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  1. I really think it needs reiterating that it's not the size of what you've got but what you can do with it.

    Nothing wrong with a bit of humour - regardless of your age - mental or otherwise.
  2. Thanks ever so....I take your incarnate Shard and shove it right where the sun don't shine and you die a very very painful death muttering something about being bitten in the butt.

    To the person below me I give the gift of forgiveness.
  3. Heart - as in "Be still my beating heart".
  4. How kind but how futile, as I have the gift of second sight and can read anything that is hidden to normal mortals. I have a wonderful moment chanting a really, really evil death spell, then watching you writhe in agony as it begins to take affect.

    To the person below me I give my wonderful sense of humour.
  5. Because all that holy is holey.

  6. Rose - a Rose by any other name would smell as sweet - the flower obviously.
  7. Rogue - as in Rogue elephant, an elephant gone bad, a human term to describe an elephant that seperates from the herd and roams alone.
  8. Stop your blather and get on with the game.
  9. Oh! Yummy-scrummy! tyvm. Of course I give it back to you as it's the only one in the world that contains large amounts of laxitives, we know what happens next. You spend so long on the lavatory that you starve to death - may your god be with you.

    To the person below me I give all my love.
  10. Because poetry whether it is fake cake or pie lie is good.

  11. Because jumping to the wrong conclusion is another trait you got from your father.

  12. That is so good Healix.....I think Healix should win.
  13. Many thanks, however your gift backfires on you and you wait and wait and wait for ever putting off the day hoping someone will come along and put an end to eternity for you.

    To the person below me I give the gift of beauty.
  14. Because sometimes in order to see something you have to look at it properly.

  15. Warbaby


    If it is can I have a fried egg with it please, bacon is so lonely on it's own.
  16. Because your mother certainly doesn't.

  17. *Undermines the Mod summoning ritual*.... where there's no Mod there's no shutdown.
  18. Because you take after your father's side of the family.

  19. Red - as in 'in the red, in arrears or in debt'.
  20. Because it's perfectly natural for a small (if somewhat petulatant) child to be apprehensive about things they do not understand.

  21. Because good jokes are incredibly rare, but feeling stupid, silly and sad is incredibly common

  22. Because folks do that occasionally, when you grow up you will understand.
