
Caption Champ - 01/04/12
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  1. Primantiss, I tried your suggestion and it worked for me.
  2. Building a new skeleton would allow you to pose the figure in whatever pose you'd like for printing
  3. I'm curious about the tool as I think it can export animations albeit each frame as itd own obj file
  4. My first render attempt:

    I've noticed these issues with Subsurface Modelling and it may that while the obj was exported in the pose it was taken in, all the object groups are still separated.
  5. Another alternative - nightmarish, I imagine - is to export the base models in the T pose, stick them back together, and create a new skeleton for them. All the textures are there and it would just be a matter of Re-UVMapping them or pulling from the PIGG files.

    Even when you load the model all blasted apart it's very easy to re-attach the seams since the models are not very hires.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    Killerkitty, you are completely wrong. TonyV has contacted the person working on a private server offering to combine efforts. Guy Prefect is working on a tool to export characters from live servers in order to eventually import them to a private server.

    I personally don't think the Titan Network's efforts to buy the IP will work (sorry Tony, I just don't see it happening) but I respect them for trying and I'll still cheer them every step of the way. The Titan Network has done a lot for this community, and if they want to give this one try, they deserve our support.
    As I said prior, I've seen it done before - where players bought an IP/Game from the publisher and to this day continue to maintain it.

    And that was from 1999.
  7. How is LUA scripting beneficial?
  8. If I can't get the textures, no great loss.

    Also, for base edtors; this is a great way to back up your bases (although many sprites will just appears flat planes.)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    You slimy, self obsessed, self righteous, arrogant, boorish, pig-headed, rude, vulgar, uncouth, loud mouthed, back-stabbing, scum sucking, putrid and bileous little streak of vile and corrosive gobshite.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm certain that's the reason: what I haven't investigated is how to put them there correctly.
    Been a long time, but let's see if I remember this correctly:

    g 2
    v 3.443207e+001 4.647461e+000 -6.005475e+001
    v 1.277694e+001 6.548915e+000 -6.633485e+001
    v 2.688533e+001 8.735832e+000 -7.355779e+001
    f 7 8 9
    v 1.277694e+001 6.548915e+000 -6.633485e+001
    v 3.443207e+001 4.647461e+000 -6.005475e+001
    v 2.032368e+001 2.460544e+000 -5.283182e+001
    f 10 11 12

    G 2 stands for "Group 2" and in the Image and Shaders directories/files there is a corresponding image name - somewhere along the lines of Image_2D_0231_002 or so, which says that the image/texture file covers that group of faces. The image file itself should have the UV coordinates embedded in its data.

    I am also looking at GLxtractor which appears to do the same thing, but as I understand it would keep the relevant texture/shader information stored in the *.obj file - but it 1/2 worked.
  11. I believe why the models are textureless when opened in Blender is that the texture/material data is not being stored in the *.obj file. Normally at the end of the file is the information that specifies where the textures are located and essentially where they go.
  12. I highly suggest doing a demorecord in a new or empty base, using CoHDemoLauncher to launch the demo without the maps so that you'll essentially just have your character captured.
  13. Blender Notes & OpenGL Shading - I will read into this further, wanted to the share the link now.

    edit: Yikes, that's on creating "toonish" renderings.

    edit:: It seems it may be possible in the Shader Editor to save the Shader information in GLSL format and other formats.

    edit::: Why am I so curious about porting over textures and such? 3D printers also print in color and with the textures
  14. It may be possible. I was searching within the config files and is possible to export the textures with the UV coordinates but it is default set to false since there are concerns it may be buggy. Using the Shade Editor helps understand which Image/Shader file corresponds to each object file/object group.

    I'm still scouring the internet to see what options there are for importing the Shader/Image information into Blender with the *.obj file or into the Material Tree.
  15. Did you ever find a way to port over the textures/shaders with the .obj file? I've been poking through the Shaders/Images files and finding the matching pairs, so to speak, but I've yet to decipher if there is a way to import that data into Blender effectively with the models.
  16. Whenever I uncomment

    // ExtensionOverride = ("GLExtOverride/GLExtOverride.dll")
    // {
    // RemoveExtensions = (GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_ARB_fragment_program);
    // }

    My client keeps crashing on launch?
  17. I've discovered adding OpenGLShaderEdit = ("GLShaderEdit/GLShaderEdit.dll") under Plugins helps me identify which textures go to what mesh.

    I put one of my toons in an empty base and a did a brief -demorecord that I looped. I had the demo load and exclude the map so that it is just totally my character. When I launch the demo file, before I CTRL SHIFT F to capture the scene I used CTRL SHIFT S to bring up GLIsciTE.exe.

    One box to check off is "Show Shader Usage." As you click on each item in the menu it will blink -in game- what the shader refers to.
  18. Actually, it occurred to me to use a demorecord file and then use the CoHDemoLauncher.

    Under "Demo Doctor" there's an option to not load the map and I will see if that helps in just capturing my character.
  19. I realized I hadn't forgotten to rename the bin to OGLE and all that. Works fine now. Just importing to Blender and finding that every single LOD version of every model loads with it.

    I haven't tried it yet but I will shortly, but I recommend if you are looking to capture your characters - do it in your base. Smaller maps. Less to save/load. Will let you know how it went.
  20. Got it to work smoothly but .obj files were generated it seems.
  21. Installed it but it runs my game to crawl.
  22. After more digging discovered that 3DX Ripper is incompatible with City of Heroes, despite many attempts.