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For those of you who need a reason for your character to attend this event (which ever night it maybe
) perhaps your villian could have recieved this mysterious invite!
Invite front
Invite back -
((just to round off Wild Red's involvement))
Wild Red realised the fight was over and she dropped to one knee. She watched Shad00w disintigrate before her eyes and wondered who he really was. As she looked around the room, she realised she was surrounded. Hero's and longbow everywhere, suspicious glances started to head her way. As she knelt she concentrated and within seconds, ripped down the restrictions her earlier meditation had put up. She stood up and casually started to make her way around the edge of the room. She would have preffered to use the door but there was a massive Hero in the way. When she was only a few feet away from the hole the freaks had created, she called out...
"Darkness if you are ever in the Isles look me up." She then siphoned the speed from the nearest longbow and with a cheeky salute to Kata, she dropped down the hole and out of sight. -
Sorry Emp I didn't see that suggestion, the GGOOC moves to quickly sometimes (if I was online at the time). Anyway we have the UVRP channel now if you want to use it to co-ordinate a gathering, it's what it's there for.
With regards to arranging a starting point - all I was aiming for was a little structure to start with. I have had many experiances with things starting really well because everyone was enthusiastic. But when the enthusasum dies off a bit so does the activity. So it was suggested that a once a month gathering was preplanned. To allow as many people as possible to make it and keep the momentum going. This does not mean other gatherings cannot take place. If you want to start a meetup at 7 on a Friday, by all means do, you have got serveral people on this thread wanting to participate. My own concern about Fridays is that's it's the main GG night. But as you and Fans said with a 7pm start, there is 2 hours before GG officially starts.
Healing Storm looked at her hands and sighed. Her sadness at the predicament showed in her eyes. She had seen much worse desctruction caused by the freaks and maybe Darkness Redeemed had acted in self defense. It's just the evidence did not point that way. She lost herself in her thoughts, even though the evidence showed Ed as guilty she would never doubt a fellow hero's intentions for justice to be served.
Hey Emp
Come join the channel, we are just getting started.
Also there is a very good resaon not to start this on a Friday. It will be direct competition with the main GG night. We will automatically lose people who will attend GG over a villian rp. -
Wild Red clasped a hand over the bleeding wound on her side. She gasped as spots appeared in front of her eyes. She tried to shake it off, she realised the adrenaline was wearing off. She did not how much longer she would be concious for so she started blasting the heros with the blue light ((speed boost)).
Healing Storm created a triangle with her fingers and peered through them. She sighed thoughtfully.
"First degree murder, not guilty. Second degree murder, guilty as charged. Aggravated assault, guilty as charged. Just one further point to add! A witness claimed the defendent planned to break out, this is mearly speculation. We are not here to convict someone for what they may or may not do in the future."
((edited because I misunderstood the terminology)) -
I think this Sat is a bit too close. I have a few bits and pieces I want to do before we launch this.
Suggestion - we start on Sat 9th Aug and then continue on the 1st Saturday of every month. Please let me know if this is ok with you all, as most people seem quite flexible.
Please post up anything you would want to see or ideas you would like incorporated. Thanks -
"The walking mountain already has them." Wild said to Molly. "We just need to keep all these other freaks occupied. While Darkness deals with Shad00w!" Wild swore as a slicer blade caught her torso. She responded by throwing a massive radiation ball at the Freak.
Wild noticed Molly being more careful with her shots. "The good thing about being meta, if you have the right powers, you never run out of ammo!" Wild laughed. "How many zigtag's you got?" She said over her shoulder to Molly. -
Wild grunted as another swiper blade impacted with her shoulder. She threw a stunning radiation blast at the freak. In his disorientaion he wandered a little too close to Wild, Molly and the powersuited hero. Wild let out a small laugh. She siphoned off everything the freak had ((transfusion, transference, siphon speed, siphon power. All except Speed should affect Molly and the hero)). Feeling renewed she threw an deadly radiation ball at the weakened freak. Wild targeted the next freak and unleased a powerful radiation volley.
((made a mistake in my prevoius post but it's too late to edit it. The nurses are bound hand and foot so they are not escaping at all))
Wild's progress was slower than before. Still she was creating a lot of damage. Only three medibays left... -
Without the tenticles to hold her upright, Wild collapsed in a heap. Even though she had been healed at some point she was still seriously injured. As she fell she brought a load of medical supplies down ontop of her. A small bottle rolled infront of her - Adrenalin. Wild slowly picked up the bottle and unwrapped a sterile syringe. "Nothing like a little pick me up." She murmered as she gave herself a large dose. It took a few seconds for it to kick in, then the pain receded to the back of her mind.
Wild saw the nurses scrambling through the opened door. Ed stood facing Shad00w. The previously injured hero was now on his feet and looked ready to fight. So with the innocents taken care of, time for the Freaks. She saw the hole in the floor which was how they were escaping. She carefully aimed a Neutron bomb down the hole. She then went back to her original plan of destroying the medibays. As she enjoyed a little choas and loved throwing spanners in other peoples plans. -
Wild stood imobilised. She felt nothing but pain. A wimper escaped her lips, which was the only sign she was still alive. Wild was oblivious to everything around her. Shad00w lifted his fists for another strike.
I have created a new channel called UVRP. It's open for all to join. normally there are so many random conversations in the ggooc conversations can get lost. So if you are interested in villian rp join the channel
I have a character that could possibly be a watson to someone else's sherlock holmes. That's if it would fit into your senario
I was thinking that too. I was going to suggest the first Sat of each month, but that is for selfish reasons. I won't have work the next day. Which is why I asked the question rather than making a suggestion.
I will have to ask the other members if they mind me opening up my VG. But I don't think it would be a problem to offer the use of the spare spaces in the vg so people can use the teleporters.
So we have a suitable location.
We have had one request of the beginning of the month to set this. Do we have any more suggestions/days people would like? Fridays being the big no no as it clashes with the main GG night -
With the dark leeches gone Wild's mind returned from the brink of terror. She calmed herself and looked around. She saw the injured hero and the nurses. She heard Shad00w and Ed challenging each other and all the guns trained at her and Molly.
Wild's inner hero kicked in - first save the innocents - then stop the freaks. Although she would always deny what happened next.
Wild's barbed wire wrappings normally came in useful. This time it kept her from being bound too tightly. Wild slipped off her gloves and the wire binding her arms together went with them. She coughed and made a movement that looked like she was struggling. Really she moved her hands behind Molly and untied the knots. Then she sobbed and put her head on Molly's shoulder. In between the sobs she whispered into Molly's ear.
"I will make a distraction. You need to move quickly. get the nurses into cover and the hero, if you can. *Sob* I will shout for Darkness to pry the doors. It will be his only chance without a risk to anyone else. *Sob* Ready!" Wild's sobs turned into a manic laugh.
"Hate to burst your bubble Shad. I don't have any eyes. I lost them when some maniac threw me into a vat of toxic waste!" She threw her hands up weakening all the freaks surrounding her at the same time as strenghening Molly and herself ((fulcrum shift)). She siphion the speed from the closest Freak and ran straight at Shad00w "Ed pry the doors now!" Wild shouted hoping the speaker box would pick up her voice. She threw everying she could at Shad00w. -
Yeah I have just had a look at chum Island. There is one mish door on it. but there is a small beach on the opposite side of the island to the door. I have to agree that it may be a pain to get to for higher level characters being in mercy. but it is ideal for those level 1 only for rp characters. due south of Kalinda, it's really easy to get to. There were no mobs when I visited either.
Fantastic suggestion FFM, thanks -
happy to try anything once.. is this the idea from ggooc the rp black market swap meet idae ?
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Hey Rock, sorry I missed this earlier was trying to get through the forums to quickly
Yeah sort of. I'm trying to mesh together bits and pieces from everywhere really. I am hoping to get something that is totally approachable and at the same time a reasonable justification for villians to all be in the same place at the same time. -
Wild's body was in agony from the abrupt stop. For the first time in years, she screamed! Unable to move, defend herself, filled with fear. She could see the 4 freaks bearing down on her. She felt the way she had that fateful day, all those years ago.
"No F*****G way!" Wild said when she saw the demonic flames. She tried to siphon the huge tanks speed, at the same time as destoying the Medi bays. It was the destruction of the medi bays that had brought him out. She ran around the room at lightning speeds. Knocking over equipment, firing shots off into the remaining Med bays and hoping one of the Freaks didn't have anything that could target her.
"Why did I get out of bed this morning? I didn't! I was stuck in a sewer surrounded by damn do-gooding HERO'S! I have had enough!" Wild got angrier by the second, she ranted uncontrollably as she destroyed the room. -
Sometimes all it takes is one person to start the ball rolling.
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Not to burst your bubble, but... it usually takes more people to keep the ball rolling... especially if it's up-hill.
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I know Ghostie, there seems to be some demand for villian RP. It's never going to work unless someone tries. If I try and the only thing I walk away with are a few more RP friends I will be happy