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  1. Warknite

    Claws/SR Brute

    Just an update, got ninja run, and dropped super jump and aid other for spin and focus(nice to have some AOE, and it's stronger than I thought.) They both are strong and useful, the knockback range attack from focus is really nice.

    2 slots in each attack (acc/endrdx), 3 slot to follow up, 2 accuracy and 1 rech, gotta hit and hit often. 3 slot defense buff in my 5 defense powers, 2 slots in brawler (rech), 3 health, 3 sta.

    And I'm on a mac or I'd use a wonderful tool to show my build .

    I'm at 23 and my current build is nice. First, I've got everything so far except taunt. And I've added combat jumping, and with SOs (25) I've got 32.88, 32.88, and 24.06 on my defense. Couple of interesting vignettes.

    I entered a mission and walked out of the room for 5 mins, came back and a same level minion had been beating on me for most of that time. I watched him for another 60 seconds or so, he had me at 90% health, and it was holding there... poor guy...

    Next I come out of a mission, and I'm staring at purple... They were a lvl 28 minion and lieutenant. +5 Fine let's see if I can take em... Well, I took down the minion no problem, and I couldn't quite get the lieutenant need more accuracy and another few percent on the defense probably, but soon... soon...

    Not sure what I'm gonna do, haven't really needed any healing yet, 3 SOs in health is doing it, same with 3 SOs in end. But if I go the boxing,tough,weave route, I'm guessing thing's might get tighter later, we'll see, I've gotta make some choices in my power pools soon.

    Anyway loads of fun, thanks for all the advice, slotting attacks comes now and probably utility, maybe teleportation, aid other for grouping, and possibly leadership. we'll see.
  2. Warknite

    Claws/SR Brute

    Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
    Head over to the Market forums and read some of the guides there. Lots of ways to make inf on the market while you're off playing the game normally. Or sleeping.
    Ummm... Duh! I should've thought of that... (I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being ironic...) I've played enough MMO's to know that money making is vital and to learn how to do it by reading other people's suggestions. I did that for build's, but haven't done it for money yet, so thank you.
  3. Warknite

    Claws/SR Brute

    Originally Posted by Lascher View Post
    I second this advice! My DB/SR brute is capped to all 3 types and I took elude.....and aside from the end boost, which is erased when you crash...and maybe fall if you are in a fight, I find no difference defensively! I will be respeccing out of it pronto!
    Thanks for the advice I'm not there yet, but soon.

    I'm at level 22, and things are getting very easy.

    I haven't picked up the AOE powers yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

    Last "big oomph" I see now is picking up aid self, which I'll be getting next.

    Then slowly adding all of the slots to boost my damage (and the heal/regen on aid self)

    I will be passing on Elude and Taunt, which leaves some empty places to pick up different skills. So we'll see. If I don't pick up stealth, then I've got even more places to pick up stuff (maybe some presence or leadership?)

    I was recently taking down minions/lieutenants at +3 (groups) without much stress, and due to my defense (33%) I can pop a purple and be unhittable.

    1 SO blue in each attack seems to have taken away all of my endurance problems (+ 3 SO End Mod in stamina). 3 slots in health takes care of most health problems unless I get in a fight with a large group, or a couple of really heavy hitters.

    My DM/WP Brute (26) seems to be just a little tougher due to rttc, and hits a little harder Siphon Life is really nice with it's dual purpose damage/heal, but this one is really nice. I'm still missing spin, evis, focus, and shockwave from my attacks, so there's room to grow. seems that 3 PBAOE attacks will make for nice farming possibilities later.

    I'm also looking at a spines/wp scrapper for farming since he has 4 aoe attacks and the wp secondary seems to be the most endurance friendly secondary us melee guys get. But that character seems a little weak right now (level 10). (Don't tell me about blasters and controllers, I'm a melee guy )

    And if I'm correct, you need to do a bit of farming in order to make the cash to make the funds to buy/make the top end sets.
  4. Warknite

    Claws/SR Brute

    Using cohplanner, just to check the build tightness, I can pick up the following no problem

    primary powers (3 AOE/cone & 5 ST, but no Taunt)
    secondary powers (all)
    Leaping (combat jumping/super jump)
    Speed (Hasten/Super Speed)
    Medicine (Aid Other/Aid Self)
    and Stealth

    Now how to slot them
  5. Warknite

    Claws/SR Brute

    Originally Posted by Doomguide View Post
    I'd lean very strongly towards Focus at 18th. Focus is almost guaranteed to be a bread and butter portion of your attack chain from the moment you get it till you are an Incarnate.
    I should level more slowly .

    I already picked up Super Jump... Couldn't help myself. Crawling around on the ground was getting frustrating.
  6. Warknite

    Claws/SR Brute

    Loving the responses, thanks for the feedback.

    I'm already putting in basic IOs, IO 15s equals DOs at level +3
    level 17 and counting, and I'm at 30% on Melee and 28% on Ranged...

    Loving this, only concern is boring... it's a bit boring, but it looks like it could farm with the PBAOE. Haven't picked up the PBAOE powers yet. Trying to figure out what I'm doing next on it, at 18 and 20, tempted to pick up travel at 20 just because running around like this in Rogue Isles will be a bit frustrating, I usually pick up temp powers on my Villians.
  7. Warknite

    Claws/SR Brute

    Originally Posted by Gilia View Post
    First of all, welcome to the game!
    One of the "big guys on campus" here on the forums is all about Claws/SR, named Bill Z Bubba, so he would be a good person to know.
    Thanks, I'll search on the boards.

    Originally Posted by Gillia View Post
    A quick side note: you might be interested in Widows. They use a kind of Claws, with defense based shields, have the stealth/sneak attack motif, and the Fortunata path gets some hard controls. You have to get a villain AT to 20 to make one, if you haven't yet.
    I have one who's at 16 now, I'll have to do that. I didn't realize it. She's a little squishy right now.

    It's really good that you picked up how awesome Build Up is so quick. This isn't quite how it works, however. It boost damage the same way that Fury and Enhancements do. It's not quite a force multiplier the way -resist, Scourge, or criticals are. The damage formula is something like (BaseDamage*(1+Damage Buffs))*Force Multiplier. Build Up is a Damage buff, so yours will look like (BaseDamage*(1+Fury+Damage Enhancements+Build Up)). Also the ToHit bonus on it isn't very high. I recommend just slotting it with two Recharges, and a third one if you have the slots.
    I misspoke and I didn't see how small the hit buff was (10%). I was thinking that it could act as a replacement for acc slotting in other attacks, but I'll have to do some math there would have to be a lot of other attacks in my for it to have that affect. Damage bonus is nice though. But early on it's very nice.

    Eh, people have different takes on this. I'd personally put it around level 22. I don't like click mez protection powers before Single Origin enhancements. Practiced Brawler is a click that lasts for 2 minutes. Until you get 2 Single Origin Recharge enhancements in it, you can't have it up all the time anyway.
    I'm going to differ with you here, It helps a lot in certain circumstances, however at low levels you have to 3 slot DO's to get the recharge down in the 2 minute range, where later you only need 2 slots...

    Like I said above, figure out when you want your attacks, take everything in SR as soon as you can. Delay for any travel powers, of course. Then when you have all that laid out, I would put Boxing/Tough/Weave whereever the open spots are.
    I also figured out why I was wrong about when to take the defense powers.
    What I didn't realize is how often you get your defense debuffed in PvE and how important the resistance is, AND that it builds slowly as you pick up the 6 positional defense powers. Once I had 3 of the defense powers, it seemed that I got hit a lot less. So at 10, I immediately started picking up my missing defense powers and everything started getting better.

    I passed on Air Superiority to get Combat Jumping, it doesn't seem like much but the difference between 23 and 25/26% defense is a bigger deal than it seems at first and the boost to jump is very, very useful when you are passing on travel powers.

    It's probably early yet to do this, but if you pick up the Martial Arts Super Booster from the PlayNC store, you can get a permanent temp power called "Ninja Run" which is great for a "natural" travel power. If you go that route, you could get away with just one or two jump enhancements in Hurdle.

    Also remember Quickness helps your run speed. Doing 2 slots in Sprint/Swift/Quickness would get your running speed up there for pretty cheap, and it wouldn't suppress and slot you down while fighting. It all depends on if you have extra slots or extra power picks in your build. If you're stretching slots thin, taking a travel power might be better, but if you've got a lot of lightly enhanced powers, then the "natural runner" thing might work better.

    Good luck!
    I like these ideas Quickness and the Ninja Run power. I'll look into it.

    This ends up being a rather simple build to manage also, 3 toggles so far (level 16) and one cycle power for mez protection. everything else is quite simply attack chain. I'll be getting another power and aid self.

    2 interesting notes. someone else mentioned that you can get a PBAOE build AND a high damage single target build.

    Another had super jump + super speed, aid self and stealth added to it. If I could do both WOW! it would be a dream to me. 4 toggles, 1 heal, 1 cycle mez prot, stealth, can't be hit, high ST damage, + AOE.

    Also, I run on a Mac which doesn't have a build planner...
  8. Warknite

    Claws/SR Brute

    To start, I'm new to this game (not to mmo's) and I'm still searching for a play style I love. I'm a melee DPS guy historically, and I love soloing since I have a full-time family. Still searching for a play style that I love. I loveume Rogue's in WoW, so I assd I'd love stalker's in CoH, but I was wrong. What I loved about rogues was control, and 0 damage coming in with very high damage going out. Scrapper's are nice, but my first brute attempt (DM/WP) was so much fun. I will probably keep playing him, but I wanted to try a couple other things first before I push to 50 on my DM/WP. And thus a concept character is born (and as far as I can tell a non-standard combination).

    I love claws, conceptually. My favorite line I ever heard about fighting is "speed wins". I like the idea of not getting hit. Thus, claws/sr... Female... Think Lady Deathshrike (faster/female wolverine).

    I'm level 8 now, and I have my attack chain (first 3 + build-up) and combat jumping (quicker travel low endurance boost to defense for early level), and here's my current thought process.

    Now, so far I'm a little squishy. I'm looking at the powers and I think I want everything. But since sr blooms late I'm putting off some of SR for right now, to build the attack chain first. I'm eyeballing Air Superiority, Combat Jumping, Aid Self, and Boxing->Tough->Weave to help mitigate the squish factor in SR while I'm building. I'd prefer to have it strong all the way through for Exemplaring after I'm all the way up. Rather not have to respec. I'm willing to use the 2 build system for an uber-50 build, and a second that's a exemplaring/time-travel build.

    Here are my intentions :

    1. Attack chain
    2. Endurance
    3. Mez Prot
    4. Damage mitigation via defense
    5. Healing for defense failure/squishiness at early levels (Aid Self...)
    6. Travel powers

    Attack Chain
    • Gotta hit to do damage, so accuracy is a must, but fury is your damage boost until you don't have other priorities for your slots.
    • Build Up is a force multiplier, make sure it hits 2-3 acc, and 1 recharge to ensure it's on all the time.
    • With DOs replace an acc with endrdx in basic attacks
    • Add slots for damage later when they aren't necessary elsewhere
    • Basically, I need enough recharge to run the SR toggles full time + mez prot + run my attack chain without running my endurance to 0 therefore :
    • Stamina -> 3 EndMod
    • toggles/attack chain endrdx
    Mez Prot
    • Get it immediately at 10!
    • If endurance is tight get autopower
    • Otherwise get a toggle delay these till DOs/SOs
    • Pick up combat jumping early for a nice boost to go with the Melee toggle, spec out later if necessary
    • Early endrdx > defbuff on toggles
    • As endurance gets looser defbuff > endrdx
    • No more then 3 slots on auto
    • No more than 4 slots on toggles

    Where I'm unsure is in the following?

    • Air Superiority > Combat Jumping for damage mitigation? I like this idea because it gives soft control and can replace an attack power early
    • Boxing -> Tough -> Weave for defense purposes in the middle between SOs and IOs/Sets (16->30 range)?
    • Aid Self early to mitigate squish factor in DO levels (14-25).

    Finally for concept I like Combat Jumping + Super-Speed or no travel power at all with 2 slots to swift/run and 2 slots in hurdle and 2 in Combat Jumping. Not uber travel but fits the concept of middle of the road strength/speed increases that the character would naturally have.
  9. Warknite

    Claws/SR Brute

    To start, I'm new to this game (not to mmo's) and I'm still searching for a play style I love. I'm a melee DPS guy historically, and I love soloing since I have a full-time family. Still searching for a play style that I love. I love Rogue's in WoW, so I assumed I'd love stalker's in CoH, but I was wrong. What I loved about rogues was control, and 0 damage coming in with very high damage going out. Scrapper's are nice, but my first brute attempt (DM/WP) was so much fun. I will probably keep playing him, but I wanted to try a couple other things first before I push to 50 on my DM/WP. And thus a concept character is born (and as far as I can tell a non-standard combination).

    I love claws, conceptually. My favorite line I ever heard about fighting is "speed wins". I like the idea of not getting hit. Thus, claws/sr... Female... Think Lady Deathshrike (faster/female wolverine).

    I'm level 8 now, and I have my attack chain (first 3 + build-up) and combat jumping (quicker travel low endurance boost to defense for early level), and here's my current thought process.

    Now, so far I'm a little squishy. I'm looking at the powers and I think I want everything. But since sr blooms late I'm putting off some of SR for right now, to build the attack chain first. I'm eyeballing Air Superiority, Combat Jumping, Aid Self, and Boxing->Tough->Weave to help mitigate the squish factor in SR while I'm building. I'd prefer to have it strong all the way through for Exemplaring after I'm all the way up. Rather not have to respec. I'm willing to use the 2 build system for an uber-50 build, and a second that's a exemplaring/time-travel build.

    Here are my intentions :

    1. Attack chain
    2. Endurance
    3. Mez Prot
    4. Damage mitigation via defense
    5. Healing for defense failure/squishiness at early levels (Aid Self...)
    6. Travel powers

    Attack Chain
    • Gotta hit to do damage, so accuracy is a must, but fury is your damage boost until you don't have other priorities for your slots.
    • Build Up is a force multiplier, make sure it hits 2-3 acc, and 1 recharge to ensure it's on all the time.
    • With DOs replace an acc with endrdx in basic attacks
    • Add slots for damage later when they aren't necessary elsewhere
    • Basically, I need enough recharge to run the SR toggles full time + mez prot + run my attack chain without running my endurance to 0 therefore :
    • Stamina -> 3 EndMod
    • toggles/attack chain endrdx
    Mez Prot
    • Get it immediately at 10!
    • If endurance is tight get autopower
    • Otherwise get a toggle delay these till DOs/SOs
    • Pick up combat jumping early for a nice boost to go with the Melee toggle, spec out later if necessary
    • Early endrdx > defbuff on toggles
    • As endurance gets looser defbuff > endrdx
    • No more then 3 slots on auto
    • No more than 4 slots on toggles

    Where I'm unsure is in the following?

    • Air Superiority > Combat Jumping for damage mitigation? I like this idea because it gives soft control and can replace an attack power early
    • Boxing -> Tough -> Weave for defense purposes in the middle between SOs and IOs/Sets (16->30 range)?
    • Aid Self early to mitigate squish factor in DO levels (14-25).

    Finally for concept I like Combat Jumping + Super-Speed or no travel power at all with 2 slots to swift/run and 2 slots in hurdle and 2 in Combat Jumping. Not uber travel but fits the concept of middle of the road strength/speed increases that the character would naturally have.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
    You didnt hear this from me but.... Claws/Sr brute is awsome!! (dont tell anyone )
    Hey just made one, love to hear about it maybe in a separate thread, posting a build, interesting notes, anything that might short cut the learning curve. She's a little squishy so far the damage is great.

    I'll start the thread, love to hear about it.
  11. I just wanted to make a couple of suggestions.

    I'm at level 12 now, and I forgo the travel power, temporarily and even delay stamina to get build up, placate and divine avalanche as soon as possible.

    Divine avalanche is like the easy button, and Build Up puts you over the top for with your AS when you fight a really tough enemy. that uber first strike is a big deal at times, and I hate waiting for it.

    Those are the only two things I'd change.

    you can get a temp power in mayhem missions 5-9 and 10-14 to use for travel, and thus that delay is not a big deal, whereas in Praetoria, you don't run around that much, and there aren't any "tough" access issues that prevent relatively straight line running.

    Those are my only changes so far, I haven't run into stamina issues yet, but I'm sure I will. The big issue for me is that with stealth I can run away and wait and since I'm hidden get a decent crit as soon as the mob chasing me shows up. In the meantime I'm getting recharge and regen, regen in particular accelerates as you go through the game with additional and better enhancements, and additional powers in the regen set that improve it.