4033 -
Do you guys remember the COV beta glitchy mission maps?
And in testing some of the bases, this feature has never been fixed.
We STILL live on Bizarro earth - the globes are inside out.
I was there when we took down Sister Psyche
Though this was as close to Posi as I got
And the hilarious comments about War Witch...
There are about half a dozen COH based Steam groups that I know of, I'm a member of like 3 or 4.
(that's The Nemesis Plot by the way)
Facebook there are many, many more.
Friends Of
Save City Of Heroes
COH Alumni
the basic City of Heroes base group, and lots more that I haven't gotten on. -
LOL! Man why do I never see stuff like that
I wanna get changed into a Nemi pony!
It's the "Dock to the Wandering Barnacle" link,
it's really, really lame.If you squint you can kind of see a ship-like shape on the wall. Kinda. Sorta. Almost. I should go in and do something more with that now that I know the base editor kinda works okay.
I donated my ten bucks and all I can say is: I'm crying again with a big grin.
I've been doing that a lot lately, this community really REALLY does exemplify what being heroes is all about.
That totally is filled with awesome.I'm gonna guess that it's only coincidental, but if it's not, are you gonna have a pirate theme?
And yeah like I said my ship-building skillz are pretty sad but that was 2007, give me a break.I made it out of cabinets and wall fixtures.
I have a ship, a cove, a hidden grotto. Now, they're rudimentary, I kinda sucked at making the ship, but hey.
My god the pages are still up on my site.
http://www.droppin-the-fork.com/coh/...easureisle.htm -
While I know there are probably already plenty of goings-on in the COH world on the 19th, it IS
Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Years ago, I established a supergroup on Pinnacle for this event, and invited whoever would dress and act like pirates (mostly my friends from Jello Shooters on Protector, but some other folks joined in too).
The base is still there, the group is still there though plenty of the existing characters on it haven't been played for several years.
So if there's some interest, I'd be happy to reopen the place (or get the person who has the star, since I was unable to log on for a while and she got to it first hahah MUTINY!) for an impromptu Pirate Day event.
Wait, I'm planning it, does that discount it being impromptu? Ah well!
It's too early in the day for me to already be talkin' like a pirate, or typin' like one anyway, so forgive that error. Don't keel haul me!
I don't have any idea whether there are other things going on, so input is welcome as to time or whatever else. -
Quote:I have a much larger version. That one was shrunk down to fit here. This one's posted at 25% full size.My new desktop background
Would be great to see these available on T-Shirts but would really need higher resolution versions. - and the company to send to UK as well.
I think he'll be happy to see that this is taking off. I really love the design too. -
Quote:Yeah I know, my housemate who doesn't play wants to make stickers at work, actually.If City of Heroes lives on somehow and the band at Paragon Studios is put back together, I say gec72's Atlas Park #33 logo should totally be in-game as a selectable emblem for superhero costumes.
And that flag, Zekiran_Immortal? That would be worthy of a t-shirt. And a coffee mug. I would totally buy one of each.
>_> Jesse does need a new pc... and does commissions. and he's quite good. He does have paypal. Spread the word. -
Jesse has been working on a banner as well, guys. He's really appreciative of the efforts that we've gone through, and is such a great guy
Who also needs a new pc. >_> yes that was another hint to commission him lol.
Comments? Suggestions? I've got him on steam, people. hehehe! -
Quote:I too would pretty much pay money by the minute to play this.
The game: Transmetropolitan Online- The concept: seriously, read the book
- What we keep: costume creator, insanity
- What we lose: Boring architecture, common sense
- What we add: double the drug budget for the writing staff, triple for the VFX staff
- Why it would be like City of Heroes: force everyone to play on Virtue and make the tutorial dump you into Pocket D, and you'd be halfway there already.
- The Downside: downside?
- Why I would play this: pre-order bonus power: the Chair Leg of Truth.
Bowel disruptor. Attack Uterus. Oh absolutely. -
Ah, right, I see.
Well, y'know, their names, their choices - and, their money put into the game. I've seen more people with concept groups like that that aren't just one guy, myself. -
The only people needing to worry about what kind of similarities it has, are the writers themselves. Nano is an exercise, not a publishing house.
Myself, I suspect I'll be a bit busier playing my heart out in game, to do much more than my current fic Repuprosed for Nano. -
Actually, quite the opposite has been true. Most people in random areas of the web assume that it is all ONE instance. Mostly because they don't know how instancing works, zone caps, etc. - they also tend not to understand about how accounts work, how only one character per account can be on at once, etc - it's assumed that people represent one on one, to their online avatar. If you read some of the comments in places where the Heroes video has been shown, they uniformly don't comprehend that it's a composite image. They DO, however, understand "wow that is a LOT of people willing to try saving the game".
I'm sure that he can change the text pretty easily, actually.
I have like ... 7 or 8 different designs that he's worked up in the last couple hours, I'm pretty sure he could put in different text.
Any suggestions as to whether the font is best, I've got Red Circle and can give that to him if that's a direction to go, though I do like the current one just because it's pretty clean and easy to read.
>_> lol "Never give up, never surrender" but that's kinda someone else's property
... We're Paragon's torchbearers.
I'm sleepy. I think he's got a link to this page, he'll see it. -
My friend from deviantart, espionagedb7, does some very pro stuff, and this he did for me. I hope you all like it: I really do! He doesn't even play, but he knows how much this means to me and to all of us.
If you have suggestions or anything, by all means tell me and I'll pass them along. Also, if you like it: he's available for commissions.
/e holdtorch
I can so see this on a jacket or patch, honestly. -
I have my friend Jesse doing something, when that's closer to done I'll link it and you guys can help me throw money at him to get a new computer so he can do more and more.
I have a friend on Deviantart who does some pretty spiffy logo work, and I'm thinking about asking him to help design something.
I was also thinking, the 'torch' chest logo might be a good base image to work from, or at least the idea of it (because the original is so tiny, 64x64!) and the AP33 in there somewhere.
If my net behaves itself I will load up a screenie from this morning when I logged on to my Paragon Backer character and moved him to 33. -
Just last night I was thinking about the AP33 thing, it would be a fun commemoration to have, because that really is a milestone.