202 -
So Slash and Gambler's Cut ARE better, offensively, than Parry/Diving Avalanche?
I shouldn't be concerned if I rely on them (Slash/GC) over (Parry/DA) from a strictly damage output point of view? -
I'm not sure, but I think I just got schooled.
Arcanatime? Is that the Time Cube thing?
All I know is comparing (in-game) Slash/GC to Parry/DA is like thinking somethings wrong with my car's gas mileage . . . and then you're the mechanic telling me "No, nothing's wrong, you just aren't factoring in all the quantum influences." -
(all data ripped from Mid's Hero Designer v1.4 . . . DPA = damage per activation time)
Gambler's Cut
RECH: 3s ... ACT: 0.67s ... DPA @ lvl 50: 57.8
Divine Avalanche
RECH: 3s ... ACT: 1.33s ... DPA @ lvl 50: 57.8
10s duration +15% DEFENSE buff
RECH: 4s ... ACT: 1.33s ... DPA @ lvl 50: 68.8
RECH: 3s ... ACT: 1.33s ... DPA @ lvl 50: 57.8
10s duration +15% DEFENSE buff
Compared to the parry moves Slash and Gambler's Cut are very lackluster.
(This is the part where I say, "Since the parry moves are so much better in comparison there's no point in taking Slash or Gambler's Cut ever". But, then someone will come along and tell me to "l2p noob" so I'm not!).
Gambler's Cut and Divine Avalanche both have the same DPA even though Gambler's Cut has a faster activation time. Which means, the triple-stacking-floor-an-even-level-minion's-accuracy-to(5%) Divine Avalanche has better burst damage than Gambler's Cut.
Slash does have a better DPA than Parry, but that 4s recharge time makes it much less useful (especially at low levels before you have a chance to SO and IO out your slots).
(And don't even bring up Foe [-DEFENSE] on Slash and Gambler's Cut, every other attack in the set has that, too . . . you're not missing anything by skipping Slash/Gambler's Cut).
A 15 to 20 percent damage boost would go a long way to making Slash and Gambler's Cut better damage attacks than Parry and Divine Avalanche without stepping on the toes of Hack and Sting of the Wasp.
Oh . . . and HERF HAMIDON!!!! -
this board has a lot of rules.
im goin back to fan art -
3s recharge, 10s duration 15% +Defense that self stacks.
Holy Moly, you can triple stack this sucker! -
Thanks Kheld. Alot of people seem to like his bio . . . I think cause its got a kind of "The Tick" vibe to it.
Last one . . .
The Squid -
Got some nice action screenies laying around so I decided to do a little something with 'em.
Snow Bat
Cobalt Kid
Atomic Pickle
Carousel -
Vahz docs behave the same as any other villian group. It's just the zombies that are even more retarded than the average mob.
Hold on. sorry if I wasn't clear. I have no problem with an entire spawn not ALWAYS aggroing.
But . . . This = not right.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll concede that THAT...is not right.
[/ QUOTE ]
And THAT is pretty typical of mob aggressiveness.
So what can we conclude from this . . . -
Do AE mission mobs give influence?
Just asking . . . -
Yeah, and especially 'cause they're docs . . . they don't have the uber passive zombie AI . . . they're just like all other mobs.
There are mobs that resist holds, stuns, sleep etc. Mobs that have those things themselves. There is no way that having an entire spawn ALWAYS aggro straight on you is always desirable for every AT.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hold on. sorry if I wasn't clear. I have no problem with an entire spawn not ALWAYS aggroing.
But . . . This = not right. -
Ideas which are not very well conceived, have many/serious flaws or are just plain unworkable get shot down.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sorry, but, really? My suggestion was really that bad?
Not well concieved . . . ok, I didn't work out specific recharges or plan out all 4 powers that might be in the pool ... sorry.
Have many/serious flaws . . . how many serious flaws does my idea have?
Unworkable . . . is the suggestion really unworkable?
Just seems to me like a lot of self appointment guardians of all that is possible making veiled "l2p nub" replies.
A long recharge power (so that it's only usable once a mission) that works like just 1 single aspect of a Break Free is such an off the wall idea that it would lead to "tank mages"?
Oh well, HEY! I hear there's more costume options on the way. -
OK, I'll revize my suggestion so it doesn't involve anything new being added.
Yes, Break Frees are available. They are not very common random drops, however. How about upping their drop rates or being able to make an inspiration out of just 2 other inspirations? I get frustrated when I reach a boss that I know will defeat me simply becuase I do not have a break free at that moment (or 3 of something else . . . this can be a catch-22 moment, do I sacrifice 3 heals that I will need to survive the minions or try to get lucky without making a break free out them?). Yes, leaving the mission . . . finding a contact . . . purchasing the exact inspirations I need for this one spawn . . . and going back is an option. A poor option in my book. Doing that everytime I face a boss without that right colored skittle is not fun. -
Sure all ATs can solo level appropriate spawns right now. But you're talking about making an AT take an alpha from a spawn every single time...no matter how spaced out they are and having runners trip other spawns down on top of the player in addition to the spawn he/she chose to engage. Spawn placements and composition are random in missions...that includes objective spawns as well as regular spawns.
[/ QUOTE ]
All ATs are perfectly able to handle the "alpha" from a level approriate spawn of 3 or 4 mobs. We all know the melee classes can handle it, but that discussion is not needed since running into the spawn removes the retardation of mobs AI perception rules. But, for instance, a Controller can hold one, immob the first one to start charging, go to work on the 3rd and 4th with other powers and then start using holds and immobs again. If a controller can't EVER deal with a 3 or 4 level appropriate mob spawn then that AT needs to be looked at. The worst solution is making it so mob AI is so passive they will not initiate an encounter with a close by character.
How do you propose to stop a runner from bring the end spawn boss and/or AV back to the player/team if all mobs are alerted by runners?
[/ QUOTE ]
That's my point. What's the point of Runaway code if there is no detrimental affect to just ignoring the runner. If runners actually brought back help then it would be up to the player to deal with that tactical situation, and feel cool for doing so successfully. I'm not saying "Put bring-back-help-behaviour in the game!" I'm asking, "Why is there even Runaway behaviour in the first place? What's the freaking point?"
To achieve what you'd like to see done with perception and still keep the game fair for all ATs...you would essentially have to redesign it from the ground up. The differences between ATs...hitpoints, mez protection etc...exist because they aren't all supposed to do the same things.
[/ QUOTE ]
All ATs should be able to do 1 thing as well as any other AT . . . solo their contact missions. Dumbing down mobs to achieve this is just about the most pathetic way to go about it. -
OK, I'm back.
This is why I hate suggestions boards. The original post was just that, a suggestion, and nothing more. A few snarky replies later and it's now an agrument over specifics.
The impetus for the suggestion is the gap between the haves and and have nots in a binary status effect system. The gap exists, that's why things like Break Frees, IO sets, and power tweaks have been added. Not liking the specifics of a suggestion and running it into the ground, while ignoring the cause of the suggestion being made does nothing to help make the game more enjoyable.
Peace out. -
woah, 4 no's
You're right, my idea has absoultely no merit and I am ashamed I posted it.
You win.
Bye. -
You're suggesting that instead of a Break Free (which already exist in the game and are perfectly valid as a method of breaking mez) we should divide the Dev Team's focus into 4 powers with -extremely- limited functionality or use.
It's a bad idea that would delay the release of more requested or logical expansions to the game's core. Thus noone has told you it's a good idea.
[/ QUOTE ]
Says you. Who are you to say what the dev team should do with their time? The Queen of CoX?
This . . . is . . . the . . . suggestions board.
There was a time when orange inspirations didn't exist. Someone suggested that an inspiration that worked like some resist powers would fill a hole in game play. It was added. Break Frees didn't exist at launch. They were added. Probably because of someone's suggestion. Tier 1 and 2 blaster powers tweaked to counter status efects. Added. What? We're all done now? Nothing more ever needs to be added to the game?
My suggestion . . . more build options. Options that help fill the gap between the haves on binary status effects and the have nots.
Break Frees added as an option.
IOs give more options on not only status effect resistance, but other combat stats.
Keep going, more options devs, more options.
New power pools are far from being illogical additons to the game. You're just a crabby person.