
Caption Champ - 01/04/12
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  1. Video is up - don't know why Youtube is refusing to upload my videos in their original HD format tonight (should be at least 1080p.)

    This is a mock-up of a character on a support base. The cape could be connected to the base, or the base extended to support the cape. The cape could also be baked using the cloth simulator and that would give it more points of contact with the core model for support.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    I tried putting

    CaptureTextureCoords = True;

    in gliConfig.ini. It generates UVs, but it's got some problems. Some of the UV coordinates (presumably for unmapped polygons, but I don't know) have math errors like #QNAN and #Inf leaking through to the output file. Once those are corrected, the model still doesn't match what's seen in game:

    What 3D program are using? Also it looks like it is trying to repeat the face texture multiple times across the area.

    Oh, video rendered, uploading to Youtube.
  3. We could organize a project on the Titans forums to maybe assemble a group to work on this?

    Have to re-render the whole animation; I wasn't being attentive and render each frame... to the same image file.
  4. Blender also offers some interesting options - like fracture. So you could get the effect of the character fracture the ground (or pedestal) they stand on - or a wall.

    It occurred to me you could render what would be L shaped scenes - a backdrop and a floor "scene" area with your character in it - or in action. These would be small to print, though.
  5. Actually it's rendering wickedly fast. It's rendering each frame at 0.06 so it should take about 40 minutes to an hour.
  6. Rendering an animation currently of how figures could be posted on a stand with a character name. Should be done in a few hours (630 frames - 360 rotation)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    Does this go for Clockwork Chest details and Celestial Chest details?
    Ah, details like Radiant Ascension Armor - where you have the floating glowing detail - will just export as the surface it is on.

    The guy in the back on the right side used Radiant Ascension armor IIRC and where the glowing pieces were exported as the object the transparent decal was mapped to. I had taken the floating detail off of his one shoulder but not the other and you can still see it floating.

    In a later render attempt I did some more removal of floating pieces that required decals.

    We could, however, find the texture for that decal, stencil it and then bend it into that shape - but we could need to create posts that would anchor it to the model for printing purposes.
  8. If they are modeled - like the skull chest details - then the geometry should export. If it is an image with transparency details, then no.

    However, we could stencil some of the chest details and then create an extrusion from that - but as I said - if the chest is turning, twisting, or bending - then it won't really work. Unless you boolean the detail to the chest and then pose it.
  9. The only things that can't be printed are the decal items - if you see the picture I posted of the male hero you'll see a squarish plate on his chest - that's where the Chest Detail decal went, and while it was mostly invisible it will export as a square plane.

    So chest decals are lost in the export process. It is possible, however, to recreate them in a 3D format so that they can extrude from the chest and be visible in the printing process - but they wouldn't bend with the shape of the chest.
  10. Alternatively we could work collectively to capture and create a library of sorts using the OGLE method. The tedious part would be to create the skeleton and poses
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Very. Although I'm weaker on 3.x because I'm old and curmudgeny and 3.x can get off my 2.x lawn.
    Good, because I have no knowledge or mind for it. Do you think it would be possible to create a python script that could read CoH costume files and then - assuming there was a complete library of costume parts - create a model from that by pulling the parts from a designated library?
  12. Arcana, are you knowledgeable with Python Scripting?
  13. Copied and pasted Arcana's posts and Primantiss' posts on the Titan Networks forums as a back-up
  14. Well, if we can manage to port out each costume piece (in the T-Pose.) build a new skeleton system, work on poses/etc. - it may be possible. We'd need a (python?) script that could read costume file information and swap in the appropriate costume piece geometry.

    What'd go on from that point would be the artistry aspect. The models, once made more hi-res, can be sculpted on a case by case basis. I.e. more detailed faces, costume pieces, bases for the statues etc.

    Oh, I'm home from the dentist now.
  15. Ill be fine. I uave root canals befor and thry nevrr bothersx. Just aiting for the drilling to stop
  16. Getting a root canal atm, but when i grt home i will try to work ip A dummies guide
  17. Printing my main from Shapeways, after smoothing, would cost me between $39 - $700 depending on the mayerials and finished. Those are the prices after uploading a copy.
  18. Were there any plans for Ghost Widow to at some point "Go Rogue" from Arachnos?
  19. After you mentioned the double cape effect I found eliminating the interior one helped with the issues I was having.
  20. Also, cloth materials - capes, skirts, dare I say: hair - could be baked to adjust to the position the figure is posed in.

    VFX/GFX like powers could also be worked in, possibly, since some of Blenders Particle Systems do work like solid objects; like fluids for instance.
  21. Durrrrh, forgot about /suppressCloseFxDist

  22. Snapped this on Live in Dark Astoria (Villain Stance 1). Spent forever removing those floating flat planes; I do believe it is possible to either disable them on Live or if I saw in one of the Plugin Configs, it won't save square planes - I'll double check.

    I gave my character, center, some subsurface love - but the cape had some issues even with double vertices removed. The poor guy in the back lost his hands while I unburied him the *********** of planes all around him, but I gave him some subsurf love too.

    It would be possible to "save" moments - group scenes - along with the surrounding scenery and print them. Even if Textures/Materials can't be imported it is possible to color group regions.
  23. Now I just need to find out how to re-map the textures that are pulled from the model and how to work the Material information.

    For those looking to Figure Print, it'd be worth it, I imagine, to export the character in the busted T pose, seam it back together, create a skeleton, and create any desired you pose you'd like.