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Annie started to panic. She was sure the additional gravity would have slowed the clone. She started to back away. She heard Commander Union shout. The clone didn't stray from it's course.
She looked around and had an idea. Combining her abilities, she picked up a car and hurled it at the clone. -
Annie remained calm as the powerful clone headed her way. One hit from this clone and she would be hospitalised.
She could not open up another rift yet. Opening too many could cause a permenant one. Instead she increased the gravity around the clone trying to slow it down. -
With the gravity field gone, Annie was free to move again.
"Go for the head." Annie's shout was muffled and she realised she still had tissue in her ears. She pulled out the tissue. "Hit the glow." She shouted louder so hopefully someone would hear her.
She headed toward the nearest hero fighting themselves. She peered closer and it took a moment but there it was, the orange glow. She opened up the rift again and this time threw a filing cabinet at the dopplegangers head.
((I will leave it open as to who's doppleganger the cabinet hits.)) -
"Shared clumsy moments. Also part of my charm." Leo laughed. "I actually thought I had blown my induction course for the New Vigilants when I destroyed some very expensive equipment." Leo gave Ryan a knowing smile.
"I know now, they look beyond things like that, but at the time I was worried. People are the same. Crack the surface and you may be surprised." -
Annie's doppleganger flew after her. Annie sent a massive wind swirling out around her. If cleared the air of the mist and she could see several hero's fighting dopplegangers of their own.
Suddenly with an immense pull Annie fell to the ground. She felt as though gravity itself were crushing her. She looked up to see her doppleganger, arm outstretched.
"So you have my appearance and my abilities! If you're looking for a fight, you've got one." Annie opened up a small rift. It produced a heavy lampost and propelled it toward the doppleganger. It hit the replica in the head. -
"I'm glad you both have someone special. Life sorta feels empty with out it. Anyway... " Leo changed the subject. "You just need a little confidence Tracey. A friendly, open smile is normally my trick. I find people are generally more open to casually chatting."
The elevator doors opened on the ground floor. "Into the lion's den once more." joked Leo as he stepped out of the lift. -
((Probably due to the emmense short notice - this didn't happen. It has been delayed until 2pm tomorrow shout up if you want to join.))
"I have to admit sunglasses are useful for more than just blocking out the sun." Leo's laughter was cut short with a swift pang of guilt over Helen. His smile disappeared as he mentally kicked himself.
((Just of the cuff - I fancied an ITF today - I'm hoping to do it IC))
There is a barely audiable hiss as someone hacks into the police bands.
There is a click and a slightly distorted voice. "Officer down, Officer down. Back up needed on the corner of main and fifth. There are civilians in danger. Repeat civilians are in danger." another click as the message ends.
((If you are a hero you get to the co-ordinates and there is a blinding flash of light as you are transported to stand face to face with Wild Red. Any villians who wish to join in - you have been paid a substantial sum of money not to hurt the heros. You will not see a cent until the job is over. I am aiming to start this at 2 o'clock today
So far there is myself - bringing Wild Red and Nasty Cheese there should be some SK's available too)) -
"I don't mind at all. The more the merrier." Taking his shades out of his pocket. "Ryan appreciates the fine eye a girl has for spotting the good looking guys." He said with a cheeky grin. "Present company excluded of course." He slipped on his shades.
"Besides I don't really know many people here, due to certain issues. It would be nice to get to know you Tracey. Shall we?" Leo motioned for Tracey to proceed. "Ladies first." Leo relaxed even more, there was that feeling again. It felt like home. -
With another group of civilians cleared, Annie took a moment to look around. She saw one other cluster of people who had not vacated the area. She directed another strong wind in their direction.
Annie caught a movement in the corner of her her.She took a closer look and saw a shape silhouetted against the green mist.
"What the hell!" She exclaimed as the figure finally stepped out if the mist. It was a copy of her, even down to the white and silver outfit. Annie checked to see if the civilians had gone, The area was clear.
Opening up her large wing span, Annie took to the air. Trying to find one of the other hero's in this fog was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But she wasn't about to start a fight unprovoked or with out backup. -
Leo steadied the girl as she removed herself from his arms.
"Don't worry about it. I wasn't looking either." He picked up on of the dropped books and held it out to her. "Yeah I'm Leo, I'm sure you've heard a rumour or two." He smiled as he poked fun at himself. "You're Tracey right? I heard Zortel say your name." -
"I wonder how much the truth has changed as it passed down the grapevine?" Leo chuckled. "I get the point about being seen together, thanks Ryan. The next few weeks, possibly months, are going to be hard enough as it is."
Ryan opened the door as Leo walked over. Leo was about to say something when he stepped out into the corridor. Not paying any attention, he collided with young, red haired girl. Leo being over 6 foot tall and well built, the girl just bounced off him. Books flew up in the air as she fell to the ground.
"I'm sorry!" Leo exclaimed as he rushed forward and caught her before she hit the floor. "At least my reactions are getting better." He beamed a big smile at her. -
"This entire situation was designed to trap me and it nearly did. When they returned Gemini the chances are they destroyed everything." Leo thought aloud. "Almost like throwing out the trash after a failed experiment."
"Perhaps..." Something clicked in Leo's mind. "Perhaps they only returned Gemini because they knew we would keep looking for her. That the search would not end until she was found. Who knows what illegal activities we would have uncovered."
"I'm sure I can get some answers out of her. At the very least make sure she is ok. Shall we go?" Leo was unsure of what to expect when he saw Gemini. At least the search was over. -
Leo started to pace the room, concern etched on his face.
"And mentally?" Leo left the question open. "Has she said anything? I watched the DVD she sent me. It looked like her, but she wasn't herself. She spoke almost like a fanatic. I don't understand what they have done to her, but they have done something." -
The High pitch noise was giving Annie a serious headache. She stuffed some tissue in her ears to reduce the noise and pulled her hood up over her head.
She looked around but could not see much due to the spreading green fog. She caught sight of a PPD officer, she assumed he was trying some crowd control, but she couldn't hear a thing.
The crowd of people she had been protecting had cleared the area. She moved her attention to the next group. With out even bothering to shout. She raised a strong wind and gently started to push the crowd backwards. They would get the hint eventually. At the same time, using the backdraft to keep the mist away from herself. -
Annie had stood in the middle of a crowd of spectators. Deciding there was too many hero's on site anyway, she decided to stay hidden in the group of civillians.
When the high pitched noise started she had to cover ears. She almost missed the spread of the gas. She unfolded her wings.
"Get out of here." She instructed the people arround her. She forced her way to the front of the small group. She raised her arms and produced a gale force wind, attempting to keep the gas away from the civillians while they ran away. -
Uncertainty flashed across Leo's face. He ran his hands through his spiky hair
"I don't think I can go alone. I don't know what they did to her and if I get upset.... Well I'm not sure what would happen!" Leo felt a little relieved to finally be honest, not just with himself, but with someone else too. "How did she end up here anyway?" -
Leo took Ryan's hand and being stonger, he easily pulled Ryan into a hug. Then laughed and let him go.
"At least I have someone who can understand where I'm coming from at the moment. That means a lot to me."
"Evil's going down." Leo crouched and mock punched the air playfully. "No-one will see my good looks standing next to you!" Leo's smile dropped a little as he stood up straight again.
"Can I see Gemini now?" -
"I didn't want to punch you, but knocking you out was the easiest way to get to the hotel alone. You would never have let me go, would you?" Leo smiled knowing he would have stopped Ryan if the positions were reversed.
Leo declined the offer of a drink with a wave if his hand.
"Until Gemini was kidnapped I tried to deny who I am. If it wasn't for you and the new Vigilants, I would probably be the next Crey experiment or a Crey Agent, maybe something even worse. The training you have given me stopped me becoming the monster they wanted me to be." Leo looked at the ground while he remembered the events of the last few weeks. "I went to the Rogue Isles and it was temping Ryan. I thought I went to find Gemini, I was wrong. I went to . Lets just say I found a side of myself I didnt like much."
Leo stood up and looked Ryan in the eyes.
"I want to be someone who can be counted on. I want to stop anyone else from feeling the pain that fills me. I want to make the world a safer place. I cant change the past, but I can make a better future." Leo's face showed the grim determination of someone who had finally made up their mind. -
Leo closed the door behind him and slowly approached the chair.
"I'm sorry Ryan. It wasn't a punching bag I wanted to hit. After what they did to her..." Tears formed in the corner of his eyes. Leo blinked them back, determined not to break now. "I realise my actions were taken in anger. I'm sorry for any worry I have caused. I just wasn't thinking straight." Shaking his head Leo slumped into the chair. "How's your jaw? Sorry about that too." -
((This is a small forum RP, to develope characters and a plot. It is based around the New Vigilants. So if you are part of the NV, UV or assosiated in anyway and want to get your character involved please drop me a pm for some info. It will be starting slowly
Leo walked slowly toward the station. He was feeling rather low, he had returned to Galaxy City and ran into Zortel. She had throughly told him off but Leo felt she had still let him off lightly. To top it all off he had found out Gemini was back in Paragon City, in Zortel's care. The trains being as efficent as ever Leo was stood outside Vigilant Tower in no time. The stepped inside the lobby and felt the tension in his shoulder ease for the first time and weeks. He approached the reception desk.
"Welcome back Mr Wright." Smiled the Gynoid behind the desk. "Your room is ready for you and the fire and water damage has been repaired."
"Thank you." Leo headed slowly toward the elevator. All of Leo's things had been put tidily away. His commslink had been placed on the desk next to his computor. Leo did not think he would be able to sleep. He was snoring before his head hit the pillow.
He woke up the next day feeling refreshed. He showered off the grime of the last few weeks and got ready for the day. He picked up the commslink from the desk and activated it.
"Good morning BODICIA." Leo spoke into the comms.
"Good Morning Leo. Would you like me to let Ryan know you will be along shortly?" She replied as efficently as ever.
"Yes, thank you BODICIA" Leo looked in the mirror checking his appearance again and then stepped out into the corridor.
As he made his way through the corridors to Ryan office he was greeted with a few hello's, but mostly he heard silenced conversations or muttered comments. Leo just wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole when he caught a whispered conversation.
"You know he knocked out Ryan!"
"Never! He has some nerve to comeback here then!"
He paused outside Ryan's door, took a deep breath, braced himself and knocked lightly.
((edited the title as it was a bit rubbish and deceptive)) -
I would be interested but I'm not available tonight either (SG night)
I'm up for more things like this. I have had great fun RP'ing with Wild Red and I love playing the villian
Although it appears his alarm has fooled a few of us, myself included.
Have a great holiday FFM, bring me back a stick of rock