobber having such high DPA, why the hell was Greater Fire Sword reduced in Damage when Fiery Melee was Proliferated over to Scrappers? Grr.
  • I have a BS/SD and thought I'd compare unenhanced numbers:
    Damage Per Activation Time:   47.04
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          11.74
    Damage Per Activation Time:   68.40
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          10.80
    Damage Per Activation Time:   67.01
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          10.37
    Damage Per Activation Time:   148.52
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          10.60
    Whirling Mace
    Damage Per Activation Time:   26.24
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          4.20
    Damage Per Activation Time:   61.22
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          9.95
    Crowd Control
    Damage Per Activation Time:   50.36
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          7.19
    Damage Per Activation Time:   77.14
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          11.00
    Damage Per Activation Time:   47.04
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          11.74
    Damage Per Activation Time:   38.48
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          7.70
    Damage Per Activation Time:   39.51
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          12.14
    Whirling Sword
    Damage Per Activation Time:   30.46
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          4.88
    Damage Per Activation Time:   68.12
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          10.39
    Head Splitter
    Damage Per Activation Time:   80.28
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:          11.45
    Holy smokes. Clobber is going to be insane on my WM/SD Scrapper. Looks like the Single Target attack chain to go for will be using Pulverize, Jawbreaker, and Clobber.
  • War Mace. On Scrappers. Which of you Scrappers have tried the set on the Beta server? What did you think?

    If you haven't tried it yet, are you planning on making a War Mace/* Scrapper?

    I'm going for a War Mace/Shield Defense Scrapper. It's a fun combination that I played before all of the characters on Beta were deleted.
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I really hope you named that toon Stripper Justice bAss.
    Her name is simply Street Justice. What's wrong with fighting in lingerie? Huh?

    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I will greatly miss Street Justice until it returns. :/
    Originally Posted by Diesel Punk View Post
    I can't express my depression at the wait for Street Justice.
    It's okay. For now Scrappers have the Strong and Pretty! WM/EA for the win!