895 -
I understand what you're saying...and I'm trying to suggest a design fix that would allow you to create a more authentic looking tartan...understanding that a more colorful/complex one might not be possible.
I mean, there are all kinds of things I'd like to do in the game with the costumes that I can't...they don't really have any cultural significances for me but they're still frustrating. I agree in essence that if real tartans have a minimum of three colors, they should find a way to accomidate that. I just don't see how they can make a kilt that could accomidate everybody wanting to recreate their own in the game.
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I know you're trying to be diplomatic. The problem is that my tartan means alot to me. I come from a well-known clan in Scotland, and my family traces its roots back to the original descendants. Many Americans (those known with Murray, Moray and McMurray) may be able to trace back those same roots, and realise that the Murray clan was important in the northern regions of Scotland during the Jacobite uprising.
It's purely selfish, I know, but tartans are more than one main colour with a stripe. They respresent families dating back centuries, and pride in those families.
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sorry to put this bluntly... but the game does not revolve around you, your family, or even scottish people at all. You didn't have kilts before, now you have them. They Devs put a huge amount of time giving us these rewards... which they never had to do. Don't cry because you can't make it the exact amount of stripes or colors that so important to YOU and only YOU. -
well, I saw someone did a better version of KILL SKULS so I switched mine to something more appropriate to my character.
too much fun, I missed the xmas bandwagon so I'm glad this one came along
well, I love the fact that we have a new costume option (I still haven't heard, do new characters them)?
However... the Devs have continued their shortsighted obsession with LIMITING who gets what. Why do male characters get the one shoulder and females do not? Shouldn't it be the other way around?? Why can't both males and females choose the one shoulder or full front? Why can't you have tails with a toga?
Please Please Please, the graphics are already in the game, just unlock everything for everyone!!!
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er, because the traditional toga goes across the chest diagonally and usually left one breast bare on women and this is a pg13 game.
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looks at the screenshots of guys in togas from the game, if you put that same costume piece on a female, the breast would still be covered. -
hehe... if only we could put one more letter on 'em
well, I love the fact that we have a new costume option (I still haven't heard, do new characters them)?
However... the Devs have continued their shortsighted obsession with LIMITING who gets what. Why do male characters get the one shoulder and females do not? Shouldn't it be the other way around?? Why can't both males and females choose the one shoulder or full front? Why can't you have tails with a toga?
Please Please Please, the graphics are already in the game, just unlock everything for everyone!!! -
SO and I play together often.
for Pat it would be Nazareth's "Hair of the Dog", someone else mistitled it as "now you're messing with a SOB" earlier.
For Gamma.Girl it would be "Radioactive" by umm.. shoot, that band with Paul Rodgers and Jimmy Page. Oh yah, "The Firm".
for TeenAngst it would be "The Night is Calling" by Lords of the New Church. -
first amendment has nothing to do with it. Unlike our government (and that's questionable) freedom of speech IS NOT guaranteed on privately owned message boards. If the MODs determine that the OP is infringing on someone elses intellectual property, it is well within their rights to lock or delete this thread. And on that note
I am a guard... so I'd be guarding those who are there to help. There are so many reports of snipers shooting at hospitals and emergency workers... I'd be doing something about that.
I raised the same objections a few pages back... you can take a look and see how it turned out
You.....DO realize that if he takes off that suit, antimatter will mix with matter, and there'll be a huge explosion. Right?
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yeeeeessss... exxxxxcellent, then my minions can...
err.. *cough cough* I mean... that would HORRIBLE!! -
Well now, THAT is fair enough. That show was... like bargain basement Xena with a dash of phoney Baileys.
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hehe... now WE are agreeing too... what's going on around here?? -
Speaking of authentic interpretations...
I'm wondering if it's just the Irish who are meant to be inviolate?
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you win... that is by far more offensive... and I'm not being sarcastic about that. Okay, I'll concede that perhaps I'm being thin skined. I just never got over my outrage at the "Mystic Knights of Tyr Nan Nog" show that turned Irish myth into Power Rangers and it's ranckled me ever since. -
Um, how would you know? Have you spoken to your ancestors lately?
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actually, I would say yes, I have. But I'm sure that holds no water in this debate.
With all respect to your personal beliefs, there simply is no record of what people believed back then
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no written record perhaps, but a very fine oral tradition. If that doesn't count I suggest you try telling that to the Native Americans. -
Unfortunately, you don't really have very much of an idea what your ancestors held precious, because there's no contemporary record.
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I don't? There's not? Gee, maybe somebody should tell my granparents that the things that were handed down to them and then to me are completely invalid. Or are you one of those people who only sees the written word as valid? -
The Tuatha deDannan were the Faerie Folk of Ireland, not big shaggy monsters.
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No they weren't. The Tuatha de Danaan were the People of Danu in Irish legend, not the 'faerie folk' - that's a contemporary prettification, and about as genuinely Irish as a bowl of Lucky Charms.
Furthermore, it's by no means certain that they WERE the Gods of Ireland. They are portrayed as kings and queens, not as deities. Some think this is a 'Christian reduction' of the original, but there's no solid evidence either way.
It gets a bit tiresome seeing the religious beliefs of my ancestors ground up and spit out in a totally outrageous form.
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Hey, I'd welcome the chance to get a chip on my shoulder about MY ancestors. Nothing makes a pagan happier than a bit of genuine repression to whine about!
But in fairness, they weren't the religious beliefs of anyone's ancestors at all. They were much more like Arthurian legends than Gods and Goddesses. If Cryptic want to interpret mythical figures as shaggy monsters, then well done Cryptic. I trust the Statesman (and the Manticore) to know their mythology inside out. Maybe the Tuatha de Danaan created those heroic legends as a way to mask their true nature? Who knows...
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gah.. urg... please notice that I said FAERIE FOLK and NOT FAIRY FOLK. Faerie, or Fey, were not the little lucky charms degradations that we see today. They were much more like the High Elves of Tolkien. And amongst my ancestors they WERE regarded as dieties. Perhaps other families had other beliefs. -
on another topic but still in this general topic of I5... saw this on another board and I couldn't agree more.
I'm a bit miffed from a cultural perspective. The Tuatha deDannan were the Faerie Folk of Ireland, not big shaggy monsters. It gets a bit tiresome seeing the religious beliefs of my ancestors ground up and spit out in a totally outrageous form. No one depicts the Roman Gods or Norse Gods or even Egyptian Gods as shaggy monsters, but hey, who cares about the Irish!? We can do whatever we want to their Gods, right?
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Speaking as someone of Irish ancestry, I couldn't agree less. I mean, what's the big deal?
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hmm... well... I guess that perhaps some of us of Irish decent are tired of seeing what our ancestors held precious presented in a manner that is degrading to our heritage. If you don't find it degrading to have the mythology of our people completely trashed then I guess you don't know much about it and apparently don't care. What's the big deal? It's a form of predjudice, THAT's the big deal. -
on another topic but still in this general topic of I5... saw this on another board and I couldn't agree more.
I'm a bit miffed from a cultural perspective. The Tuatha deDannan were the Faerie Folk of Ireland, not big shaggy monsters. It gets a bit tiresome seeing the religious beliefs of my ancestors ground up and spit out in a totally outrageous form. No one depicts the Roman Gods or Norse Gods or even Egyptian Gods as shaggy monsters, but hey, who cares about the Irish!? We can do whatever we want to their Gods, right?