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  1. WarpGirl

    *looks around*

    [ QUOTE ]
    eidolon thing? i missed it and am now curious

    [/ QUOTE ]

    PM me your email and I'll send it to you when I get a chance

    it used to be up on my webpage that got deleted without warning (lucky I had backups)
  2. WarpGirl

    *looks around*

    does anybody remember my old eidolon "out of costume" pic?


    I couldn't even post it on DA, I'll have to find somewhere to host that stuff again
  3. Sorry to hear that Niviene, my condolences to you

    I lost both of my parents to cancer in 2005, just a few months apart from each other. This is a pain I understand well.

    but thanks everyone for the kind words and comments on the art. I was blown away when I opened up my DA this morning and saw it waiting for me ^^
  4. so... let's get this out of the way first..

    quoting my doctor this morning...

    "Cancer is not much of a concern in your case'


    so, they stuck all kinds of things down my throat that made me gag a bit

    I mentioned that I usually get paid for stuff like that...


    then they stuck a camera up my nose and subsequently down my throat, lol

    I told them that costs extra, lol

    ANYWAYS... I'm still having surgery in July but good news on the cancer, yay!!

    and!!! and!!! and!!!

    I GOT GIFT ART from Russ Platt!!!!! OMG!!! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!

    check out my DA to see it. I don't direct link because while there's no actuall nudity... just the way he draws is like, too hawt for forums, lol
  5. WarpGirl

    *looks around*

    I like the idea that Alex is opperating on and already mentioned.

    Just say there's new artwork at such and such a location and once they get there you can put NSFW warnings all over it.

    This method has even gotten the mod stamp of approval.
  6. yah.. I'd go for the explicit ^^

    I've never been "half-way" with my perversions
  7. i've said many times that if I could actually draw well I'd probably just draw porn
  8. some time ago someone posted a pic of Ms. Liberty entitled "what unlocks at 50". I can't remember who drew it but it was damned good.

    anybody recall the link on that one?
  9. oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    ilu rowr, you put such nice thoughts in my head
  10. presenting Rowr! now in stereo!!

    sorry, couldn't resist ^^
  11. alex mentioned something about some kind of blog

    seek and ye shall find
  12. tell Felicia that she apparently already knows me too well, lol
  13. o.O

    I really can't say what I want to...

    but umm... thank you alex, I luv you more than the kitten loves that ball of yarn in my last post
  14. lol, I'd be dissapointed if it didn't

  15. *giggles*

    looks like a girls only party ^^

    Gamma approves
  16. WarpGirl

    *looks around*


    ahh.. on a slightly more serious note...

    seeing a surgeon on wednesday to see what my thyroid situation is

    keep your fingers crossed
  17. WarpGirl

    *looks around*


    you guys are being so fun today ^^
  18. lol omg

    *huggles alex*

    I can't wait to see where this goes

    btw, alex, gamma's color preference has changed to red ^^
  19. WarpGirl

    *looks around*

    [ QUOTE ]
    that's why I just don't post any NSFW piccys. Those are reserved for my private friends who I -know- can handle such pics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *hits rowr with big puppy dog eyes*
  20. WarpGirl

    *looks around*


    oh ahhh.. I wasn't talking about any other thread in particular, because you know, it's against TOS to try and continue a discussion that's already been locked

    I was just making a general observation...
  21. *giggles*

    omg that makes my night
  22. oh jeebus... tell me you didn't show my stick figure to those kids...