618 -
Quote:Keeper!!!I'll be on Star Wars on the Prophecy of the five Server for anyone that wants to ever team with me on there. Cant play NCSoft games no more
. Should be stopping by your vent once in a while, just to see whats up.
Hope to see you in vent, hoping to not lose contact with you or Sep.... You guys were to of the most eagar to learn, fun people to play with that I think I met in game. Hope you enjoy SWTOR, I'm playing GW2, but its not CoH.... and I dont know how long its going to hold my attention.
Pretty sad you can take a game that just came out, that has all modern tech, amazing graphics, TONS of people.... and it doesnt come close to comparing to C.o.H. -
Quote:I don't even know why i'm saying farewell to you becuase you're freinded on FB :P
However in this game i'll say it besides, besides....pssst come over to CO!
Anyway thanks Bud for helping with the community even with the PVP and being proactive overall. I remember being in that one evil SG and all hear from ol Scooter was F Bud this F bud that..and I would say to myself why is talking bad about this guy and hi SG? He never did anything to me. P.O.N was always nice to me and what I saw the members were very helpful. Especially when I was a noob in the game I had lots of questions I would often approach a P.O.N member as a member of the other SG. Maybe if I had joined P.O.N first I would have never experienced ol Scooter. I would have joined after I quit SF but I was done with big SGs.
Thanks for giving me star in your channels, thanks for all you did despite how some folks would perceive you to be. Funny thing about that is all they had to do was to get on Vent and talk instead of making their opinions of you based on what others said.
Always able to make me laugh....Thanks for the kind words for the P.o.N'ers, Great friends I tell ya.
Anyways, you know your welcome in vent anytime, as far as CO goes, I think I'll pass. I wont lie, I tried it out......again..... and it just "doesnt work" for me. it feels very plain.
Im ashamed to say, Im actually playing GW2 with ELF, Blackmelee, Cover Girl, and a bunch of others from C.o.H.
Gfunny and Teh Artic are probably going to join us too I think?
Its not to bad..... But its not C.o.H either.
Anyway, good luck to you and Ima in CO....keep fighting the good fight!! -
4shes, Well like you said, its been intresting, and memorable. I think we had a "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" type relationship here, and it worked. Learned alot from you over the years....Thank you.
Oh Fuzzy...How will I manage to get through my days without your daily abuse and mockery in Champions United? LOL I'm sure I'll struggle through
Quote:Ok, I find myself needing to reply to this one.....
My first memories of you?..........OMGGGGGGG......I hated you .......every
dayum time i went to PvP areas, there you were.........hanking my defender
like she was some noob *** that had no idea what she was doing.....(and on
some level I did not know LOL....calling out to sg to gang **** you for it......
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .....oh those were the good times I will truely remember....
and I learned that you sought me out cause you knew if I hit you first your
rep would go down the toilet..........and of course you really thought i was
sexy lying there dead............hahaha yeah I heard that too.........Bud,
you have been one of those stand-out players that have made some great times
for me here..........You will always hold a special part in my life (and the
reason I quit pvp'ing lol....Yes I really hated dieing every minute cause of
Thank you for the laughs, the cursing, the deaths, the ***-hole way you
played......but it made you a pretty dam good player when we were on the
same side
I will miss that ,,,,,,
Dear God if I had a nickel for everytime I ever heard that
And I'm sorry you quit PvP'ing because of me... I would have done anything to make that not happen.... not just for you but for everyone. The ONE THING everyone just could never pick up on, and I didnt either back in the old days.... EVERYONE was a "noob" once.
The only way we got better was by doing it, and sticking to it. I feel I am now, one of the better PvP'ers.... But back when I first got into PvP...I was using my fire/ice tank.... This = TOTAL FAIL!! But I was a beginner. It took time and lots of practice and dedication, but I got better. My point is simply this; Those that hated PvP soooo much and mocked me for loving PvP sooooo much, didnt have the patience to become better at PvP You have to take your lumps (a SH*TLOAD of them) And to this day, I know I have lost just as many fights as I have won over the years. But I had the honor, and the priviledge of playing with some of the finest players to EVER play this game as well. On that note, I started compiling a list of names of people I want to name and thank... After the list got to over 300+, I changed my mind.
And yes, Sexy Snazzzy was on that list
Quote:You and i disagreed how PvP should have been
handled. All i wanted was some fairness, not have a noob level 50 unenhanced
against an 8 yr vet purpled out. No one explained to me how a uber-50 with an
extra 400% defence and 500% damage bonus was fairly fighting a noob 50?
I stand by everything i said in the past. I stand for people working together,
sharing, and growing together...a real community. My whole sg is based around this concept. We have fought PoN and we have aided it's members...but ALL-OUT-WAR members have ALWAYS had respect for PoN and it's members...that respect was always earned!!!!
PoN in my opinion is the best blend of PvE and PvP. The dedication of its
core group is inspiring.
I will miss Budweiser and Elfer (ElfStalker) the most.
Budweiser, i always considered you one of the Triumverant....the 3 important
leaders on the server.
Lord Stryker for pulling people together to excel at missions
Budweiser for helping pvp thrive and grow
Felecia Divine for covering everything the other two did not
If CoH does finally close its doors...Budweiser and Lord Stryker are the
ONLY two i respect enough to follow on another MMORPG! Wherever they are...
these great men...for good or evil...they have a HUGE impact!
These are just my personal thoughts. Signed: Marianne Minshall (WoodBine
Race Track, Toronto, Ontario, Canada).
It has been one helluva ride!
In all honesty, if not for VENT, and the global channels.... I probably wouldn't have lasted 8 years here. Don't get me wrong the game is amazing, but after 8 years and 224 lvl 50's, I'd pretty much done everything I wanted to.
But People like Felicia, and AOW kept me coming back. One of my most fond memories of AOW was the AE challenge they had!! The build up to this was awesome! They gave away BILLIONS in influence and enhancements as prizes, and we, (P.o.N) said we were going to win as much of thos prizes as we could. We showed up the day of the event with 3 teams of 8 ready to go, and if memory serves me right, We took 1st, (my team) 2nd, and 4th place.... AOW's team took 3rd, kudos to them. All in all, it was a great event as always.
Felicia and company always did stuff like this for the server and it was always a good time to be had by all.
So I say thank you for doing the things you did, you were an example for me, and for many others.
Ohhhh and the other reason I liked Felicia.... So many people thought Felicia was an alt acct of mine because of how she handled herself in game.... To me this was a compliment.
I am who I am and I play how I play. Sorry I didnt always do the things you wanted me to. Felicia is the same way. Love that about her.
Dont ever change girl.... Unless YOU want to.
Horus, Not sure if this is a shot as in "a shot of Jack" or a well masked jab.... Either way, believe it or not I will actually miss Horus, Cobalt, Amy and all the other ChampionsNexus folks. Although we were polar opposites 100% the time on pretty much everything, I still respect your devotion and dedication to the servers community. The Blue guy helped make Champion the server it is, and it really wouldnt have been the same without him here.... We are lucky to have him.
WOW, did I just say that??? WTF.....
This game is a lot like pro wrestling. Theres the good guys, the bad guys, and then theres the guys that you never know where they hang out....
So, if there were only good guys, and everyone was as "vanilla" as could be all the time.... it would be boooooooooring. Sooooo you have to throw the bad guy into the mix. And the bad guy comes in, and everyone loves to hate someone. Some of us dont care what people think of us in a video game world.... So we have no problem wearing the "black hat". And some even enjoy it.
Horus, Cobalt & Amy played the good guys better then almost anyone.
Quote:I don't know you well, and I haven't liked _everything_ I've seen of you in game (though I respect it as your point of view). I will say this though, it has been an honor being a member of Champion with you.
You and PoN led the only two successful Cathedral Of Pain's I have been on (with my hero and villain badger, respectfully). You were the lead, and like most trials, I just kept my head down and did what I was told. I wouldn't have gotten those badges on my collectors without you. Thank you.
I didn't get into PvP, just wasn't my thing. Thought about it a few times but the attitude it seemed to need didn't fit me, and when it did, brought out bad parts of me (that whole 'werewolf' thing if a reason is needed). I can't get too competitive without becoming heartless. More than anything, that's Lyc's, and to some degree myself's main storyline (but that's another story ). Nobody on Champ would ever know it, but for me, leading is easy (even to my own detriment); encoraging others to lead well, and be a good follower, is hard. It's why I've always given my kudos who do it... I can't.
However, I appreciate that even when the Dev's (and even mainstream PvP) let it go, you contributed to keeping it going on Champ in a (mostly) positve way. Me, lurking around, I saw you and 4shes, and Artic, and others (if I forgot you because I know there's more, I'm really sorry!) on a number of Fridays encouraging anyone to join and be a part of the PvP fun, without any 'tude or "front" you put up a lot of times. I liked you best, then. It's when I thought you were most 'real', and not catering to your ego. That was who you were when you invited everyone to the Cathedral of Pain trials (and that was who you were when you let one of my son's friend's who was learning his way) into your SG. He didn't fit our little group of stogey ol' bastiches, but he found a great family there in PoN it seems. Again, thank you.
(that last was NOT intended as a slight to you, but an honest truth. I think you are better, and have done better as a representative, for the community when you didn't let your ego get the better of you. Carry that forward whever you go- you are stronger in the times I've seen you without your ego than with it, even if you think it keeps you strong.)
I'm 'nobody' to most of the game by choice. I don't want to be seen as a 'leader' outside my little SG of friends that formed around me. The fact that I'm taking the time to write anything about you shows my esteem. I have trouble sleeping nights, even more so now with everything going on, and have time I can't afford to write, but can't sleep, so why not? Bud, you were a leader of Champions, and deserver the accolades that go with that. As were many others, but this thread is for you.
Take my advise and when ego is the easy answer, choose better. You'll be better for it. You don't need to be meek or quiet, but always be respectful of others. You don't have to be the 'first one' to do it, if you keep ahead of the pack anyway. You don't have to be the 'best one at it' if people remember you gave it your all for everyone else. If you need recognition, earn it from everyone, even if it means you have to be a part of something greater than yourself and guide them to your vision (and not take all the credit).
You're a good man Bud, but you can be better, and even the best. Even if that doesn't mean you're the first.
Take that as you will. It was meant as a compliment in whatever endeavour you choose to embrace next.
Hope to see you in the next incarnation of Paragon City (whatever it may be- hopefully a re-structured City of * 2 or something by a new producer) You will make it richer by your contribution, as have so many others.
Thank you.
This game allowed us to become someone we may want to be deep inside, but cant be in the real world. There is a thread I saw but avoided called "who are you really?" or another called, "the person behind the mask" I stayed away from these threads because I didnt want people knowing the person they are playing this game with for the past 8 years is actually a business professional, (was a regional manager, currently a Dist manager) And have worked for Company's such as Home Depot, Dollar General, and currently Spencers Gifts, all in very high level managent positions. Do I want people knowing the real me? no.... So do they see the real me in game??? HELL NO. I say the things I must say, and do the things I must do all day, everyday to please "joe and sally consumer" and when I get on the game, Im going to do and say whatever it is I may want to, whenever I want to.
People say "I have had no life" over the past 8 years because I play this game so much.... Your wrong.
I have had an incredible 8 years here, I wore the white hat, I wore the black hat, and hell at times I wore nothing at all. People that actually know me, and yes I have met many of you in R/L through Con's or the many meet and greets we have had.... Ask them, the person you see in game, thats Bud.....
Me, I'm Robert....Hi nice to meet you. -
So funny to look back at these old threads and see an 8:00-11:00 min CoP run and we thought that was fast....
When now with Incarnates, we commonly run multiple 5 min CoP runs with NO temp powers on Freedom with the Starkindread Alliance.
Takes 30 mins to form up something that takes 5 mins to run.... LOL
God I'm gonna miss this game -
Bumping this up to let EVERYONE know, this VENT will remain open after the game shuts down.
Everyone and anyone are welcome here. passwords have been removed.
Hope to continue to see CoX people stopping by whenever they like! -
Thanks artic, The t-shirts are awesome, sorry you didnt see it in time, we did have extras, but through requests on FB, they were gone. and a funny thing... to all the a**holes that thought all I was trying to do was MAKE MONEY on this deal, I actually ended up losing money because I didnt take into account the XXL's and the XXXL's, which HALF of the t-shirts were....
(Hi, were from Champion, and a lot of us are fat lol)
Anyway, Im thinking about doing another run of shirts, and I'll let you know. -
Queen, Have done quite a few events with you through the years, and always had fun....You will be missed.
Thanks for the kind words -
just wanted to take a min to address all the @ssholes out there accusing me of trying to make a buck off this games current state. Eat Sh*t.
I'm not making anything off of them. I'm selling them for EXACTLY what the costs to produce them will be.
One thing I will not miss about this game, the jealous trolling piece of sh*t haters.
It was SUGGESTED by someone to sell them at a profit and donate all the earnings to CoH Titan, and I decided against it because that can turn into a messy situation that I don't want to be involved with.
This is not aimed at everyone, just those stupid azzes out there saying stupid things that they know nothing about.this -
not enough trolling going on, needed to bump this myself
Anyone intrested in these, email: savecohshirts@gmail.com
Quote:Ya know up till now Ive tried to be polite.... now your pissing me off, go troll someone else **** OFFFirstly, the phrase is "We are heroes. This is what we do."
Secondly, no. Those images in the background, excluding the first one, make no sense. The villain phrase, by the way, is "We are villains. What's ours is ours."
Dude, spamming the forums isn't helping. We know. Believe me, everyone on the forums knows. You don't need all of us in your thread, and what you are doing is annoying and repetitive.
We appreciate your effort, but give the forums a rest.
And Im going to add a few things here...who the hell are you to tell me what quotes to put on shirts that I designed?? I design a shirt for a cause I believe in, and YOUR going to tell me what goes on them?? what is your deal??? are you really that jealous of what I was able to accomplish in game, and you have now formed some sort of e-resentment toward me?? Do I need to worry about a stalker here? Really...seriously... leave me alone please. Troll someone else. -
Nvm, guess they were just down for a while
I see Exalted, Infinity and Protector all are down and have been for quite a while....
Are they shut down? -
[Admin] Alpha Wolf: Sorry guys but I don't have any new update. I know Paragon management is having discussion with ncsoft and investors. Continue get people to sign online petitions, post on game forums, and just continue to make noises so ncsoft cannot ignore players. -
And please, DONT stop posting... its keeping this thread right on top where its wanted
Quote:I would NEVER apologize for doing what was 100% needed...So, how should I interpret "back to your cave, trolls" other than "don't post here"?
And you can apologize for spamming the forums whenever you're ready, too. I won't be holding my breath.
So maybe I'll get lucky and you'll pass out from holding your breath...!!!
yaaaayyyy!! I WIN!! -
Quote:told the trolls to go away...yes you are correct, we dont want or need their ******** here. Told them they cant post??? No, sorry, never said anyting like that...you told the "trolls" to go away, ie, to not post in this thread. Qed, you told them where they can or cannot post.
please re-read then you may apologize when ready :-) -
Quote:there's the general petition (up to 16k+ last i checked) and the petition to open source the game engine (which will never happen). Which is why i don't understand the need to make multiple threads about it.
you = troll
go...now....delete all toons... Uninstall
for there is no hope...only doom!!
Now stfu and back to your dark, dank derp cave -
4shes and MAH... its always been an adventure, and a pleasure
NewGuy and NewGuys son & Artic... Man gonna miss the pvp with you all. Zack, Basically have "watched" you grow up in game in the pvp world.
Its ok you can get counceling later in life for the way we've corrupted youNewguy, its been a long time since those early days of P.o.N huh? One hell of a ride.
Artic - Man....so much to say here, But I'll try to keep it short cause Ive cried so much over the past 3 days my face hurts.
Artic started out in PoN as Dr.light11 a Peacebringer.... (and remember this is back in like issue 4-5) We all kind of chuckled at the kid playing the sorry ***** worthless PB lol.... Artic soon became one of the fastest and highest earning prestige members of PoN, and EARNED everyones respect.... especially mine. I admired that he had such an amazing feel for the game, could make builds that were just awesome. He moved his way up through the ranks of PoN and lead us down the PvP road... The wild, insane, stress filled, passion overflowing, ulcer inducing road of PvP.
This is where Artic really shined. He outgrew PoN, and emerged to become the leader of Exile, the best PvP SG this game has seen IMO.
Through it all, he always remained the same Artic....always helping and willing to organize whatever he could as long as it involved PvP.
In many ways, Artic was my role model.... I have no problem admitting so much about what I know of PvP came from watching Artic play.
As long as Ive played this game, there have been 3 pvp'ers that, again IMO, are the best of the best.... Sygon....Artic Chill 44....Gfunny. These guys took the time to teach others. They were ******** when people were ******** to them....They didnt have the often found "pvp chip on their shoulder" and never felt the need to "kick sand in peoples faces" like so many of the pvp'ers love to do... Fighting these guys wasnt a "Come take your beatin', then be verbally berated in chat" It was a come fight, and your going to get a lesson on what you could have done better after the match.
Artic you will be sorely missed my friend....And I hope our adventures do not end here.
Devils Spawn - First off, HOLY ****....outside of FB, I havent seen you do anything with this game in a while, wish it was for better reasons.
One of the founding members of PoN.... From the day you joined it was like we were meant to be brothers. You zoned into Peregrine Island Right next to Unai, and shoved me out of your spawn point lol. I saw you had no SG, and the rest as they say, is now CoH History. So many good times building this SG. Good times, bad times, we got through them all and had a hell of a time doing it. Task forces or farming Dreck on vent where everytime you screwed up and died, you had to do a shot... wow, lots of drunk nights there lol. Our Dr. Q runs.... Base RAIDS!!
Good times.... Thank you for standing by me when others wouldnt. Thank you for being my friend.
I WILL DRAG you back to the virtual world soon I hope...Im just sorry it might not be here, to our Home. -
Quote:City of Heroes does not have a 6-digit subscription number and hasn't for quite some time.
Stop calling people trolls just because they don't agree with your posting, that's something an actual troll does.
YOU... are nothing but negative in a community that is TRYING to maintin a positive outlook....
Take your half empty glass of piss and vinegar, and return to your cave till you can learn to play nicely.