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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post
    SHamster changed the VF MOTD.

    New run will start on 07/11/12... that's all I remember from it though.

    It did say to come to the forums for more details.

    *looks for details*

    Meh. The details are pretty underwhelming. Starts up at around 8:00 pm eastern. Try to show up a little early the first night so you can get an invite to the SG. There's a little more info in the first post of this thread if you are so inclined.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnP_NA View Post
    What's the plan for this week?
    I think that this is going to be the last week for this iteration of Iso's. Most likely we will be running missions/SFs/whatever. However, Wednesday is the 4th of July, (probably not a day that is celebrated in the UK but it is in the US) so participation could be even lighter than usual.

    Next week we may be starting up hero side. I'm sure that there will be postings here and on the VF MOTD if that is the case.
  3. _Flux_


    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I blame Flux.
    Bwahahahahaa! Others just claim to scare people off, I do it!

    Also, MG. You are paying the royalty to Voo for misusage of that phrase. It's not coming out of my advertising budget.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post
    Retro Sci Fi is here, and costume slots are still on sale (although at 25% off instead of last week's 35% off).

    The Beam Rifle power set is also on sale, how's everyone's experience with it? I may just pick it up.

    You folks should mark this day on your calendars. I'm going to pick up the retro sci-fi costume set.

    Already had the beam rifle set from when it was introduced. Just never really did anything with it. I'll have to figure out what I want to pair with it as this will probably be my next iso's toon.
  5. _Flux_


    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Flux: crushing dreams since January 2005.

    Hey! As Mayor of Doomopolis, I take my job seriously!

    Though you have to admit my advice is solid. I've heard that 5-10% of the player base reads and interacts on the forums. To intentionally limit yourself that way for something that would appeal to only a certain percentage of the population, isn't the best way to recruit.

    ***Also, see my location and sig. I've been crushing dreams for longer than 7.5 years.****

    ****Damnit Voodoo!*****
  6. _Flux_


    Originally Posted by Umbran View Post
    Hello all, I'm looking to be a partner with someone and create new characters that work together [like batman and robin]. We would do missions together and match and be all superhero sidekick like lol.

    If anyone would like to join me I would be very grateful! we can discuss what we want to do and what colors to use and which powers. =]

    Hmmm. Not trying to discourage you but I don't see this working out well for you. Usually you see this kind of pairing only with real life friends or couples. Not so much with two strangers for obvious reasons. It also seems to work better if there is a group doing something along these lines. It makes it easier if someone is out because of real life commitments. It also is easier to do task forces.

    It seems to me that there are a couple of groups on Victory that do this sort of thing.

    My advice is to join the larger global chat groups (Victory Forum, Victory Badges, Victory Limitless) and team with some folks. Ask around in channel, maybe you'll find someone interested or a group that is interested in doing this. Or at least someone who knows someone.
  7. I take it that this is currently the only way to unlock the hybrid slot?

    Please tell me that the salvage needed to craft the enhancements is the same as it is for Destiny, etc.
  8. As much as I like to see people straining their noggins by pondering the imponderable, I'll cut to the chase and and say what was said in the last coffee chat. The summer event will drop on July 10.

    And MG, I expect to see a black panther wandering around the base next isos.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    And another thing: what's up with everyone being seduced by glowsticks recently? We expect that kind of behavior from Toril, but Flux? He's supposed to be rock solid!

    Eh. I needed a bit of a break from the game. It's not a fascination with glowsticks I can assure you. I don't find Jedi knights all that enjoyable to play. The community in the game blows as there really isn't any. It's more of a fps masquerading as an mmo. The chat functionality is archaic and the lft interface is horrible. However, it is something different and why does a guy do anything anyway?...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Sorry you missed out on a pretty decent session.....though I can't.....quite......figure....out....why....... it was an enjoyable session
    Eh. I'm sure it was because I got a purple recipe on the ITF run.

    On another note. What are the drop rates like for the enhancement converters? I have spent most of my time in a galaxy far, far, away for the last couple months so I have no feel for them.

    So far I've had 12 enh converters drop on the iso and I don't know if that's good, bad, or average. Not that it's a big deal. Just curious.

    One thing that is annoying is that the stupid things are toon bound. They along with the catalysts should be account bound. (I'm positive that I'm not the first to voice that opinion)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MedievalPower View Post
    I fully expect to see Mental's new liger following him around in the Isolators base tomorrow.

    This x11ty.

    Don't worry MG. We won't respect you any less if you give in to your inner fanboi.

    ***Also. Just because we haven't caught you in coyote form, doesn't mean that we don't know that you did buy the power.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

    I am most certainly NOT someone
    I think that this may be the truest thing you've ever written.

    **Hey, if I hadn't taken the shot, someone else would have. (See what I did there?)

    Been more than 6 hasn't it? Pretty sure I didn't turn on XP until the 5th time, and I thought that was 2 sessions ago not counting last night.
    Eh. I believe we started Feb. 22 for this round.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    The leveling rate seems normal to me. It only takes about two sessions to get to 20 these days.

    Eh. Probably just me still not being used to using the xp boosters and how they change the leveling curve.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    BTW, I read up on it and I'm definitely buying that Team Transport power... I hope they don't go too crazy with the price.
    Heh. I don't know why you are telling us this. The minute someone mentioned it, we all knew that you would buy it.

    Did you also see that hecatombs may be coming to a Paragon market near you? Welcome to pay2win. Though that ship probably has already sailed.

    On a different note. Does anyone else feel like we are leveling faster than usual? We've run 6 sessions and are at around 31-32. Dunno. Maybe it's because I haven't been in game that much in the last few weeks.
  15. Any more 2xp weekends don't hold the allure that they used to for me. Server slots are at a premium, so leveling up a ton more toons in a short period of time dosn't have much appeal (I've pretty much moved all the 50s off of Victory that I am going to).

    Prior to Friday, I had 1 non-50 toon left on Vic outside of the Isolators troller. I just didn't have the inspiration to do anything on it.

    That being said, in a limited amount of time I ran a dark/dark troller 1-31 and got my gunslinger from 18-22.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Give me your purples.
    So many comments, so little time.

    However, in the interest of not being modded, I'll just say no.

    Anyway, aren't you the guy who had 3 recipe drops in one evening? iirc, 1 was during Iso's and the other 2 were in trails later that night.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    You have to stop giving us so many details.....

    What/where is it you are mining and what type of platform is that?
  18. in the graveyard in DA. So I decide I'll take a tour of the place to look over the changes.

    I spend about an hour in there "arresting" whatever I stumble upon. I garner 9 incarnate threads, 5 enhancements, 9 recipes (incl. 2 purples and an oblit), and assorted common and uncommon salvage.

    I'm thinking that this is a fine place and I should visit more often.

    So the next night I plan ahead and pop a windfall to see what that does to satisfy the acquisitive part of my nature...

    ...And color me unimpressed. I mean, I'm sure that I got 25% more inf. for my "arrests" in that hour but beside that. Yeah, no. I got 8 threads, 2 enhancements, 20 recipes (only one rare and it was the resuscitator temp power) and out of the assorted salvage, one rare. To add insult to injury, a few minutes after the windfall expired, an enhancement catalyst dropped...

    Since this is the first time I've used a windfall it is obviously not at all statistically relevant. However I have heard of others having similar experiences. I'm curious as to what anyone else who has used them has had happen.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    What's the current Target Level?
    Without logging in, I'm going to hazard a guess of 23-ish
  20. Hmm. I foresee a kelly green outfit being added to all of MG's toons.

    However, MMP has the right of it. The 10% inf bonus is not a particularly good ROI for 800 points. However, if it shifted the drop tables......

    If it actually did that, I could see packs of black wolves ridden by leprechauns following groups during tfs.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Why would anyone complain about me having all the costumes pieces in the game?

    And I actually don't... I never bought the Fireman helmet. I need to get around to that one day.

    Aww MG. Noone has complained as far as I know. Hamster on the other hand... It was merely an example. We just make fun of your purchases...errr. I mean treasure you for the unique and special snowflake that you are.
  22. Yes, yes. I know this isn't exactly the best place for a post such as this one. However, I'd rather hear from the recalcitrant children that I know rather than the ones that I don't.

    This isn't the place for complaining that Shamster made you cry on a tf or MG has *all* the costume pieces in the game and you don't. Nor is it the place to complain that total focus for blasters should still have a mag 4 stun associated with it.....(It should and I still curse the devs for removing it...).

    This is more a thread to complain about things associated with the game that aren't game-play or player related. Like how annoying it was to have to log completely out of the game to switch characters. Not a show-stopper or a "fix this or I'm quitting the game" situation, just annoyances.

    My top 3 are:

    1. When 'o' when will we know the date that our reward token/points are supposed to drop? Currently it's like manna from heaven that the gods bestow upon us when they feel we are worthy. We all know how reliable *that* delivery system is...

    2. I bought what???? It would really be nice to get a receipt for things that I buy off the paragon market. As far as I can tell, we are now in the realm of RTM. I buy points with irl money and spend those points on stuff listed on the market. In every other situation I know of, I get a receipt listing what I purchased and how much it cost. Turbine does this. You purchase something in one of their games off their store (even if it is a promotional/gift item that costs 0 points) and the email address you have on file with them gets sent an email listing what you bought and how much it cost.

    Last but not least:

    3. What does a guy have to do around here to get an email notification? For years now, I haven't received a promotional email from this game. It started somewhere around the time that they switched to a bulk emailer for the promotional notifications. Yes, I checked to make sure my account is flagged to receive emails. Yes, I checked any spam filters I have access to check (unless TWC is blocking things at a level I can't see). I know they have my email address, I get follow-ups to any petitions I send in-game. I even posted in a thread complaining about this very thing years ago. Usually you have a beg a company to stop sending emails........

    Who is next?
  23. I have to applaud your level of OCD (Hmm. Not sure if applaud is the correct word...)

    Aside from the issues of still needing to respec a ton of toons (I really, really dislike the respec mechanics) and a fair number of 50's scattered across multiple servers. I have a few 50's that I don't know if I can stand to play them ever again. I ran them to 50 and then ran away from them.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    If you're exploited as fast in-game as you are here, why bother?

    Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I'm using forum PvP to hone my already razor sharp in-game PvP skills for the lvl 5 nerf bat PvP tournament!